Chapter 74

Chen Bing was shocked.

Hong Ying immediately hugged Chen Bing.

Start soft.

What kind of clothes are you wearing.

My God?

This dress is too advanced, right?
Chen Bing shed tears when he saw it.

In the previous life, there were no such clothes in the sex shop.


Chen Bing couldn't help laughing.

Chen Bing smiled, Yang Xue felt embarrassed.

She lightly hit Chen Bing's chest with her pink fist.

"You laugh at me!" Yang Xue's face was as red as a ripe apple.

Chen Bing glanced at Guoguo who was sleeping soundly, and hugged Yang Xue in his arms: "Xiaoxue, when did you buy this dress!"

"Is this afternoon any good?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

Chen Bing pushed Yang Xue's body away, and took a closer look. This little girl seemed to have deliberately dressed up today.

That's right, the body that is already indescribably wonderful, coupled with light makeup, makes people's imagination even more fantastic.

"Did you buy this clothes by yourself?" Chen Bing asked again.

Yang Xue shook her head: "Bingzi, Sister Li took me there."

"Sister Li?"


Sister Li was a worker in a textile factory. Chen Bing had met her before and heard that her husband was the leader of that factory.

Therefore, when Chen Bing heard that Yang Xue and Sister Li were together, he didn't seem too nervous.

"Then let me ask you, why did Sister Li take you to buy this?"

Yang Xue blushed: "I told Sister Li, you have been very busy recently and haven't touched me for a long time, Sister Li said, it's not your fault that you don't touch me, it's my fault, it's my fault I know how to dress myself up, but I can't keep your heart, so she took me to buy cosmetics and this dress. She also said that a friend of hers just came back from Hong Kong City for this dress. A few pieces, she also bought one for her, after wearing it, her husband"

When Yang Xue said this, her cheeks turned red.

Poor women!
This is what Chen Bing said in his heart.

In the previous life, so many women dressed up for himself, but later, he didn't want any of them. Unexpectedly, now Yang Xue would go the old way again.

Chen Bing held Yang Xue in his arms again: "Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, my husband has neglected you for a while!"

Yang Xue leaned against Chen Bing's chest like a little rabbit.

"My husband told you that this dress is very nice, and my husband likes it. However, my husband wants to let you understand one thing today. My husband likes you. No matter what clothes you wear, my husband likes you. Now we have Guoguo, you He Guoguo is my most important person.

Xiaoxue, I'm really busy these days, why am I so busy, I just want to create a rich family for you and Guoguo, so that you can live a good life, I have no other ideas, don't think about it, okay? "

Yang Xue listened quietly.

"Your task now is to take good care of Guoguo. While taking good care of Guoguo, you can do a good job at work. Hey, according to my opinion, you just quit your job and take good care of Guoguo."

When Chen Bing said this, as if he stepped on a cat's tail, Yang Xue left Chen Bing's body all of a sudden: "Bing, I will not quit my job, and I finally became a regular."

Seeing Yang Xue's excited expression, Chen Bing held her in his arms again: "Okay, okay, you don't say goodbye, hehehe."

"I love you Xiaoxue, I have never loved any woman like I love you!"

Chen Bing's lips pressed against Yang Xue's forehead.

When he woke up the next morning, Chen Bing prepared the meal, put it on the table, and left.

After Chen Bing went out, he saw Wei Dali sitting on a motorcycle at the door.

Seeing Chen Bing coming out, Wei Dali hurried over and said, "Mr. Chen."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Have you eaten?"

"Eat, Mr. Chen, eat it in the factory!"

The cannery controls food and housing.

"Okay, I'll go first!"

Chen Bing drove away in Santana.

Damn, this Santana was left by Wang Longhu, so let's just drive it. After a while, when I have money, I can get a Mercedes-Benz and drive it.

Chen Bing's favorite is the Bentley, which drives domineeringly.

Hehehe, it's just that he can't say whether there is a Bentley in the market now.

Canned food is exchanged for food, and canned food is exchanged for airplanes.

God man, in the previous life, Chen Bing admired Mr. Mou the most. He always wanted to pay a visit to him, but he didn't finish it until he was reborn. In this life, there is plenty of time. Find a time to pay a visit to Mr. Mou.

Talk to this business wizard about the future and how to make the impossible possible!

Chen Bing remembers clearly that Mr. Mou was born in 1954. This year, in 1988, he was in his 30s. He used canned food to exchange for planes in neighboring countries in 1989. Now he uses canned food for food in advance. In this life, he is ahead of him. up.

Chen Bing came to the company.

Oh my God!

What a crowd!

The queue for pulling goods is like a giant dragon.

Damn, when did the business become so hot.

At this time, many people surrounded Zhao Ming. They all held cigarettes in their hands and stuffed them to Zhao Ming. Zhao Ming's ears and mouth were filled with cigarettes.

Yang Haimin and Song Hui also came. When they saw Chen Bing, they rushed over.

"How?" Chen Bing asked.

"Mr. Chen, we rushed to Daliang Village last night. It was already ten o'clock. We rushed back. At one o'clock, we had a meal, paid the food, and came to line up again."

"Are you planning to go to that village today?"

"We still need to go to Daliang Village. At first we wanted to go to Daliang Village. After thinking about it, we will take two cars today and go to Jiajiawazi Village. We also know the director of Jiajiawazi Village. Let him be the same as Daliang Village. Publicize it in front of the village committee."

Chen Bing nodded again: "Okay, work hard, make money hard, make money, go back and buy something for mom and dad, it's not in vain to support you."

At this time, Yang Haimin looked like a grandson in front of Chen Bing.

That's right, money is a master, not only in the 80s, but also in the 90s and the 21st century.

In less than three days, the entire city of Yangqing was in chaos. They all went to Jiahe Cannery to pull canned food for one purpose, and then went to the countryside to exchange food.

These few days, Zhang Boqing is not here, if he is, he will go crazy seeing this scene.

Qi Bocheng called Zhang Boqing and asked him to come back quickly. Something happened, and their cans couldn't be sold, even if they had 'one more bottle'!

Yes, Jiahe Cannery sells it like this, how can they sell it?

In the past, the city bought canned food for relatives in the country, but now the relatives in the country exchanged grain for the canned food and gave it to relatives in the city.

Therefore, now, no matter whether it is in the countryside or in the city, the canned food eaten in the countryside is exchanged for grain in the countryside. As a result, no one cares about the canned food in department stores, canteens, and supply and marketing cooperatives.

In the huge canned food market, the Jiahe Canned family is now running around in the rural land.

 Everyone, if you have a vote, vote for it, and it will be recommended, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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