Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 72 Different Sales

Chapter 72 Different Sales

Chen Bing and Wei Dong drank tea for a while, and then separated.

When Chen Bing returned to the factory, he heard chattering and laughing in the office. He opened the door and saw Yang Haimin and Song Hui.

"Hai Min, Song Hui, you are here!"

Yang Haimin walked up to Chen Bing and said respectfully, "Mr. Chen, yes, it's such a big factory."

"Hehehe, small fight!"

"As soon as the sea finds me, I will come."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, I'll give you a chance to make a fortune."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

"My canned food is very popular now. You are very familiar with the directors of various villages in Ningzheng County. You have collected scorpions for so long, and you are also very familiar with the villagers. Now the scorpions cannot be harvested. As friends, I cannot let you idle. I will give you a three-point commission for the bottles and cans, and you will sell them to the village for me?"

Yang Haimin originally thought it was something, but when he heard it, he said, "Mr. Chen, now that the rural areas have just solved the food problem, who has spare money to eat canned food, please forgive me, I can't sell, to be honest , just me, I can’t eat a few bottles of canned food every year.”

"Farmers don't have money, but they have food. You can exchange canned food for food. Remember, you will get a three-cent commission for each bottle. If you sell a thousand bottles of canned food a day, it will be thirty, and each of you will get fifteen. After a few years, you are ten thousand yuan households!"

Chen Bing knew that with these two products, he could sell less than a thousand bottles a day, but he wanted to use them to attract more sellers.

For Jiahe canned food, the department stores, canteens and supply and marketing cooperatives in Yangqing City are now covered. The rural market has not been opened. If this rural market is opened again, the next step is to enter the surrounding cities and counties. .

At that time, transportation and communication were not very developed, so the general factories sold in the city where they were located.

The huge commission made Yang Haimin tempted.

"Mr. Chen, besides us, is there anyone else?"

"Yes, there must be. You are the first batch of sellers, and there will be the second and third batches of sellers. In the future, our sales team will have more than a thousand people, or even ten thousand people."

"Your first batch of sales will definitely make money, especially if you know the village directors of various villages. If you put the canned car at the village director's door and let the village directors of each village promote it for you, you may not be able to sell it."

The more Chen Bing said, the more excited Yang Haimin became, as if the white money was burrowing into his bosom.

Yang Haimin also had acquaintances in Yangqing City. Not long after, he found a four-wheeled cart. He promised the other party that he would sell the cans and they would share them equally.

An hour later, the car was loaded with 1500 bottles of canned food. After loading, they covered it with canvas and tied it with ropes to prevent children from climbing into the car and stealing the canned food.

Children in that era were willing to take risks for the sake of stuttering.

Not to mention stealing cans, even if a tractor coal comes from the village, if you don't pay attention, they can steal two yuan for you.

Chen Bing watched the can go away, full of emotion, and hoped it would go well.

Mr. Mou can use cans to go abroad to change planes, but if he can't even exchange food in China with cans, he might as well find a piece of cotton and kill him.

Zhou Dahai stood in front of Chen Bing: "Bingge, Haimin took the can away and didn't pay him a penny. What if he doesn't come back?"

Chen Bing smiled, and patted Zhou Dahai's shoulder: "Don't worry, Haimin won't!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Zhou Dahai immediately disagreed: "Why not, two years ago, you don't remember, he helped others sell watermelons, and finally gave all the watermelons to Brother Lang's younger brother!"

Chen Bing laughed again and said, "This time is also the other time, he definitely won't this time!"


"Because he really wants to make money. I made money. He is jealous. He is jealous. He has to work hard. If I give him a chance, he will seize it. At least, he won't swallow the goods!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stood up and said, "I have something to do, take a rest!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he walked outside.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Haimin and Song Hui drove the canned food into Daliang Village.

Zhou Xiaodong, director of Daliang Village, and the others are familiar with each other.

When Zhou Xiaodong heard that food can be exchanged for canned food, he was so happy. First, he put more than ten bottles in their house.

Next, he took the tweeter and yelled loudly: "The food has been replaced by canned food. I want all kinds of food. If you want it, come to the village as soon as possible. There are only a thousand bottles, and they will be gone in a while."

My god, within 10 minutes after Zhou Xiaodong yelled, the huge village was surrounded by the masses. There were grains in snakeskin bags, grains in dustpans, and what’s more, corn kernels were carried in small cages. .

In 1988, it had been many years since the production contract had been assigned to the households. Although every family had no money, the food was piled up like a mountain.

At that time, in the rural areas of our country, visiting relatives and friends was very important. Usually visiting relatives and buying canned food with money was really reluctant. Now they use food, and they have it.

Buy more this time, and exchange all the canned food for relatives who are leaving this year. In addition, the family also likes to eat, and it will also satisfy the family.

When the stomach is full, I want to sublimate what I eat. This thing can just satisfy the gluttony and can be sublimated.

Yang Haimin was stupid, completely stupid, he had seen people who robbed things, but he had never seen people who robbed things like this.

"Everyone line up, there are all, don't get trampled!"

"Also, that big man, there is a child standing next to you."

"Grandma, slow down, how old are you, and you still fight with young people, you don't want to die, just stay here for a bottle of canned food"

At this time, Yang Haimin became the team leader for maintaining order, selling canned food and weighing food, all of which were handled by Zhou Xiaodong and Song Hui.

Zhou Xiaodong was very happy, especially when he heard that his son Zhou Dahai had become the director of the office.

He knows the role of the director of the office. He is the director of the village. He usually goes to the commune. The director of the office of the commune is too awesome.

What worried Zhou Xiaodong the most in his life was Zhou Dahai. He never expected that after spending his entire life wisely, he would eventually give birth to a stupid son. But he never expected that ever since this boy met Chen Bing, the sesame blossoms are growing steadily!
Peace of mind in this life!

Fifteen hundred bottles of canned food were robbed within an hour.

Many villagers surrounded Yang Haimin and asked, "Is there any more? We haven't grabbed it yet?"

A woman stood by and wiped her tears: "I haven't snatched a bottle yet!"

Many children howled loudly when they saw that their parents did not grab the cans!
(End of this chapter)

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