Chapter 8
Chen Bing originally wanted Zhou Dahai to carry him, but seeing Zhou Dahai's thin appearance, he said, "You sit in the back, and I will carry you."

Chen Bing held the handlebars of the bicycle with both hands. He never thought that he could go back to the bicycle era.

Chen Bing was riding on the car, and Zhou Dahai put his arms around Chen Bing's waist, looking a little ambiguous. If Yang Xue was sitting behind Chen Bing and hugged him like this, he would feel more comfortable.

"Dahai, can you put your hands in another position, I am very uncomfortable."

Zhou Dahai let out a cry, and quickly let go of his hand.

Chen Bing rode to the entrance of the department store, stopped the car, and said, "Wait here for a while, I will come as soon as I go."

Chen Bing went in and bought two bottles of Double Happiness and two bottles of Jianlibao. After paying, he came out and handed the cigarettes and Jianlibao to Zhou Dahai.

Zhou Dahai looked confused: "Bingge, why are you buying so many things?"

"Double Happiness is for your old man, Jianlibao, let's drink it together."

Jianlibao was a very popular drink in the 80s, once becoming the best sports drink and state banquet drink in the country.

Chen Bing stared at Jianlibao, and when I got rich that day, I would also make a drink to compete with Jianlibao.

"Bingge, you are so awesome!" Zhou Dahai opened Jianlibao and poured most of the bottle into his stomach in one go: "I was a little thirsty when I watched the video just now, and I wanted to buy a bottle of soda, but I was reluctant, hehehe."

Chen Bing stepped on the bicycle, kicked his feet vigorously, and the bicycle moved forward rapidly: "Dahai, follow brother well, I will definitely make you popular and spicy, and drink soda every day."

After hearing this, Zhou Dahai said happily, "Brother, don't give these two Double Happiness to my old man, let's just enjoy them."

Chen Bing pedaled a few times, feeling a little out of breath. Also, the boss, who was used to riding a bicycle, suddenly pedaled a bicycle with someone sitting behind him. No one could bear it.

"No, I want to use these two cigarettes to let your old man do things for us." Chen Bing said.

"Brother, what's the matter, the ceremony is so heavy?"

As soon as Chen Bing spoke, it was a little difficult, and he stopped the car: "You ride."

Zhou Dahai got out of the car helplessly, handed the things to Chen Bing, took the handle of the car, and rode on.

His grandma's, although Zhou Dahai is thin and thin, his riding is really unusual.

Chen Bing sat on the back seat, hehe hehe said with a smile: "The feeling of riding in a car is really cool."

"Bingge, can you tell me now?"

"Let your father find someone to dig scorpions for me?"

"Digging scorpions?" Zhou Dahai asked in surprise.

"Yes, dig the scorpion and ride the bike quickly." Chen Bing ordered.

Daliang Village is twenty miles away from the county seat, and it takes only one hour to arrive.

After riding for such a long time, Chen Bing's butt hurt from sitting, but Zhou Dahai didn't seem tired.

Zhou Dahai rode his bike to a big black gate and stopped.

Chen Bing got out of the car, carried his things, and stared at the big black gate.

Zhou Dahai stopped the car, walked forward, and quickly slammed on the door: "Mom, Mom, open the door, open the door."

Zhou Dahai howled, causing the dogs in the yard to bark.

In the 80s, it was a problem for ordinary villagers to eat, let alone keep a dog. Those who could keep a dog were either rich or expensive.

The black-painted wooden door opened, and a woman in her forties appeared. The woman was wearing a denim shirt and looked very handsome. She was none other than Zhou Dahai's mother, Zhang Aiju.

When Zhang Aiju saw Zhou Dahai, her face turned into a smile: "Dahai, why are you back?"

After Zhang Aiju asked, she saw Chen Bing behind Zhou Dahai: "Who is this?"

Chen Bing hurried forward: "Auntie, my name is Chen Bing, and I am a good friend of Dahai."

Zhang Aiju stared at the things in Chen Bing's hands: "Come in quickly, you child, come as soon as you come, and take things."

"Is my dad here? Brother Bing is here to find my dad."

"Your father is here, go in and talk."

Zhang Aiju stepped out of the way, and Chen Bing stepped in.

At this moment, a big yellow dog rushed out. Chen Bing was startled, and quickly backed away. Unexpectedly, there was a wooden stick behind him, and he staggered and almost fell down.

Zhang Aiju quickly took a step forward, blocked the yellow dog, and cursed: "You dead dog, everyone will bite you."

The big yellow dog was reprimanded by the owner, and got into the den in desperation.

At this time, a honest voice shouted: "Who is it?"

"A friend of the sea."

This is the voice of Zhou Xiaodong, Zhou Dahai's father.

"The sea is back?"

"Dad, I'm back."

Zhou Dahai carried the bicycle into the yard for fear of being stolen.

In those days, there were many thieves who stole bicycles, so don't be careless.

Chen Bing walked quickly towards the house where the sound came from.

Entering the house, Chen Bing saw a bald man in his 40s sitting on a rattan chair, holding a purple sand teapot in his hand, drinking tea with his mouth open.

"Uncle Zhou, I'm Chen Bing, Dahai's good friend."

Zhou Xiaodong stared at the things in Chen Bing's hands.

Chen Bing immediately understood: "Uncle Zhou, seeing you for the first time, I didn't know what to bring you, so I bought you two Double Happiness."

Zhou Xiaodong stood up slowly, hehehe laughed and said, "I heard Dahai told you that you took good care of him."

At this time, Zhou Dahai walked in: "Dad, my good friend Bingzi, we have a good relationship. He has something to do with you today."

Zhou Xiaodong is so smart. Although the village director is not a big official, he still manages the food and drink of thousands of people.

"What's the matter, sit down and talk?" Zhou Xiaodong was very straightforward.

"Uncle Zhou, it's like this. Dahai said that you are very prestigious in our Daliang Village, so I want to use your prestige to collect scorpions."

"What? Collect scorpions?" Zhou Xiaodong was surprised.

Zhou Dahai walked up to Chen Bing and tugged at Chen Bing's sleeve: "Brother Bing, the scorpion is very poisonous."

In the 80s, although poisonous substances such as scorpions have been used as medicine, the amount is not very large. In addition, Ningzheng County is relatively remote, and the villagers really don't know that scorpions can be used as medicine.

Zhou Xiaodong stared at Chen Bing again. His suit and leather shoes, his leather shoes were polished, his hair was combed smooth, and his extraordinary temperament. If he was not with his son, Zhou Xiaodong would really think that Chen Bing was a big boss.

"Uncle Zhou, the scorpions in our Daliang Village are big, highly poisonous, and have great medicinal value. I want to ask Uncle Zhou to spread the word and let the villagers dig up the scorpions. Then I buy them. I will give Uncle Zhou 2 cents per catty of scorpions. Lee, how is it?"

Chen Bing has been in business all his life, so of course he understands the true meaning of the fact that the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

When Zhou Xiaodong heard that there was a profit of [-] cents, he immediately laughed like a flower: "You and my Dahai are friends. If there is any profit or loss, as long as Uncle Zhou can help you, he will definitely help you."

Chen Bing stepped forward and held Zhou Xiaodong's hand tightly: "Thank you Uncle Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely not miss your benefits."

(End of this chapter)

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