Chapter 76

After Zhao Ming left, Chen Bing smiled slightly.

At the beginning, he was short of money, he was afraid, and he hesitated. Now, he has money, he has people, and he has foresight.

In this world, let me ask, there are these types of businessmen, who are they afraid of?

Now the busiest thing is the production department.

Chen Bing admires Yang Fang, director of the production department.

Just such a thin woman was able to support the entire production department.

Every time he went to the production department, he saw her standing at the work station.

Is she an iron man? Other workers can work in three shifts, but she seems to be on duty forever.

Chen Bing walked towards the workshop.

Yang Fang's scolding could be heard from afar.

This woman looks weak, but her temper is a bit like Li Kui, who is she reprimanding?
Also, in such an environment, the recruited workers are all novices, and she, the director of the production department, is really difficult to manage.

Chen Bing walked to the workshop and saw Yang Fang reprimanding a young man in his twenties.

Not knowing what Yang Fang said, the young man yanked off the hat on his head: "This is how I am, what can you do!"

"Who is so awesome, and I'm still like this?"

Chen Bing quickly walked up to Yang Fang and the young man.

When the young man saw that it was Chen Bing, his arrogance weakened a lot.

"Mr. Chen, why are you here?" The tough man Yang Fang actually shed tears.

"Let me take a look." Chen Bing turned his head and stared at the young man: "That's how I am, did you say that?"

The young man didn't dare to look into Chen Bing's eyes, and lowered his head.

"Your words are very domineering, Director Yang, he will be fired if you connect with the finances!"

After Chen Bing spoke, the people around were in an uproar.

"Mr. Chen, no, he is Wang Kang, Mr. Wang's nephew!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "That President Wang."

"Wang Longhu." Yang Fang whispered.

When mentioning Wang Longhu, Wang Kang couldn't help but become proud.

"Expulsion! Whoever disobeys management will be expelled"

When Wang Kang heard that Chen Bing said he was going to be fired, he panicked all of a sudden: "Mr. Chen, I am Wang Longhu's nephew. This factory was run by my uncle. You can't fire me right after you take office!"

Chen Bing stared at Wang Kang: "Now that production is so tense, you actually contradicted your superior, Director Yang. This is unorganized and undisciplined. We don't want people like you in our factory. Also, please don't talk about this factory. It was started by Wang Longhu, let me tell you, the current boss of this factory is me, Chen Bing, besides, even if Wang Longhu is still the boss of this factory, he will not let you do this, you go!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he didn't even look at the other party.

Chen Bing stared at Yang Fang: "Director Yang, if you stare like this every day, your body can't take it anymore. In this way, you can find a deputy director to help you share. In addition, you have the final say in the workshop. If you are mischievous, you will be fired directly. Now there are migrant workers in the labor market, and making canned food is not like building rocket satellites. With a little guidance, you will be able to do it, and you can recruit a large number of new people.”

"Yes, Mr. Chen."

Chen Bing thought for a while, and then said: "Director Yang, the workshop is relatively hard. I plan to give 1000 yuan as a reward every month. Among all the employees in the workshop, they can rank. This 1000 yuan can be used as a reward."

When the workers in the workshop heard that Chen Bing was going to reward them with 1000 yuan, they all screamed.

Before Chen Bing left, he once again told Yang Fang to take a good rest.

There were tears in Yang Fang's eyes.

Chen Bing was the boss of a company in his previous life, and he knew that rewards and punishments are the art of controlling people.

Next, Chen Bing went around in the sales department again, and found similar difficult-to-manage situations. The honest ones could die of exhaustion, and the smart ones could die of idleness.

When Chen Bing returned, he asked the office to draw up an announcement, directly delegating the power of employment to various departments. If a person in that department came late and left early, or disobeyed discipline, the department leader had the right to fire directly.

Of course, the incentives are also written on the announcement.

Standing at the gate of the factory, Chen Bing saw Yang Haimin weighing a bag of grain from afar.

He was stunned inwardly, and with his remaining memory, he remembered Yang Haimin a few months ago, when he washed his feet, he had to be brought by others, let alone the food.

Damn, when did this kid become so diligent?
Hehehehe, I understand, it must be money.

Chen Bing understood the magic of money.

Money is a knife that kills people without blood. Some people frown for you, while others laugh for you. This is a song by the famous singer Chi Zhiqiang.

This song describes things like money incisively and vividly.

At the beginning, Chen Bing really wanted to stay away from Yang Haimin. After all, he had a memory of the bad Chen Bing suffered from Yang Haimin.

However, seeing Yang Haimin now, he denied his initial thoughts.

To be honest, if Yang Haimin becomes better, he will be more useful than Zhou Dahai. First of all, he is smarter than Zhou Dahai. In addition, he is more ruthless and ambitious than Zhou Dahai.

Chen Bing walked towards Yang Haimin.

Seeing Chen Bing coming, Yang Haimin quickly arranged the bag of grain he was carrying neatly, and wiped his sweat with the towel hanging around his neck: "Mr. Chen."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Are you tired?"

Yang Haimin shook his head slightly: "Not tired."



Yang Haimin pointed to Song Hui who was unloading grain.

"How do you feel? After doing so much work, do you have any thoughts?" Chen Bing asked again.

Yang Haimin was a little embarrassed when he heard the question: "I feel at ease!"

Chen Bing laughed twice, and put his hand lightly on Yang Haimin's arm: "It's right to be down-to-earth. How can a person be down-to-earth, and how can he live a joyful life? You have to work. Only when you work, you can make money and generate value." Only then will you be at ease!"

Yang Haimin nodded again after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, you are right."

"It's not easy to realize this, let me ask you again, do you think it's better to work or just hang out in dance halls and video halls like we used to?"

After Chen Bing asked, Yang Haimin said: "Mr. Chen, of course it's work. At that time, although I was idle every day, fighting and bragging every day, and others called you brother, but at that time, I was sleepless at night. Say something. To be honest, my wife and I still rely on our parents to support us. Now it’s different. Let me tell you, I’ve earned a small 1000 yuan from collecting scorpions and selling canned food. I sold canned food early yesterday and gave my wife [-] yuan when I went back. Time is not here, let her take good care of the house, and gave my parents [-], let them buy some food."

When Yang Haimin said this, he actually shed tears. Chen Bing knew that these were tears of joy.

"Hehehehe, don't cry, just follow me, I will show you a different version of yourself!" Chen Bing said again.

 Ask for a ticket, if you have a ticket, you will be rewarded with a ticket!Thanks!

(End of this chapter)

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