Chapter 69

The next morning, Chen Bing came to the factory and met Hao Yong at the door.

"Captain Hao, come to my office."

Chen Bing went in, followed by Hao Yong.

"sit down!"

Hao Yong didn't sit down.

Chen Bing remembered that Hao Yong said that he would not sit down when he could stand.

Chen Bing saw Hao Yong's embarrassed look: "If you don't want to sit, then you don't have to sit."

"That day, when our factory was smashed, my house was also smashed. My wife is very scared now. I want to find someone to protect me. I can protect them every day. I don't know much about them. You can recommend one to me. !"

Hao Yong thought it was something, but it turned out to be this. After hearing this, he said: "Mr. Chen, you have the right strength and high martial arts skills. Although you are rough and rough, you are fine."

Chen Bing nodded slightly after hearing this, and said, "Director Zhou!"

Zhou Dahai responded, "Bingge, no, no, Mr. Chen!"

Zhou Dahai made a big blush.

"Go get Wei Dali to do it."

After Wei Dali came, Chen Bing explained the details, and Wei Dali agreed one by one.

"Our factory has a motorcycle with a saddle. After a while, you can go to a repair shop to have it repaired. From today on, this motorcycle will be your vehicle!"

Wei Dali nodded happily in agreement.

The scooter motorcycle has more scoops than ordinary motorcycles, and can carry two to three more people. This motorcycle was manufactured by Changjiang Company and was first used in the public security department. However, some powerful companies and factories also bought it.

For that era, motorcycles are equivalent to the current Mercedes-Benz and BMW, not to mention motorcycles.

Hehehe, when Chen Bing said this condition, let alone Wei Dali was happy, even Hao Yong was also happy. While Hao Yong was happy, there was also a trace of envy.

"She goes to work at eight o'clock every morning and leaves at six o'clock in the evening, and you can pick her up when the time comes,"

Wei Dali nodded again.

Hao Yong said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, as for escorting Madam, any of us can do it. Don't worry, Madam won't have any problems with us."

Chen Bing nodded.

"Captain Hao, you are now the captain of the security team. The reason I recruited you is to build a strong team. To tell you the truth, I will not let our canning factory remain at such a scale. In the near future, The factory will be very large, so your task now is to recruit and train security guards, you guys will eventually go to various factories and companies to take on security tasks."

Hao Yong nodded after listening.

"When recruiting people, try to recruit veterans as much as possible. Veterans can't be recruited. Graduates from police schools or military schools are fine. Even if you are looking for ordinary migrant workers, you must be strong and train hard."


At this moment, He Mei came in.

"Mr. Chen, Zhang Boqing, the boss of Shuangwang Canned Food Factory, please see me!"

"Who, Zhang Boqing!"

Chen Bing never dreamed that Zhang Boqing would come.

"Captain Hao, you guys go down first, I will meet this old opponent!"

Chen Bing tidied up his clothes and said to He Mei, "Mr. Zhang please!"

Before Zhang Boqing came in, hehehehe laughter came in.

"Mr. Chen, hehehe, the factory is doing well!"

Zhang Boqing came in.

Chen Bing stood up straight, hehehe smiled and said, "Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect you to come!"

"Hehehehe, come and see Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Zhang, please sit down!" Chen Bing said to He Mei: "Director He, make a cup of tea for Mr. Zhang!"

"Boss Zhang looks pretty good!" Chen Bing said with a smile.

"Mr. Chen, you are so young, tsk tsk tsk!" Zhang Boqing did not answer Chen Bing's words, but stared at Chen Bing.

"I'm not young anymore, I'm 25 this year, how old are my children!"

Zhang Boqing waved his hand: "Mr. Chen, you can't say that. If you say that, then we people won't die immediately!"

"Mr. Zhang can't die. Zhang is always a centipede. Hehehe, even if he dies, he will shock Yangqing."

The two chatted nonsense for a while, but they didn't get to the point.

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter this time?"

"I have something to do!" When he said this, he shouted towards the door: "Manager Qi, come in!"

Qi Bocheng entered at the sound.

"Show the contract to Mr. Chen!" Zhang Boqing laughed.


Chen Bing was a little confused.

Qi Bocheng handed the two-page contract to Chen Bing.

Chen Bing glanced roughly with his eyes, and when he saw the word 'acquisition' written on it, he knew what the contract was.

"Manager Qi, take it, I don't need this contract!"

Damn, he is defeated, and he still wants to buy Wojia and the cannery!
Chen Bing knew that this was a strategy of commercial competition, just like in ancient wars, when the two sides entered into a stalemate, one side would go to the other side's camp, and it made sense to persuade the other side to surrender.

First of all, you must overwhelm the opponent in momentum.

"Mr. Chen, don't you want to take a look? I advise Mr. Chen to take a look. The treatment is very good. If we Shuangwang succeed in acquiring your Jiahe, you will be the second in command of the factory. Hehehehe, don't worry, how much is your factory worth? I'll count it all as shares for you, how about we fight the world together?"

After Zhang Boqing said, he stared at Chen Bing.

Zhou Dahai's face turned ugly, what the hell does this mean, I just came here, and the factory is about to be bought by others before my butt is hot?
No matter how stupid Zhou Dahai was, he knew the result of the factory being acquired, so Chen Bing would no longer be in charge, and he would no longer be the deputy director of the office.

Grandma, I just called my dad last night and said that I also got a director. The old man was so happy that he even shouted: "The ancestors have spirits, and the ancestors are blessed. Damn, just bless one day!"

"Buy a fart!" Zhou Dahai responded.

At this time, Zhao Ming also walked in, also glaring.

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, look, our people disagree!"

"Mr. Chen, they only care about their own interests, but Mr. Chen has to think about the overall situation, hehehe, if my guess is right, although you sell a lot of goods now, but you don't make much money, if I guess That's right, the money you earned from taking the scorpion is almost spent, right?"

"Mr. Zhang, it seems that you know me very well. To be honest, the money I earned from collecting scorpions is pretty much spent. However, our Jiahe canned factory will not be acquired."

"Mr. Chen, don't be obsessed with it. If there is a price war, those who have no funds will definitely lose. Our Yehai canned food is now changed to Shuangwang canned food, and we have already distributed the goods in the city. I can guarantee that it will take less than two months." , you good and canned food will perish!"

Zhang Boqing changed his limp way of speaking just now, and became vicious and terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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