Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 71 Selling Grain

Chapter 71 Selling Grain

Chen Bing still has something to do in the afternoon, so he wants to find Wei Dong.

Wei Dong is a character. Although his position is not high, he is only a department-level cadre. However, the places he stays in are different, and most people want to give him face.

Chen Bing made an appointment with Wei Dong at a teahouse next to Jiahe Cannery.

In his previous life, Chen Bing loved to taste tea, but his stomach was full of wine every day due to work.

Chen Bing was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do as he was drifting in the rivers and lakes.

Therefore, if you can drink tea, drink tea as much as possible.

In his previous life, he had no wife or children, and his body was prepared for business. In this life, God gave him Yang Xue and his lovely daughter Guoguo. Therefore, this body is not only for business, but also for business. belong to them.

"Mr. Chen, hehehehe, you have been doing a lot these days!" Wei Dong came in and said.

Chen Bing quickly stood up: "Wei Chu, I wanted to treat you to dinner a long time ago, but I have been busy with work and have no time!"

Wei Dong held Chen Bing's hand tightly with both hands: "Hehehe, I know that in just one month, Mr. Chen has to put down Yangqing's star enterprises, how can he have time!"

"This is not because of Wei Chu's help. If there is no Yangqing Daily, hehehehe, then there will be no great success!"

"But don't say that, if Zhang Boqing finds out, don't kill me!"

Chen Bing smiled.

In his previous life, Chen Bing had a special liking for the Dahongpao, especially the Dahongpao soaked in purple clay teapots.

A thing like a purple clay pot can soak up the taste of Dahongpao.

"What kind of tea?" Wei Dong asked casually.

"I don't know if Wei Chu is particular about it. If not, then try the Dahongpao. Hehehe, Wei Chu, this kind of thing needs a good purple sand pot. Brother, I'm a little tight right now, so I rented it outside. One, hehehe!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he took it out of his pocket, a sandalwood box with something wrapped in red silk, he took it out carefully, opened it, and found it was a pot.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, you are so considerate, you actually packed such a thing so tightly!"

Chen Bing waved his hand slightly: "Wei Chu, this is not a small thing, it is a good thing. This is Da Bin's pot in the Ming Dynasty, and it is very valuable now."

"Shi Dabin? I've heard about this person. I heard that he is a pot maker."

Chen Bing nodded again.

In fact, in the previous life, Chen Bing not only sometimes used Dabin's pot, but also his Laozi Shipeng's pot.

Chen Bing loves these things.

"And this tea is the best Dahongpao I carefully selected!"

This retro-style tea house, paired with a good purple sand pot, has a different atmosphere.

Chen Bing smiled at a girl next to him and said, "Hello, please wash this pot, and then make tea."

The girl nodded slightly.

Chen Bing is a particular person. After he came, he told the girl that what he came to consume was the environment, not their things.

Seeing that Chen Bing had prepared so thoughtfully, Wei Dong said, "Mr. Chen, we are friends and brothers. If you have something to say, just talk about it."

Huang Youwei told Wei Dong about Chen Bing's identity, so Wei Dong tried his best to flatter him, and now he felt a little embarrassed to see Chen Bing like this.

"Okay, let's drink tea first, and then talk about things!"

Sure enough, something happened to him.

After the tea was brewed, Chen Bing poured Wei Dong a cup: "Taste it!"

Wei Dong took a sip and nodded slightly: "Mr. Chen, let's talk about things first, otherwise, I feel a little flustered when I drink your tea!" '

"Hehehe, then I said, I need your help."

Chen Bing put his mouth close to Wei Dong's ear.

"Mr. Chen, please tell me."

"Does anyone know anyone in the Grain Bureau?" Chen Bing asked.

"Grain Bureau? What are you doing, you want to collect food?" Wei Dong was a little surprised.

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "I want to sell grain, so I ask you if there is anyone in the grain bureau?"

"Yes." Wei Dong nodded: "Director Gao of the Grain Bureau is my friend."

"Director Gao?"

"Gao Yongnian"

Chen Bing was overjoyed when he heard this. He thought that Wei Dong would only know a deputy director or a section chief, but he actually knew the director of the Grain Bureau.

Hehehe, damn it, I'm so happy, it went so smoothly, with the help of Director Gao Yongnian, then this thing will be done.

"What's the matter, Mr. Chen?" Wei Dong asked again.

"During this time, I have a lot of grain to sell. I hope you can find Director Gao. He is the director of the Grain Bureau. Just help me sell the grain."


Chen Bing nodded again.

"Wei Chu, he is a dignified director of the food bureau, he can't even sell a little food, right?"

"Mr. Chen, tell the truth, what are you going to do?"

"I want to exchange canned food for grain and completely open up the rural market. You know, our current farmers have had a bumper harvest of grain since the household contract was established, and every family has food in storage, but they still have no money. Therefore, they want to eat canned food and have no money to buy it. , if it is exchanged for grain, the canned food will be sold much better."

After hearing this, Wei Dong understood that he is a fucking business genius who can even think of exchanging food for cans, so why don't you exchange cans for airplanes?

Hehehe, there is really something about this canned food changing planes.

Mr. Mou of the Nande Group exchanged canned food for five planes from neighboring countries, earning [-] million yuan.


When Chen Bing thought of Mr. Mou, he really wanted to find some time to visit this former business tycoon. Maybe meeting him could save him from being imprisoned.

This is something to say later, I still have a lot of trouble here, so if you go to visit someone now, they may not care about you.

"Mr. Chen, you are really a business genius!"

Chen Bing shook his head: "I'm not a business prodigy. If I were to be a business prodigy, next year, there will be a boss who trades canned food for airplanes?"

Chen Bing's words completely stunned Wei Dong.

"Canned food for an airplane?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

"Mr. Chen, what do you mean next year?"

"Yes, next year is the beginning of his myth!"

Wei Dong shook his head again: "I don't believe that canned food can be exchanged for an airplane."

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, and I don't want you to believe it, can you exchange canned food for grain, and sell grain to the grain bureau?"

Wei Dong looked distressed: "Mr. Chen, if you have a little food, I can really do it, but you have so much food, I really have to talk to Director Gao."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news, don't worry, I'll be very grateful when it's done."

Wei Dong heard that there was a big thank you, and quickly agreed to talk to Director Gao.

"Wei Chu, if Director Gao refuses to agree, you can mention my identity, but keep it secret, keep it secret!"

Wei Dong nodded again.

Damn, in this society, if you do something, you have to cheat.

(End of this chapter)

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