Chapter 64
Chen Bing rented the second floor.

It was already very late at night, but Chen Bing found out that the lights in the house were still on, and the two of them were still awake at this hour.

I must be waiting for myself, I didn't say anything back!

Chen Bing walked to the door and knocked lightly.

"I beg you, just let my mother and I go, tomorrow, I beg my man to go back to the county and never stay here again!"

When Chen Bing heard something wrong, he quickly shouted: "Xiaoxue, open the door, Xiaoxue, open the door, I am a soldier!"

Chen Bing took out the key and opened the door while shouting.

At this time, Yang Xue crouched in the corner with Guoguo in her arms.

Damn, the whole house is in a mess, as if it has been burglarized.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter?"

Xiaoxue cried when she saw Chen Bing.

She quickly got out of bed and ran to Chen Bing: "Bingzi, I beg you, let's go back, this is not where we stay!"

Chen Bing knew that something had happened, but he didn't know what happened. He put his hands on Yang Xue's shoulders and tried his best to calm Yang Xue's mood.

"Tell me, what happened?"

"Don't ask, please, let's go back!"

Chen Bing saw his daughter Guoguo huddled in the corner of the bed, and he ran over quickly: "Guoguo, tell Dad, what's wrong?"

"Father, these uncles are so fierce, I want you to leave quickly, otherwise, I will kill you with a car and throw me and my mother from the sixth floor!"

Guoguo's little face turned pale, and she was frightened at first sight.

"Who are they?" Chen Bing asked again.

Yang Xue shook her head slightly: "I don't know, four or five people, one of them is very fat, they all call him an elephant!"

"Fucking elephant, it's still called a crocodile!"

"What else did they say?" Chen Bing continued to ask.

Yang Xue seemed to be frightened and stuttered: "They also said, you are grabbing the market, where did you come from, go back where you came from, otherwise, a car will hit you to death, and Guoguo and I will be thrown from the sixth floor. go down!"

As soon as Yang Xue finished speaking, Guoguo said, "Father, that uncle is so fierce, he even kicked his mother, and said that his mother is beautiful, and he would feel so comfortable being his woman."

Chen Bing frowned slightly, clenched his fists, and said secretly: "Zhang Boqing, you don't play cards according to the fucking rules, so don't blame me for being rude."

Chen Bing gently put his arms around Yang Xue's shoulders: "Xiaoxue, don't be afraid, I have everything!"

At this time, Yang Xue's shoulders were trembling: "Bingzi, I beg you, let's go back to the county, I have a salary now, and I will support you! Is that okay?"

Chen Bing gently put his arms around Yang Xue, trying to calm Yang Xue's mind.

All night, Chen Bing hugged Yang Xue.

Early the next morning, Chen Bing personally drove Yang Xue to the textile factory, and then drove to the factory. If his guess was correct, something must have happened to the factory last night.

Sure enough, Chen Bing came to the factory, and the factory gate was full of people.

Before he came to the front, someone saw him: "Mr. Chen is here, Mr. Chen is here!"

"What's going on here?"

Both Zhao Ming and Yang Fang had bandages on their heads.

The two of them saw Chen Bing, and quickly came to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, our factory was smashed, woo woo woo, we contacted you, but we failed!"

Yang Fang cried directly.

Zhao Ming is a man, and he didn't cry, but clenched his fists tightly, with a vicious look on his brows.

As expected, these bastards first smashed the house, and then the factory. This is to force me, Chen Bing, to give up!

Grandma, with such a trick, you can force me to give up, don't even think about it!

"Who did it?"

Fire spewed from Chen Bing's eyes.

Zhao Ming is the director of the sales department. He usually contacts a wide range of people and knows many people.

"Mr. Chen, it's an elephant!"

"Elephant?" Chen Bing asked back.

"Yes, the elephant is called Brother Xiang, and he is very famous in Yangqing. Our side is his sphere of influence."

Yang Xue said that last night there was a very fat man, others called him Brother Xiang, it seems that this man is undoubtedly an elephant.


"Is anyone else injured?" Chen Bing asked again.

"Workers in several workshops were injured, and they were injured to protect the machines." Yang Fang cried: "Those people are too cruel. They came up and smashed the machines without saying a word. Our workers rely on Those who rely on the machine to support their families, how can we let them smash the machine, just protect the machine, if they can’t smash the machine, they hit people, and our workers are injured.”

Chen Bing quickly ran towards the workshop. At this time, the workshop was in a mess, and many workers were staring at the door with sticks in their hands.

When Chen Bing saw this scene, it was a bit like the feat of workers protecting the factory during the Republic of China.

"Is this what the elephant did?" Chen Bing asked again.

Zhao Ming quickly came over: "Mr. Chen, it was the elephant who did it. Last night, we had three shifts of workers, and only the third shift was left. The other workers were off work. Because we sold too fast these two days, The market was expanding too fast, and I was still busy, and when I was busy, I heard noises, and I went down to have a look, and there was a fight."

"Did you call the police?" Chen Bing asked again.

"Mr. Chen, report it, but the police haven't arrived yet."

Chen Bing frowned slightly.

"Director Zhao, Director Yang, first send the injured workers to the hospital for treatment. During the treatment period, the wages will remain the same, and each person will be subsidized with a nutritional allowance of two yuan per day."

After Chen Bing finished making arrangements, Yang Fang and Zhao Ming quickly agreed.

"The police didn't come, should we report it again?" Zhao Ming asked cautiously.

"No, clean up the sanitation and let the next shift speed up production."

"Mr. Chen, the police are here, what should we do if we destroy the scene?"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Don't keep the scene, the police won't come, if they did, they would have come a long time ago, this society is a fist society, I will take care of it myself, Director Zhao, the security personnel of our factory were injured. indivual?"

After hearing this, Zhao Ming blushed: "Mr. Chen, our factory doesn't have a lot of security personnel. They say they are security guards, but they are actually guards. Tonight, all of them have something to do and are not in the factory."

"In this way, tell Director Zhao, the accountant, and settle the wages for all the security guards. They won't have to go to work tomorrow!" Chen Bing turned and left after speaking.

In the 80s, punks from all over the place ran around, either this brother or that brother, the animal world can be a lie!
Chen Bing doesn't care what the hell he is, I'll kill whoever messes with me, even if you're Brother Pig, Brother Dog, Brother Tiger, or Brother Long!
Chen Bing knew that this incident had something to do with Zhang Boqing, but at present, he could not directly go to Zhang Boqing, after all, Zhang Boqing did not directly come to the factory to make trouble.

Elephant, you are dead!
Phoenix Ballroom.

Chen Bing entered very domineeringly.

When Chen Bing entered, the dancing people stopped.

"Isn't this Mr. Chen?" A young man with a dash of air came over and asked.

"Get out of the way, I'm looking for the old wolf!" Chen Bing said.

(End of this chapter)

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