Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 61 Winning So Simple

Chapter 61 Winning So Simple

Using people's money to eliminate disasters for others, at this time, reporters from various county newspapers were interviewing people with stomachaches.

In Chen Bing's office.

Chen Bing and Zhao Ming sat face to face: "Director Zhao, you did a good job this time."

Zhao Ming was praised, and his face was full of joy.

"Have those people been settled?"

"It was settled, they all went to the hospital, and no matter who asked them, they would say that they had stomach pains."

"What if the hospital can't find out the symptoms?"

"It's easy to say, the patient just said, stomachache."

Chen Bing nodded again.

"Tomorrow, will the reports from various counties come out?"

"Mr. Chen, don't worry. I've already told them. They said that they will finish the draft right away. This matter will definitely appear in the newspaper tomorrow."

Chen Bing nodded again: "Okay, okay, well done, I have a contract here, take a look!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he took out a contract from his desk pocket.

"Mr. Chen, what is this?"


Zhao Ming opened it and took a quick look: "Mr. Chen, are we going to sign a contract with a department store?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, we have to sign contracts with department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens, so that they only sell our family's canned food!"

After Zhao Ming heard this, he immediately stood up straight: "Mr. Chen, how is this possible?"

"How is this impossible? Our Jiahe canned food is in full swing and the supply is in short supply. Yehai canned food has quality problems. People in all counties in the city have stomach pains after eating it. How can they not sign at this time?"

"Mr. Chen."

"Don't talk about it, go sign it. If anyone doesn't sign it, don't supply it. In Yangqing City, there are only two kinds of canned food, ours and Ye Hai. There is a problem with Ye Hai's canned food. They dare not sell it. They don't sign it. Contract, we will not supply them."

It's fucking hard!
"Mr. Chen, I'll do it right away. Department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives can say that the person in charge understands the law, but even if those small shops sign, they may not be able to fulfill it."

"I know that signing the contract cannot completely block the sales of Ye Hai's canned food, but we must take the initiative and let those canned food sellers know that the initiative is in our hands."

Zhao Ming nodded again: "Understood Mr. Chen."

When Zhao Ming took the contract and left, Chen Bing said again: "You first tell those who are willing to sign contracts with us, don't say that if you don't sign, you won't supply the goods."

"What do you say?"

Chen Bing rubbed his temples: "You put it this way, after signing the contract, we will reduce the price of each bottle of canned food by [-] cents on top of the free price. If you don't sign, then there will be no such discount."

Zhao Ming nodded again, damn it, this Chen Bing is really good!

"Print more contracts. In the past two days, the task of your sales department is to sign the contract, and your task is to monitor the movements of Yehai Cannery."

Zhao Ming nodded again.

50 bottles of canned food, I want you to pour all the 50 bottles of canned food into the stinky ditch.

The next day, Zhang Boqing's office.

Zhang Boqing's hair was disheveled, his eye sockets were sunken, his tie was on one side, and the ashtray on the table was full of cigarette butts.

General Manager Qi Bocheng was the same, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do? Now all the counties are calling, saying that there is something wrong with our cans and they want to return them. The 50 bottles of cans we recently produced not only failed to sell, but also returned the cans that were previously placed in department stores and canteens. The cans were also sent back, estimated to be 60 bottles, and now we have [-] cans in hand."

After Qi Bocheng spoke, Zhang Boqing didn't say a word.

"Mr. Zhang, regarding the problem of stomach pains caused by people who ate our canned food this time, newspapers were published in all counties. Yesterday, Editor-in-Chief Yu from the City Daily led a team to interview our cannery, and it was also published in the newspaper. The newspaper said that our cannery is dirty and disregarding the health of the people, rotten apples and pears are scattered all over the floor, and flies are flying everywhere. Now our Yehai cannery is a rotten street, and everyone is afraid to avoid it.”

Zhang Boqing's eyes lit up when he heard Editor-in-Chief Yu: "You said the interview with Editor-in-Chief Yu has also been reported?"

"Look, this is the Yangqing Daily this morning!" Qi Bocheng handed over the newspaper.

Zhang Boqing looked at it seriously, and tapped the table lightly with both hands: "This is the enemy's conspiracy!

"Enemy?" Qi Bocheng was a little confused.

"If my guess is right, it was all planned by Chen Bing!"

"Chen Bing planned it?" Qi Bocheng asked again.

"If you don't say that Yu Bo's interview also appeared in the newspaper, I still don't believe that it was planned by Chen Bing. Now that Yu Bo's interview has also appeared in the newspaper, it means that Chen Bing planned it. I didn't expect this kid to be so cruel. , so young, so experienced in doing things, one after another, people can't avoid it."

After hearing this, Qi Bocheng slammed his fist on the table: "Bastard, if it's really Chen Bing, he's competing maliciously, I'll go find him!"

Looking at Qi Bocheng's leaving back, Zhang Boqing roared angrily, "Stop!"

Qi Bocheng's face turned livid: "Mr. Zhang, this is a conspiracy and malicious competition. I'm going to find Chen Bing and ask Chen Bing to give us an explanation."

Zhang Boqing did not appear so manic, but smiled slightly: "This is the shopping mall. It is said that the shopping mall is like a battlefield. Sometimes the shopping mall is more cruel than the battlefield. Just yesterday, we were still looking forward to a bright future, and we were still looking forward to breaking out of the country." , but today, the factory had a major crisis.

Manager Qi, you have to know that you are now the general manager of Ye Hai. You must use your brain when doing things, and you must not be reckless. Now is not the era of reckless, and the opponents we meet are not reckless opponents, so we have to change our strategy. . "

"Mr. Zhang, tell me, I will do whatever you want me to do. In short, the factory cannot close down." Qi Bocheng asked.

"Let's wait for a while and see what the other party does."

"Then what about our 60 cans?"

"It's definitely not going to be sold now, let's put it in the warehouse first."

"I can't even fit in the warehouse." Qi Bocheng said hastily.

"If you can't let it go, let it go, tell the production department, and give the employees a vacation."

Qi Bocheng could only nod.

No wonder Wang Longhu would lose, Zhang Boqing has the capital to win, first of all, he is stronger than Wang Longhu in mentality.

Zhao Ming printed a large bundle of the contract, and he asked all the sales department staff to divide into five groups and go to various counties to sign the contract.

Department stores and canteens that signed a contract to sell only Jiahe one can on the spot, the supply will be reduced by [-] cents per bottle.

Because canned Ye Hai has been noisy all over the city, not to mention that customers don’t buy canned Ye Hai, even department stores and canteens dare not sell it, fearing that there will be real problems again.

Therefore, 90.00% of nine department store concession stands have signed the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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