Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 65 Problem Solving

Chapter 65 Problem Solving
"Brother Wolf is not here!" The young man stretched out his arm to stop him.

Chen Bing tried his best to push him back with a slap.

"Boy! Courting death!"

The young man didn't stop him, and several people came to stop Chen Bing.

Chen Bing took a deep breath: "Old Wolf, I am Chen Bing!"

Chen Bing's voice was full of energy, and everyone in the shaking dance hall stopped.

"Our wolf brother is not here!" Several young people surrounded Chen Bing again.

Chen Bing roared angrily: "Let the old wolf come out, otherwise, I will burn your place!"

Chen Bing originally thought that this dance hall belonged to someone else, and Lao Lang was just taking care of him. After inquiring, he finally found out that this dance hall belonged to Lao Lang.

It seems that the old wolf has been doing well recently. Ever since he was driven out of Ningzheng County by Brother Gou, he has also mixed up a business.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, you are quite courageous!" It was the old wolf's voice.

Those around Chen Bing shouted in unison: "Brother Wolf!"

"Old wolf, what are you doing, it's really hard to see you!"

"Hehehe, something has happened!"

Chen Bing walked directly towards the old wolf. He knew that if he wanted to restrain the opponent, he had to be more ruthless than the opponent.

Those people are still behind.

"Get out, get out of here!" Chen Bing roared angrily.

The old wolf waved at them, and these people retreated instantly.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, what are you doing, who messed with you!"

Chen Bing walked inside and sat on the sofa next to him: "Old Wolf, let me ask, is the elephant one of your subordinates?"

"Oh, did the elephant mess with you?" The old wolf stared at Chen Bing.

"I just asked, is it your subordinate? If it is your subordinate, you can give me an explanation. If it is not your subordinate, hehehe, then I don't have to leave the whole body for him!"

"Hehehe, let me tell you, the elephant is really not my subordinate, but we have a grudge, hehehe, he is an old man from Yangqing City, and I came to Yangqing this year."

This is what Chen Bing wanted.

After the old wolf said that, he stared at Chen Bing, as if he knew that Chen Bing was coming to him.

"The elephant threatened my wife last night and smashed my factory. I know it was Zhang Boqing's instigation. You also know who I am. I want you to do things for me!"

Chen Bing is not a person who likes to procrastinate.

"I knew you were coming for me?"

"So my factory was smashed, you know?"

"Hehehe, Yangqing is such a small place, and they are all gangsters, how could they not know?"

"Okay, I'm happy, I'm running an elephant, and you can ask how much you need!" Chen Bing said directly.

From what the old wolf said just now, Chen Bing could tell that he had a grudge against the elephant. Yes, Yangqing is only a small place, and the interests are only so small. When the old wolf comes, the interests of the elephant must be shared. , no one wants to.

"You really want to mess with him?" Old Wolf said again.

"Yes, this is [-], I'm going to get rid of him tonight!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen is really generous."

"Can you do it? If you can, let me do it now!"

"Okay, I'll take your business, so what level do you want to reach!" Lao Lang said again.


Brother Wolf shuddered when he heard this.

"Can you do it? If you can do it, the 2 yuan is yours. If you can't do it, I'll find someone else!" Chen Bing said again.

"Okay, I'll take it!"

"Then I'll wait for your news!" After Chen Bing finished speaking, he threw 2 yuan on the table and turned to leave.

Money can turn ghosts around, of course Chen Bing understands.

In this society, as long as you pay enough money, there will be people who dare to trample on all the laws of the world and follow you!

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Bing got the news that Brother Xiang was drinking at the Wangwanghong Roast Bar. He was rushed in by a group of people, knocked down, trampled on, and sent to the hospital for diagnosis. His spine was severely damaged.

Chen Bing was sitting in the office when the phone rang, and he picked it up: "Hi, I'm Chen Bing."

"Mr. Chen, it's done, hehehe."

"I got the news!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone and rubbed his temples with both hands. He didn't sleep well last night, and today he really had a fucking headache.

"Director He, find Director Zhao!" Chen Bing shouted towards the outside.

After a while, Zhao Ming came.

There is no one available for Chen Bing right now, there are only a few who can be used in such a huge factory, and Zhao Ming is the only one who can work outside.

"Director Zhao, in a moment, let's go to the labor market!"

"Go to the labor market?" Zhao Ming was a little puzzled.

"Yes, how about the head?"

Zhao Ming still had a bandage wrapped around his head.

"I bleed a little, it's okay, Mr. Chen, those bastards said when they left, if we still open tonight, they will smash and beat us!"

"Hehehe, don't worry, they won't come tonight!" Chen Bing said.

"Mr. Chen, you said you are going to the labor market, what are you doing?"

"Recruit some security guards!" Chen Bing said: "Last night, the elephants came to smash the factory. My security guards were either absent or vulnerable. If it weren't for the hard work of the workers, our factory would have been smashed. Therefore, this recruitment The security guards have a requirement, they must be veterans!"

"Veteran?" Zhao Ming was a little surprised.

Most of the 80s veterans are resettled, so it is not easy for security guards to recruit veterans.

"Yes, you must be a veteran, and you must have real skills. I don't want ordinary things."

Now that Chen Bing has decided, what else can Zhao Ming say, he can only agree, but he is sure that Chen Bing will not be able to recruit.

When Chen Bing and Zhao Ming came to the labor market, a group of migrant workers rushed forward: "Boss, do you want workers?"

"Boss, I can do anything!"

"Boss, my salary is low!"

This is Chen Bing's second visit to the labor market after his rebirth, but the first time he went to the labor market in Ningzheng County, this time he went to the labor market in Yangqing City.

These people, carrying shovels, heads, and some woodworking furniture, all of them have one thing in common, that is, their clothes are ragged.

Yes, whoever is not in rags comes here to work as a coolie!
Chen Bing raised his hands and said, "I'm not hiring workers today, I'm hiring security guards."

Before Chen Bing finished speaking, the crowd became noisy again: "I can be a security guard."

"I am physically strong."


Fuck, sell yourself.

"Hello everyone, keep your voice down, and listen to me!"

The crowd stopped making noise.

"The condition for our factory to recruit security guards must be a soldier, a veteran!" Chen Bing said.

As soon as Chen Bing's words fell, those who surrounded him all retreated, and some sat on the ground directly. It seemed that they were not soldiers, and it was useless to surround them.

"Is there?" Chen Bing shouted again.

Zhao Ming knew that there would definitely not be one, so he said: "Mr. Chen, those veterans will not come here, let's go back!"

At this time, a 27-year-old young man walked up to Chen Bing: "Are you really recruiting to be a soldier?"

The young man, 27, looks like he is eight years old, with short hair, a crew cut, a straight waist, and his eyes are full of energy, staring at Chen Bing.

(End of this chapter)

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