Chapter 62
In Yangqing Hotel.

Chen Bing and Wei Dong sat face to face.

"Mr. Chen, what a handwriting! Hehehe."

Chen Bing filled up the cup in front of Wei Dong: "Wei Chu, I really don't understand what a good handwriting is."

"Hehehe, you and my brother, if you still say such things, then you simply don't believe me?"

Chen Bing picked up the cup: "Wei Chu, let's drink this."

Wei Dong picked up his cup and touched it with Chen Bing.

"Mr. Chen, when you called Yu Bo for an interview, I knew you were going to attack Yehai Canned Food Factory. Hehehe, this kind of thing happened right after that. That night, Yu Bo came to me and asked me what was the relationship between you and me. Don’t let the dirty and unsanitary issues of the Yehai cannery be reported.”

"Wei Chu, you said Yu Bo asked you?"

"I've asked, in fact, Zhang Boqing has worked hard on Yu Bo, but Yu Bo has a very close relationship with me, and I have a very close relationship with Mr. Chen. In addition, my old classmate Huang Youwei's earnest warning, He chose Mr. Chen."

"Hehehe, then I want to thank Wei Chu, don't worry, as I said, I will have a big gift to thank Wei Chu, and I will definitely send it another day."

Wei Dong refilled Chen Bing and the glass in front of him: "Thank you, I'm waiting for a gift from Mr. Chen."

"Okay, but, Wei Chu, there is something I want to ask."

Chen Bing was holding the wine glass in his hand.

"Say, you and my brother, don't be polite, just ask directly if you have anything to say."

"Wei Chu, why didn't the city investigate such a big incident at Yehai Canned Food Factory, and why didn't your enterprise management office investigate? If this really caused a fatality, at that time, can you get away with it?"

After Chen Bing said that, Wei Dong actually laughed: "Hehehe, have you heard that the centipede is dead but not stiff? Besides, the centipede in Yehai Cannery is not dead yet, you boy, I'm too impatient, Yehai Cannery can’t be killed all at once.”

"Yes, yes, if you can't kill me, I don't mean that either?"

"Enterprises need to coexist. The city wants your two enterprises to coexist, pay taxes together, promote employment together, and contribute to the prosperity of Yangqing City."

"Yes, yes, yes, I will follow the arrangement of the market!" Chen Bing said again.

The two drank until eight o'clock in the evening.

Holding his wine glass, Wei Dong said, "Mr. Chen, everyone knows what happened this time, and you were the one who manipulated it. Hehehe, my brother told you, it's better to get rid of enemies than tie them up. Now that you've got a place, let's do business well, right? It is necessary to kill the opponent."

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "I understand what you said, but do you know Zhang Boqing?"

"Know a little bit."

"He is also a ruthless person. Otherwise, Wang Longhu, the former boss of Jiahe Cannery Factory, would not have died. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps blowing. You and I are brothers. Let me tell you the truth. In Yangqing City, there can only be one The surviving cannery is Jiahe Cannery!"

The look on Chen Bing's face made Wei Dong shudder.

"Brother, you and I are brothers, you just need to know these words."

Early the next morning, Chen Bing came to the company.

Zhao Ming pushed the door open and entered.

"Mr. Chen."

"How about it, looks good!"

Zhao Ming put a bundle of contracts on Chen Bing's table: "Mr. Chen, this is a signed contract. When I proposed that if the contract is signed, each bottle can be reduced by 90.00 cents, they all rushed to sign it, and finally counted it. , [-]% of the department stores and canteens have signed contracts, hehehe, now that we have the contract in hand, we are no longer afraid of no market!"

"Good job."

"Mr. Chen, you said that you will give me three days off after defeating Yehai Cannery."

Chen Bing stared at Zhao Ming's eyes: "So, are you asking for leave today?"

Zhao Ming nodded: "Mr. Chen, that's what you said."

"Then let me ask you, is the Yehai Canned Food Factory defeated?"

"We lost, look, now the entire Yangqing City is filled with canned food from our Jiahe Cannery."

"Hehehehe, that's called defeat? They haven't gone bankrupt yet, and they still have abundant funds, so they haven't lost yet, and they're still very strong."

Chen Bing's words made Zhao Ming stand on the ground.

"Mr. Chen, have we all signed contracts with department stores and canteens?"

Chen Bing stood up and pointed to the contract: "Director Zhao, this contract is a piece of shit. The bosses of those canteens are shrewd and will keep the canned food from other factories in the dark. Therefore, it is impossible to completely block it, as long as it is completely blocked." If they don't die, the other party can survive. Besides, Zhang Boqing has other ways to get Ye Hai Cannery out of the predicament. '

Zhao Ming was secretly surprised. After all this, how can he get out of the predicament?

Chen Bing looked into Zhao Ming's eyes and knew that he didn't believe it: "The brand of canned food Ye Hai is considered a stinking street. If I were Zhang Boqing, I would completely give up the brand of canned food Ye Hai and register a new brand at this time."

"It can still be done like this!" Zhao Ming was surprised again.

"Yes, I originally said that it is impossible for Yehai Cannery to dump all the 50 bottles of canned food it produces into the stinky ditch!"

Zhao Ming knew that his brain could not keep up with Chen Bing's, so he listened carefully.

"If they really register a new brand, they can still compete with us in the market by tearing off the label and putting on a new one."

"Mr. Chen, what should we do next?"

"Price war, a price war that burns money."

"According to you, our contract is useless at all?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "It has a certain effect, but the other party's price cannot be supported. If the other party's price is low, those bosses will give up the contract."

"After signing the contract, if they don't abide by the contract, we can sue them."

"Are you stupid, let's sue them? At that time, the disadvantage is us, the court will judge us to be a monopoly, so the contract can only work partly, not all of it.

If we want to completely defeat the Ye Hai Canned Food Factory, we still have to fight a price war, and beat Ye Hai Canned Food until it has no money and bankrupt it. At that time, it will be difficult for Ye Hai Canned Food to turn around again! "

Zhao Ming was trembling when he heard it. Damn it, after hearing what Chen Bing said, the next stick will be the real tough battle, and it will be a real life-and-death battle.

"So, when you said you asked for leave, did it not come?"

"Mr. Chen, how long will this take?" Zhao Ming knew that it was not appropriate for him to ask, but he really didn't know what to do. He really didn't want to live the life he used to.

"At least a few months, at most two or three years, this battle will be over." Chen Bing said flatly.

"Then will we win?"

"We must win!" Chen Bing said.

The next day, after Chen Bing arranged everything, he went back to the medicinal material purchasing station. He knew that there would be a bigger battle to be fought, so he planned to stop the medicinal material purchasing when he went back this time.

(End of this chapter)

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