Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 60 The magic height is 1 zhang

Chapter 60

Chen Bing took out 2 yuan from his pocket and put it on the table: "Director Zhao, the price of the hired person is higher, don't worry about the money, the money is earned, not saved."

Take people's money to save people's disasters.

When Zhao Ming saw the 2 yuan, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Mr. Chen, you don't need so much. Two or three incidents in one county. Calculated on a daily basis, even if there are ten people, it will cost more than 300 yuan and less than [-] yuan."

"Take it, this time it's different from Gu Gong, give more, and contact the newspapers in the counties, and give corresponding remuneration, otherwise, their writing skills will not be sharp, and their reports will not be good. towards us."

"I understand Mr. Chen."

Zhao Ming came out with 2 yuan and immediately raised his head.

He's never been more confident than he is now.

He is an old man who followed Wang Longhu to build Jiahe Cannery. In his mind, Wang Longhu is a good person, but he is too conservative in his work.

At that time, there was only one canning factory in the whole city, and they made a lot of money. However, when Yehai Canning Factory appeared, Jiahe Canning was defeated.

Such a boss is vulnerable in the competition.

Facts also proved that after the Yehai canned food factory was established, Wang Longhu was beaten so helplessly by Zhang Boqing's series of attacks that he didn't even save his life.

However, now that Zhao Ming saw Chen Bing's series of actions, he believed that Jiahe Cannery would defeat Yehai Cannery.

Early the next morning, Chen Bing was sitting in the office. He knew that there would be a big event today, and today's event would catch Zhang Boqing by surprise.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhao Ming called: "Mr. Chen, I have arranged everything. I have arranged three places in each county. After three o'clock, they will complain of stomachache. Department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives complained that the quality of the canned Ye Hai they bought was substandard and caused stomach pains, and when the time comes, newspapers in various counties will follow up and report!"

Chen Bing rubbed his hands together and shouted: "Okay, when you report here, Yu Bo, the editor-in-chief of the City Daily, will take a team to interview the Yehai Cannery. reports of cannibalism."

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, this is a brilliant move. I wonder if the Yehai Cannery will be closed down in the market?"

Chen Bing patted his hands on the table lightly. Damn it, it would be great if it was sealed. If there was such a big problem in a cannery or an enterprise in the previous life, it would definitely be blocked. However, in the 80s, it was different up.

The current Yehai Canned Food Factory is a star enterprise in the city. It not only pays taxes to the city, but also solves the employment problem. How could the city seal such a company?

Although the punishment in the market is simple, Ye Hai canned food will plummet in the eyes of the common people. If a food is not tasty, the common people will scold their mothers after buying it. However, if there is a problem with the quality of a food, the common people will definitely I will not buy it, and I will definitely inform the four parties.

Hehehehe, this is a brilliant move.

At 03:30 in the afternoon, Zhao Ming called again: "Mr. Chen, the event has already started, and newspapers from all over the world are rushing there."

As soon as Chen Bing hung up Zhao Ming's phone call, He Mei came to the office: "Mr. Chen, the people sent came back and reported that the editor-in-chief Yu Bo of Yangqing Daily is leading reporters to interview Yehai Cannery."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, very good, Director He, please notify Director Yang immediately to increase production!"

He Mei nodded and left.

"Hehehehe, Zhang Boqing, what I did is enough for you to drink a pot."

Ye Hai Cannery.

Yu Bo took four or five reporters along with cameras, and took pictures as he walked.

Zhang Boqing followed behind with a smile on his face: "Editor-in-Chief Yu, let's go to the reception room to rest for a while. You haven't had lunch yet. I've already prepared meals at the Yangqing Hotel."

Yu Bo waved his hand lightly.

"Mr. Zhang, can I understand this?"

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he quickly bent over: "Editor-in-Chief Yu, please tell me."

"My understanding is that in the dry food industry, let's not talk about the taste of the food. The first thing to ensure is safety, hygiene, and health. Are you right?"

Zhang Boqing's complexion changed: "Editor-in-Chief Yu is right, our factory has always adhered to this concept to create hygienic, healthy and safe food, hehehe, Editor-in-Chief Yu, let's go eat!"

"Xiao Liu, take a picture of this pile of rotten apples!"

A bunch of flies were buzzing on a pile of rotten apples.

Zhang Boqing's face became ugly: "Editor Yu, what is this for? These are the discarded apple peels, apple cores, and picked out rotten apples."

"Mr. Zhang, as we said just now, the most important thing for a food is to ensure health. But, if you look at your factory, can you still talk about health? There are rotten apples and pears everywhere, and flies are everywhere. Go down If this is reported by the superiors, our daily newspaper cannot escape the responsibility, after all, a local newspaper is responsible for the supervision of your company."

"Understood!" Zhang Boqing still lowered his head: "Grandma, I don't know where I offended this god!"

At this time, Qi Bocheng, the general manager of Yehai Canned Food Factory, came to Zhang Boqing in a panic: "Mr. Zhang, something happened!"

Zhang Boqing frowned slightly: "What's the matter?"

"boss Zhang."

Seeing Ai Ai during Qi Bocheng's conversation, Zhang Boqing turned his head to Bo and said, "Editor Yu, wait a moment, I'll come as soon as I go."

Yu Bo smiled slightly: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, that's all for today, I have to go to other places to see."

"Director Yu, leave after eating!" Zhang Boqing hurriedly persuaded him to stay.

"No, time is tight today, I still have to visit Jiahe Cannery."

After Yu Bo finished speaking, he turned and left.

After Yu Bo left, Zhang Boqing said, "What's the matter?"

"Mr. Zhang, something serious happened!" Qi Bocheng said nervously.

"what's up?"

"Our canned food will eat people up!"

Zhang Boqing was shocked when he heard this. This is really a big deal, and what he fears most about food is the safety issue.

"when did it happen?"

"Just now, I heard that there was a problem with our batch of canned food, and people had stomach pains after eating it. Now people in ten counties and districts have stomach pains one after another. They are now making trouble in front of various small shops, department stores, and supply and marketing cooperatives. Woolen cloth!"

"Then hurry to the hospital!" Zhang Boqing said again.

"It involves a lot of people, and I don't know what's going on. When the seller calls, I'll report it right away!"

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he slapped the stone table next to him: "Hurry up and get back in touch!"

(End of this chapter)

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