Chapter 68

"Director He!" Chen Bing shouted towards the outside.

He Mei responded.

Zhou Dahai is honest, he has to make arrangements for He Mei, otherwise, He Mei thought she would let Zhou Dahai replace her office director!

"Mr. Chen, you are looking for me!"

"Director He, this is Zhou Dahai, the newly recruited deputy director of the office."

He Mei stared at Zhou Dahai, and Zhou Dahai quickly smiled.

He Mei quickly reached out her hand: "Director Zhou, hello!"

"Hello there!"

Those who work in the office are all smart people. After all, the office is the center of a factory, and everyone can handle it. However, He Mei took a closer look and found that this kid seemed to have a problem with his brain. Don't say anything, just smirk!

"He doesn't have a high level of knowledge. He was a little brother of mine before. He can arrange some work at ordinary times."

He Mei nodded quickly.

After He Mei stayed in the office for so long, Chen Bing's meaning could not be more clear: Zhou Dahai is Chen Bing's younger brother, and his knowledge level is not high, so he will not threaten his position as office director. He can arrange whatever he usually does.

"Understood, Mr. Chen." He Mei said quickly.

"Okay, take him to the next office." Chen Bing said again.

"Okay, Mr. Chen." After He Mei finished speaking, she turned around and said, "Director Zhou, I'll take you to the office."

As soon as Chen Bing arrived at the company the next day, Zhao Ming rushed into Chen Bing's office.

Chen Bing saw the astonishment on Zhao Ming's face: "Director Zhao, what happened?"

"Mr. Chen, it's not good!" Zhao Ming took a breath: "Mr. Chen, Yehai Cannery has changed its brand!"

"Changed the brand?" Chen Bing stared at Zhao Ming.

Zhao Ming nodded heavily: "I'll check it out when I get the news. As expected, the brand has been changed. Yehai canned food has been changed to Shuangwang canned food."

After hearing this, Chen Bing didn't seem overly surprised: "I knew for a long time that Ye Hai's canned food is now smelly, and Zhang Boqing has to change the brand if he wants to rely on canned food in Yangqing City to get back on his feet. This is the only way out. Hehehehe, he It’s amazing, I’m really willing to give up the brand of canned Ye Hai!”

Brand is life.

"Mr. Chen, you seem very happy,"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly after hearing this: "I'm not very happy, I just admire Zhang Boqing's ruthlessness. If it were an ordinary person, he would find a way to save the brand of canned Ye Hai. But, Zhang Boqing is amazing, just replace him and start all over again, now, he will re-enter the market with Shuangwang canned food, it will save a lot of trouble!"

Zhao Ming also nodded: "Mr. Chen, our people have reported that Zhang Boqing is already selling the goods!"

"For sure, with Zhang Boqing's ability and the sales network he has established, within a day or two, his goods will cover the entire Yangqing City."

"Mr. Chen, what shall we do now?"

"Sell at a reduced price, and reduce the price by another [-]% to each dealer."

"Mr. Chen, I'll contact you right away!"

Chen Bing used the security incident to defeat Canned Ye Hai. He knew that Zhang Boqing would recover in a short time. After all, he had a lot of financial support.

Canned Ye Hai was defeated, but Zhang Boqing still had a lot of money. As long as this society has money, it will make a comeback.

Therefore, to completely defeat Zhang Boqing, he must be penniless and completely bankrupt.

After Zhao Ming left, Chen Bing heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

It's Hao Yong.

"Mr. Chen."

Hao Yong was followed by four or five strong young men.

At a glance, you can tell that they have been trained by the army.

"Mr. Chen, these are some of my comrades-in-arms, and I have found them all!"

Chen Bing stood up, walked up to them, and shook hands one by one.

"Have Captain Hao told you how to treat him?"

After Chen Bing asked, they said in unison, "Mr. Chen, I said it."

"Are you satisfied?" Chen Bing asked again.


"Okay, welcome to Jiahe Cannery!"

Next, Hao Yong gave a brief introduction. The one with the crew cut is Wei Dali, the fatter one is He Feng, the black-spotted one is Jia Hu, the fair-faced one is Zhao Long, and the other one with glasses is Zuo Wen.

"Mr. Chen, they are all from Yangqing, and they are also my soldiers."

Chen Bing patted them on the shoulder, very strong.

"I'll go to the financial side to get [-] yuan for each of you in a while. As this time's resettlement allowance, if you can bring your family to Yangqinglai, then you can take it to Yangqinglai. If you can't, send the money to you." go back."

Several people agreed in unison.

"Okay, very good. The security team is very important. Before you came, you must have heard that our factory was smashed. After our security team is established, I hope this kind of thing will not happen again."

Several people shouted again in unison: 'Yes! '

"Okay, let's go!"

Why did Chen Bing treat these people so high?It is one aspect to want them to establish a security team, and the other aspect is to be their own bodyguards.

As a rich man, being killed by an opponent is nothing more than a sad thing.

According to Wang Longhu's wife Yang Xian, Zhang Boqing arranged for Wang Longhu to be hit and killed. Therefore, bodyguards are very important.

A boss, if he can't even solve his own safety problems, can he still succeed?

After six o'clock, Chen Bing went to the textile factory to pick up Yang Xue, but Yang Xue had already left after arriving at the factory.

Chen Bing secretly said: "Where did she go?"

Since the accident last time, when Yang Xue went to and from get off work, Chen Bing used a car to pick her up.

Go home and have a look first.

Chen Bing walked to the door of the house and saw that the curtains were open, he breathed a sigh of relief, she really came back.

Chen Bing pushed open the door, startled, Yang Xue stared at him straight.

Guoguo is playing with her Barbie doll.

Seeing Chen Bing, Yang Xue threw herself into Chen Bing's arms.

Chen Bing felt Yang Xue's body trembling.

"Xiaoxue, what's the matter, is something wrong?"

"Bingzi, I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that you will be killed, and I'm afraid they will break into the house again!"

Chen Bing gently stroked Yang Xue's beautiful hair: "Baby, don't be afraid, I'm here for everything!"

Yang Xuedao: "Bingzi, I heard that the boss of the factory you took over was hit to death by a car, and I also heard that the fat man who came to our house that night was crippled, and it was you who did it. Yes, Bingzi, I'm afraid, we won't stay here anymore, let's go back, I have a salary now, I will support you, and we will live an ordinary life."

At this time, Yang Xue's face was full of tears.

Chen Bing patted Yang Xue on the back lightly: "Xiaoxue, don't worry, I assure you, such a thing will never happen again!"

Yang Xue still shook her head.

Chen Bing didn't sleep all night, and kept hugging Yang Xue.

Damn it, when Chen Bing saw Yang Xue's appearance, he wished he could kill Zhang Boqing immediately.

Tomorrow is November 9th

(End of this chapter)

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