Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 70 Slap in the face

Chapter 70 Slap in the face
After Zhang Boqing finished speaking, he stared at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing laughed loudly: "Mr. Zhang, can you guarantee that we will perish?"

Zhang Boqing didn't speak, and continued to stare at Chen Bing.

"Mr. Zhang, I, Chen Bing, am a weirdo. I'm just trying to keep going, hehehe, I really want to fight with Mr. Zhang to see who will perish first!"

After hearing this, Zhang Boqing stood up angrily: "Chen Bing, you will regret it!"

"I won't regret it!"

Zhang Boqing stood up to leave.

"Mr. Zhang, stop!"

Zhang Boqing stood still and stared at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing walked up to Zhang Boqing: "Mr. Zhang, do you remember the elephant?"

Zhang Boqing's face changed slightly when he heard the word elephant: "What are you going to do?"

"Let me ask, did you instigate the elephant to bring people to smash our factory and threaten my family?" Chen Bing's eyes were on fire.

"What are you going to do?"

Chen Bing changed his smiling expression just now, and became ruthless: "Tell me!"

Seeing Chen Bing staring at Zhang Boqing, Qi Bocheng quickly stood in front of Zhang Boqing and protected Zhang Boqing: "What are you going to do?"


Chen Bing slapped him across the face.

Zhang Boqing and Qi Bocheng never dreamed that Chen Bing would slap him, and it was without any warning.

"Chen Bing, you!"

"Chen Bing, beating someone is against the law." Zhang Boqing didn't expect that Chen Bing didn't follow the rules of the world.

"Mr. Zhang, I know that beating people is against the law, so let me ask if it's against the law to instigate others, smash other people's factories, and threaten other people's families. I tell you, my wife is still living in the shadows because of the threat of elephants." .”

Chen Bing pushed away Qi Bocheng who was standing in front of him and covering his cheek.

"What are you going to do?"

Zhang Boqing took two steps back involuntarily.

"Mr. Zhang, you don't understand the rules of the rivers and lakes. If you send someone to smash my factory, to be honest, at most I will send someone to smash your factory, but you actually sent someone to threaten my wife. There are rivers and lakes." The rule is that the crime does not affect the family, but you have done this, and I want you to pay for it." Chen Bing shook his head slightly and slapped him across the face.

Very crisp.

Zhang Boqing hugged his cheeks: "Chen Bing you"

Slap, another slap.

Zhang Boqing never dreamed that Chen Bing would beat him again, but this is his territory, so what can he do.

At this time, Chen Bing's newly recruited security guards surrounded him.

Zhang Boqing knew that today's loss was settled, and he was considered a ruthless person. After rubbing a little bit, he put his hand down: "Mr. Chen, is this over?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "It's over, Mr. Zhang, let me warn you again. In the future, when you do things, be more bright and don't do such silly things. If you make trouble, your family may be ruined!"

Zhang Boqing's eyes were full of fierce light.

"Send Mr. Zhang!" Chen Bing shouted.

Zhou Dahai hurried over, bent over, and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Zhang, please!"

Zhang Boqing's face turned green, he must regret it today, why did he come to suffer such a big humiliation?
"Let's go!" Zhang Boqing and Qi Bocheng left in despair.

Zhang Boqing and Qi Bocheng walked out of Jiahe Cannery.

Qi Bocheng immediately walked up to Zhang Boqing: "Mr. Zhang, this Chen Bing is so fucking bad. He dared to slap us. I'll find someone to dispose of him!"

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he kicked him angrily: "If you abolish him, I'll abolish you first. You're such a fool. If he dared to slap us in the face today, he would be prepared. Haven't you heard of an elephant?"

After Qi Bocheng heard this, Ji Lingling fought a cold war.

Of course he had heard of the elephant. He was the one who found the elephant and smashed the Jiahe cannery and threatened Chen Bing's wife, Yang Xue.

Now the elephant is completely ruined and can only shit and pee on the bed for the rest of his life.

"Notify all dealers to reduce the price by another [-]%. I will completely drive Chen Bing out of Yangqing this time. I will make him lose everything this time!"

Zhang Boqing roared again.

After hearing this, Qi Bocheng quickly nodded in agreement.

Zhao Ming walked up to Chen Bing: "President Chen, what should we do now?"

"How much is our distribution outside?"

"Mr. Chen, we have increased the distribution volume in the past few days, and there are currently nearly 40 bottles."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, remanufacture, reproduce, and increase the distribution!"

"Mr. Chen, we have such a quarrel with Zhang Boqing this time. He must lower the price. At this time, do we dare to produce? Maybe tomorrow, our dealer will call us and say that our products cannot be sold. Moved."

"You backed off?"

"No, Mr. Chen, now Shuangwang canned 'one more bottle' is also a 4:1 ratio, and we are also a 4:1 ratio, and their price is lower than ours. Do you think we can beat them?"

From a macro point of view, what Zhao Ming said is correct, but business sometimes has to go the wrong way!

Chen Bing turned his head to Zhou Dahai and said, "Dahai, please contact Yang Haimin and Song Hui!"

Zhou Dahai was a little hesitant. Didn't Chen Bing tell him not to have any contact with Yang Haimin? Why did he want to contact Yang Haimin again.

"Bingge, no, Mr. Chen, didn't you say not to associate with Yang Haimin?"

After hearing this, Chen Bing gave Zhou Dahai a hard look: "Shut up, do whatever I tell you to do, why are you talking so much?"

Zhou Dahai knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly shut up: "Got it, Bing, Mr. Chen!" ' After finishing speaking, he hurriedly walked outside.

Zhou Dahai had Yang Haimin's contact information. After a while, he rushed in and said happily, "Bingge, Haimin said, he will contact Song Hui, Wang Youhua, and Che Fushou immediately, and they will be there in the afternoon!"

Chen Bing nodded again.

Chen Bing took out a piece of paper and drew on a piece of white paper, drawing a water cup-shaped bottle and a net bag.

He has a certain talent for painting, and the paintings are really beautiful and lifelike.

Zhao Ming didn't know what Chen Bing was doing with this painting, and said, "Mr. Chen, the painting is really beautiful!"

"You take this pattern to the canning bottle factory, and let them produce 100 million canning bottles for me like this!"

Zhao Ming was shocked when he heard this: "Mr. Chen, isn't it a pity that you want to use this bottle as a can?"

The canning bottles in the past were all short and round, very simple and unsightly.

Zhao Ming was surprised when he heard that Chen Bing was going to use this for canning.

The idea of ​​the cup-shaped can in the previous life defeated a lot of competitors.

"For this kind of canned food, for the buyer, after buying the canned food, they also get a bottle. In addition, adding a net bag, hehehe, it is convenient to carry it, and it will save face when visiting relatives, isn't it?"

Zhao Ming nodded again after listening.

"Mr. Chen, you are a genius!"

What kind of genius is Chen Bing? He just transferred the ideas from his previous life to his later life.

"I'm not a genius, I just like to use my brain. You will also learn to use your brain in the future, do you hear me?"

"I heard!"

"Go and prepare when you hear it!"

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(End of this chapter)

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