Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 73 What is Hot?

Chapter 73 What is Hot?
Yang Haimin had seen this kind of scene before, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, it's four o'clock now, and it's getting dark, we'll rush back immediately, pack the canned food, and rush back. After eight o'clock in the evening, we can still make a trip."

"Uncle Zhou, hurry up and weigh the food, and when it comes, we will sell canned food."

Zhou Xiaodong quickly agreed.

"Folks, this canned food is produced by Dahai Factory, and Dahai is the director of the office in the factory," Zhou Xiaodong said happily.

"Director Zhou, your son is as promising as you."

"I'm a hero, I'm a hero!"

"Director Zhou, you can enjoy the blessings with your son!"

There was a lot of praise, and Zhou Xiaodong's mouth burst into joy.

Yang Haimin was in the car, happily thinking about the future with Song Hui. Grandma, if they make money like this, they will make money within a year.

At first, they were very jealous and envious of Chen Bing's money making, but now, they are not jealous or envious at all, but hope that Chen Bing will make the factory bigger.

That's how people are. If you get benefits, you support them, and if you don't get benefits, you tear them down!
Yang Haimin and Song Hui used to be gangsters who did all sorts of crimes. They hung around between the video halls and dance halls in Ningzheng County all day long, helping others fight, managing a meal, helping others pick up girls, and offering drinks. A drink, I can't help myself at all, and most of them have to rely on the pocket money from my parents and uncle, but now, I earn money by myself, and I earn so much in less than one afternoon.

Human nature is inherently good, and when it becomes evil, it has a relationship with the environment, and when it becomes good, it also has a relationship with the environment.

When Yang Haimin and the others arrived at the cannery, they were dumbfounded. They thought they could fill the canned food after they arrived, but after arriving, there were huge crowds of people, tractors and four-wheeled vehicles everywhere. There is a big Jiefang truck!
It turned out that after Yang Haimin and Song Hui left, Zhao Ming, the director of the sales department, immediately notified his secondary sellers to exchange canned food for food.

Originally, these sellers never thought of exchanging canned food for food, but Jiajia and canned food are now on fire, and they are afraid that Zhao Ming will be annoyed, and they will not supply them, so they just bought it with the attitude of giving it a try. One car, go to the village to sell.

However, they never imagined that within half an hour, a truckload of cans would be robbed. This is not just one seller, but many sellers have encountered this situation.

The sellers who came back early went to the villages around Yangqing City, so they came back earlier, and only after Yang Haimin came would he see a sea of ​​people.

"It's over! It seems that we can't grab it!" Yang Haimin said.

"Are these people selling canned food?" Song Hui said.

"Look, there is food in the car, and it must have come back after selling the cans."

At this time, Zhao Ming shouted: "Line up in line, let's weigh the grain, and those who have weighed the grain can go to load. Don't worry, everyone, there are all of them. Now there are three shifts."

Zhao Ming held the microphone.

"Haimin, it seems that we can't get any goods today!" Song Hui said.

"Then what should we do? There are still so many people waiting. When we came, Director Zhou was already weighing the food. When we arrive, we will distribute the canned food!" Yang Haimin took a cigarette out of his pocket and took a deep puff: "No , let’s go find Bingzi, no matter what, give us a truckload of canned food as soon as possible!”

Song Hui nodded slightly.

After finishing speaking, the two ran towards Chen Bing's office.

At this time, Chen Bing was on the phone.

"Hehehe, thank you Director Gao, thank you, I, Chen Bing, will repay you. In a few days, I will send you some canned food, so that the employees of your unit can try something new, hehehe."

Gao Yongnian, director of the Grain Bureau, was on the phone.

"President Chen, you're welcome, hehehe, I'm busy, besides, our grain bureau also prepares food, even if we don't, it's not a problem to sell you some food, hehehe."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Director Wei and I are friends, what Director Wei can do for you, I can do for you too, hehehe."

"Understood, if I have the chance, I will speak to the higher authorities."

"Then thank you, Mr. Chen."

"Director Gao, the factory is currently using a lot of cash. I mean, after collecting the grain, the money will be settled directly."

"No problem, don't worry, we'll settle the payment once you collect a load of food."

"Okay, okay, okay, thank you then."

After Chen Bing hung up the phone, he saw Yang Haimin and Song Hui standing in front of him: "Who are you?"

Yang Haimin took out a cigarette from his body and handed it to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, the cans are sold out."

"So fast?" Chen Bing put the cigarette in his mouth, and Song Hui hurriedly offered the lighter.

Yang Haimin smoked Chen Bing, which would never have happened a few months ago!
No one would have imagined that the once trash would become so powerful!
Damn, this moment and that moment!

"Mr. Chen, I didn't expect that. We brought the canned food to the village head of Daliang Village. Director Zhou yelled on his loudspeaker. Oh my god, the whole village was surrounded by people in less than 10 minutes. That guy is really crowded!"

Yang Haimin was still moving while talking.

"and after?"

"Later, within an hour, the cans were sold out!" Yang Haimin hurriedly said.

"That's it, then go back and rest!" Chen Bing said.

Seeing that Chen Bing told them to rest, Yang Haimin became anxious, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, when we came, there were many people around in front of the village committee. Director Zhou collected all their food and asked them to wait. , we came back to pull cans, you said, if we don’t go back, those villagers have to wait until tomorrow morning.”

Damn it, it was because of this.

"However, Director Zhao has already said that the supply will be delivered tomorrow morning." Chen Bing said.

"No, Director Zhao said just now that the food that has been delivered can be supplied now."

"Have you delivered the food?"

"Not yet, let's come over and ask, see if we can pull another car tonight!"

Chen Bing shouted to the outside: "Director Zhou!"

Zhou Dahai responded.

At this time, Zhou Dahai was wearing straight trousers with a denim shirt tucked into the trousers, shiny black leather shoes, and a key chain hanging in an arc on the back of his buttocks.

Is this still the old Zhou Dahai? It's like a different person.

"It's Haimin and Xiaohui!"

"Go and connect with Director Zhao, and let Haimin and Song Hui pull another thousand bottles as much as possible. I heard that people in your village are waiting?"

Zhou Dahai nodded: "Okay, I'll go right away."

Chen Bing waved his hands and said, "Follow the sea!"

Yang Haimin and Song Hui bowed their waists and knees, bowed their heads and left.

In the evening, Chen Bing went home after ten o'clock.

The light was still on, which meant that Yang Xue was still asleep.

Why is this little girl still not sleeping? She must be waiting for her.

Chen Bing opened the door, and a red shadow rushed over!

(End of this chapter)

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