Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 66 Satisfaction

Chapter 66 Satisfaction
In the previous life, there were a few soldiers in Chen Bing's security team, with this kind of look and expression.

"Yes." Chen Bing also stared at the other party: "You are a soldier."

The other party nodded slightly.

Chen Bing has a little understanding of being a soldier, and generally has a relatively strong execution ability, but he is absolutely reticent.

"Is there no place?" Chen Bing asked again.

The other party nodded again.

Fearing that Chen Bing would not believe it, the other party took out his discharge certificate from his pocket and handed it to Chen Bing. Chen Bing didn't take it, but simply said: "What I want is real ability, can you prove it!"

The other party still did not speak, put the ID in his pocket, and then picked up a brick from the ground.

The people around thought he was going to do something, and ran away in fright, their brows were slightly frowned, and then they picked up a brick and threw it at his head, only to hear a bang, and the brick shattered , with the head intact.

He patted the dust on his head with his hands, and said, "Is it okay?"

"Okay, you've been hired, does Jiahe Cannery know?"

He nodded slightly: "I know."

"Then from today, you will be the security captain of Jiahe Cannery, with a monthly salary of [-], including board and lodging!"

As soon as Chen Bing finished speaking, the crowd shouted again: "Two hundred a month, including board and lodging? My God, how can such a high salary be?"

In 1988, the national average wage was less than 70 yuan, and the wages of skilled workers in many factories were only more than 200 yuan. Chen Bing suddenly drove to [-] yuan, including board and lodging, how could it not be enviable.

"Really?" His eyes lit up.

"of course it's true."

Zhao Ming came over and said, "This is our Mr. Chen. Of course what our Mr. Chen said is true."

"Is your name Chen Bing?" the other party asked hurriedly when he heard Zhao Ming called 'Mr. Chen'.

"Yes, I am Mr. Chen, the boss of Jiahe Cannery. How do you know my name?"

The other party smiled slightly: "I didn't expect you to be so young. Today, many people spread rumors about you, saying that the elephant was disabled by you!"

Chen Bing didn't admit it, nor denied it, but said flatly: "I'll give you an afternoon to settle in and come to the factory to report at six o'clock. From today onwards, I'll pay you!"

The other party nodded again.

"I haven't asked your name yet?"

"Hao Yong!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

After Chen Bing and Zhao Ming finished speaking, they turned and left.

Chen Bing drove the car, and Zhao Ming sat in the co-pilot.

"Mr. Chen, why did you pay that kid such a high salary?"

Chen Bing said while driving: "Is it high?"

"Mr. Chen, it's not that high. Our salary is only [-] per month."

Zhao Ming was a little unconvinced.

"Director Zhao, the salary is earned by yourself. In this way, I will give you a task. If you can sell 100 million bottles of canned food a month, hehehe, your salary can also be raised to [-]."

"One million bottles of canned food?" Zhao Ming was a little surprised: "Mr. Chen, this month's sales are almost over one million bottles!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "This month is not counted. This month is our beginning. At the beginning, our Jiahe Cannery's market share in the entire Yangqing canned food market was basically close to zero, so as long as we work hard, we can Sell ​​it out. From next month, if you can still sell 100 million bottles of canned food, I will raise it to 200, and if you can sell [-] million bottles of canned food, I will raise it to [-], plus extra Rewards, extra rewards must be higher than your annual salary, how about it?"

After Zhao Ming heard this, he smiled naively. Regarding this issue, he really couldn't guarantee it.

What Chen Bing said just now is right. During this period of time, the sales of Jiahe canned food are booming. On the one hand, it is related to the market share, and on the other hand, it is related to Chen Bing's sales strategy.

When Wang Longhu was here, he was the director of the sales department. However, his sales department was just trying to bankrupt a good factory.

Zhao Ming knew what he was capable of. He thought that after Chen Bing came up, he would be fired, but he didn't expect that Chen Bing not only didn't fire him, but let him continue to be the director of the sales department.

Seeing that Zhao Ming was silent, Chen Bing asked, "How is it, Director Zhao?"

Zhao Ming quickly waved his hand: "Mr. Chen, the sales still depend on you. To be honest, as the director of the sales department, I can only fight wherever you point out, and execute orders without ambiguity!"

"Yes, but what I want is a general who can win battles."

Although Zhao Ming was not very capable, he was smart enough to understand what Chen Bing meant.

"Mr. Chen, I understand what you mean."

"Director Zhao, I'm not saying that you are useless. You have many strengths. For example, you are careful and have strong communication skills. Now our factory has just stood up and there is still a shortage of talents. Let you be the salesperson. Director of the department, but I feel very difficult, so I want to change jobs for you, but don't worry, changing jobs will not lower your salary."

After Chen Bing said, Zhao Ming's heart skipped a beat.

"Now I'm in charge of personnel and logistics. When we find a suitable candidate for your role, I want you to be the director of the logistics department. What do you think?"

"President Chen, I am willing."

Zhao Ming has worked in the factory for such a long time, and he knows the logistics department well, so he doesn't have to worry too much every day: "Mr. Chen, if you entrust the logistics to me, I will definitely manage it beautifully."

"This is something later. You were the director of the sales department first. During this period of time, you can do whatever I ask you to do."

"Understood, Mr. Chen!"

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Hao Yong came.

Chen Bing had explained in advance that when Hao Yong came, he asked He Mei to take him to his office directly.

Hao Yong knew that he was hired this time because he was a soldier, so when he came, he wore his own military uniform.

Wearing military uniform, Hao Yong looks even more majestic!

Chen Bing looked in a daze.

"Captain Hao, please sit down."

Hao Yong shook his head slightly: "Mr. Chen, can I not sit? My years of service in the army have made me develop a habit. I can stand, but never sit. I can sit, and never lie down!"

Chen Bing nodded again: "Can I ask, what do you do in the army?"

"The commander of the Iron and Steel Company of the Sharp Knife Battalion!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing was even more surprised. After such a big official recovered, the arrangements should be good.

"The country didn't arrange it?"

"Mr. Chen, I won't hide it from you. If something goes wrong, it will be restored. The state will not be responsible for arranging work."

Chen Bing nodded again.

"During the National Day, I went shopping with some comrades-in-arms. We met some gangsters and caused trouble. We couldn't hold back and beat them all into cripples. Just like that, we left the army!"

Chen Bing nodded again.

"After leaving the army, we went back home and wanted to find a job, but in today's society, all we want are college students and technicians. We don't have these skills, and the whole family is waiting to support us. We are forced to do nothing. , I had to go to the labor market, but unexpectedly, I met Mr. Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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