Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 67 Not Trash

Chapter 67 Not Trash
Chen Bing said: "So, there are others who have retired with you?"

Hao Yong nodded solemnly.

"Call everyone, our security team needs people, you are the captain of the security team now, replenish the team immediately, let our team become a team capable of fighting big battles!"

"Yes!" Hao Yong gave Chen Bing a military salute.

"How does their kung fu compare with yours?" Chen Bing asked tentatively.

"Above me!"

Chen Bing knew that this was a humble word. Being able to stay in the Sharp Knife Camp was absolutely extraordinary.

Chen Bing arranged everything and drove to pick up Yang Xue and Guoguo.

What happened last night caused too much psychological shadow on Yang Xue, and Chen Bing planned to pick Yang Xue up in person during this time.

In order to heal Yang Xue's trauma, Chen Bing specially bought Yang Xue a beautiful dress.

Zhang Boqing's office.

Zhang Boqing frowned, smoking his cigarette fiercely.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now? I got the news that Jiahe Cannery has not stopped and continues to process." Qi Bocheng said.

Zhang Boqing pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray: "He is a ruthless man who knows how to control violence with violence. We let the elephant smash his factory and his house. If ordinary people would retreat, even if they didn't retreat, they would seek peace. I didn't expect , He actually used violence to control violence, using an old wolf to fuck an elephant, unusual, he is a ruthless man!"

"Then what should we do now, or I'll find someone from outside the province to smash it again!"

Zhang Boqing shook his head slightly: "This method doesn't work. Since it doesn't work once, they will definitely take precautions next time. If it doesn't make trouble, we will be very passive."

Qi Bocheng folded his arms together, and took two puffs of cigarettes: "Mr. Zhang, you say this will not work, and that will not work. Are we going to lose to that kid!"

Zhang Boqing ignored Qibo City's complaints: "I have investigated, this kid is a little gangster, he used to hang out with the old wolf, but I heard that he is a waste, and he is supported by his wife." When he said this, he shook his head slightly: "Look Come on, I made a mistake in my investigation, judging from this kid's series of actions, he is a very experienced shopping mall predator, he can't be a waste!"

"You said he was a shopping mall predator?" Qi Bocheng wanted to laugh.

"Don't laugh, according to his style of play during this period, he is really a shopping mall predator, not only a shopping mall predator, but also an experienced shopping mall predator. I, Zhang Boqing, have been in the business for most of my life. I haven't seen any powerful people. Yes, but he really eludes me.

Just tell me, when we first opened the factory, we competed with Jiahe’s former boss, Wang Longhu. You said, how easy we were at that time, but now, we have tried our best, and the factory was squeezed out and closed down , To be honest, I can't believe it at all, this is done by a trash in his twenties. "

"What now?"

"Shall I ask you to re-register the company?"

"All right."

"Well, starting today, the Yehai Canned Food Factory will be renamed as the Shuangwang Canned Food Factory. We now have 60 bottles in stock. We will immediately tear off Ye Hai's label and replace it with Shuangwang canned food."

"Yehai's canned food stinks, but our Shuangwang canned food doesn't stink, so we use the Shuangwang brand to drive Chen Bing out of Yangqing." Qi Bocheng nodded again.

"Also, make our canned 'one more bottle' and Jiahe's 'one more bottle' the same, the ratio is 4:1. In addition, we will lower the sales price and increase the commission for middlemen at all levels. , Let them distribute the goods for us!"

After Zhang Boqing ordered, Qi Bocheng quickly agreed.

"Let's do it?" Zhang Boqing lay lazily on the sofa. He was very tired, really tired. He had never been so tired in all these years.

"Okay, Mr. Chen, change the label today, and tomorrow, we can distribute the goods!"

Zhang Boqing waved his hand, signaling Qi Bocheng to leave.

The next morning.

Zhou Dahai walked into Chen Bing's office, looking here and touching, it was as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

"Bingge, this is too good!"

Chen Bing was standing by the table, watering an African jasmine tree.

After Chen Bing bought the factory, he saw an African jasmine plant in the corner, which was almost dried out. After his hard work during this period, new shoots had grown.

Zhou Dahai ran over and sat on Chen Bing's soft sofa: "Bing brother, this is too comfortable, no wonder you want to give up the scorpion business in the county and come here to fight the world!"

"How do you feel, is it comfortable?" Chen Bing asked.

"Damn it, it's so comfortable!" Zhou Dahai smiled, then raised his ass and squatted on Chen Bing's boss sofa twice.

"Be careful, this sofa costs thousands of dollars. If it's broken, it will be deducted from your salary!" Chen Bing laughed.

When Zhou Dahai heard this, he jumped up as if his ass was on fire. Damn it, it's not worth being deducted from wages just to sit on the sofa once!

"Dahai, are you turning around in the factory?"

"Bingge, turn around, it's very big, hehehehe, if you collect scorpions, how many scorpions can you save!"

This kid has not recovered from the state of collecting scorpions.

"What do you want from work?"

Zhou Dahai shook his head slightly: "Bingge, I don't know, I will do whatever you ask me to do?"

Chen Bing frowned. This kid's brain is a bit slow, so it's not suitable to put it there, but there is an advantage, he has a strong execution ability, and he needs such an errand runner by his side.

Chen Bing had just taken over the Jiahe Cannery, and he really didn't have anyone trustworthy around him, so let's keep Dahai by his side!

"Then from today, you will stay by my side!"

"Then what do I do?"

"Whatever I tell you to do, do you?"

Zhou Dahai grinned after hearing this: "Bingge, what should I say when someone asks me what I do in the factory?"

This stumped Chen Bing, what kind of job would he give this kid?

"Deputy director of the office! It's just that you, the deputy director of the office, don't care about anything. You can do whatever I ask you to do!"

For Zhou Dahai, as long as he gave money, he would do it for the officer. When he heard the word 'director', he opened his mouth as happily as if he had eaten honey.

Their family is all officials, the second uncle works in the county, and the father is the director of the village, but he is stupid, and he can only poke the ass in this life. Unexpectedly, following Chen Bing, he even got a director. You have to call Dad and tell him that your son is no longer a waste!

When Chen Bing saw Zhou Dahai's appearance, he was also a little funny: "Dahai, your office is right next to it, go and have a look at it later."

"It's Brother Bing!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Dahai, there is something else I want to tell you. From now on, in the factory, you are not allowed to call me 'Bingge', you must call me Mr. Chen, otherwise, other people have opinions. In addition, your salary 120 per month."

Zhou Dahai was shocked, the salary of 120 yuan was too high!

For him, salary does not matter, as long as it is enough to spend, the main thing is to get the approval of others and parents.


When Zhou Dahai thought of this, he could wake up with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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