Chapter 77
"Thank you, Mr. Chen!" Yang Haimin hurriedly said.

Chen Bing patted Yang Haimin's shoulder again: "From now on, when there is someone, call me Mr. Chen, and when there is no one, call me Bingzi. We are still friends!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.

Yang Haimin shouted from behind: "Yes, Mr. Chen."

Zhao Ming worked very quickly, so he came to Chen Bing's office to report that afternoon.

When Chen Bing saw Zhao Ming grinning wide, he knew there was news.

"Director Zhao, are you so happy that you ate honey poo?"

Chen Bing made a joke, and Zhao Ming smiled naively: "Mr. Chen, I have found out what you explained clearly. Our neighboring city Yangxian City, like us, also has two canning factories. One is called Binhe Canned Food. The factory is doing very well, and the other Qinmin canning factory is not doing well and will soon face bankruptcy."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, that's not too far from us, so I'll go to Yangxian City and talk to Qin Min Cannery."

"Mr. Chen, are you talking about OEM?"

Chen Bing nodded.

"If my guess is correct, our canned food has already entered Yangxian City."

Zhao Ming nodded.

"Mr. Chen, Yangxian City is a bit far away. Otherwise, I'll go with you?"

Chen Bing quickly shook his head: "No, absolutely not. You are the only one in charge of the sales department now. You have to hold the ground for us. If you leave with me, the company will be named Zhang when we come back."

"Mr. Chen, how long have you been there?"

"It won't be too long. If we can negotiate well today, hehehe, then I can come back tomorrow. If we can't negotiate well, it may be the day after tomorrow. Our side is not far from the neighboring city. If something happens, I will hurry Come back, remember, every day I will find a telephone hall for you and make two calls, one at [-] am and the other at [-] pm, and you can report to me what happened in the factory at any time."

Zhao Ming nodded again.

"Well, I'll go home and leave in a while."

"Mr. Chen, if you go to Yangxian City at this time, you will definitely not be able to come back that night."

"Hehehehe, then I won't come back. Remember, block the news and don't let people know that I left the factory. Otherwise, that old fox Zhang Boqing won't let go of any chance."

At this time, Zhang Boqing was like an ant on a hot pot, running around anxiously.

Chen Bing exchanged canned food for grain, and he also wanted to follow suit, but he went around to various grain sales outlets, and they didn't want his kind of grain that had no fixed quantity and category.

Damn it, he went to various food stations and asked the food bureau.

The Grain Bureau responded directly, Director Gao explained that during this period of time, all the work of the Grain Bureau revolved around the Jiahe Cannery
Fuck me, Zhang Boqing almost died of anger after hearing this.

It seems that it is no longer possible to rely on canned food for food.

He admired Chen Bing very much. How could this kid be so capable, and how could he accomplish such a difficult thing?
Zhang Boqing returned to the office in frustration.

Qi Bocheng quickly followed.

"boss Zhang."

Before Qi Bocheng finished speaking, Zhang Boqing said angrily: "If you have any bad news, tell me in one breath."

He could see panic from Qi Bocheng's expression.

"Mr. Zhang, our salesman came back and said that the department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives and small shops said that our canned food can't be sold, and asked to return it!"

Zhang Boqing was immediately angry, and slapped the table: "Return the product, return the fucking shit, I don't want a penny, put the cans in their store for nothing, and they still want to return the product!"

Qi Bocheng trembled with fright.

"Mr. Zhang, they said that our canned food doesn't produce any benefits and takes up space. If it is stored for a long time, it will expire. At that time, we are afraid that we will ask them for money!"

"These bastards! What an insult."

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

The two of them heard a knock on the door.

Qi Bocheng stood up straight, and Zhang Boqing adjusted his clothes a little.

The two of them are the pillars of the company. The two of them can quarrel and cry, but in front of outsiders, these negative emotions cannot be shown at all.

Zhang Boqing took a sip of water and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Come in!" Zhang Boqing sat down.

Pushing the door open was a woman in her 40s. She was Qin Juan, an accountant at Shuangwang Cannery.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Qi." Qin Juan bent slightly.

"Accountant Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Juan took a few forms and walked up to Zhang Boqing: "Mr. Zhang, this is a list for purchasing cans and bottles during this period, and the other party has come to urge the account."

Zhang Boqing took a look, damn it, she didn't take one.

"Mr. Zhang, here is the list for purchasing fruits."

"Here's the salary slip for this month."

Qin Juan wanted to read on.

Zhang Boqing waved his hand immediately: "Don't read it, just tell me how much it costs?"

"Mr. Zhang, a total of 132.4551 yuan."

"Why so many?" Zhang Boqing stared at Qin Juan.

"Mr. Zhang, these are all real accounts, and I have the documents here."

Qin Juan quickly pulled herself out, not to mention that she had something tricky inside.

"Then pay now or?" Qin Juan asked.

"You go out first, Mr. Qi and I will talk it over."

After Qin Juan went out, Zhang Boqing asked directly: "President Qi, what should we do? Since Chen Bing took over Jiahe Cannery, we have lost one after another. We didn't make any money and owed more than 100 million?"

"Mr. Zhang, this kid is too powerful. It seems that we can only do it according to the previous method."

Zhang Boqing frowned slightly: "President Qi, we are in business, and we try not to involve human life as much as possible. I told you that the police are not vegetarians. Last year, they killed Wang Longhu because of Zhu He's two hundred and five , there is no way to find out about us, and now this Chen Bing is much stronger and smarter than Wang Longhu, and he can't do what he wants to do."

"Mr. Zhang, I know this. Shopping malls are like battlefields. If you don't kill him, within half a year, our factory will have to be changed into Jiahe Canning Factory!"

Zhang Boqing nodded slightly.

According to his estimation, within two years, the factory will have to change hands.

It's really this moment and that moment!

"Who will do it? Zhang Boqing said again.

"Let's leave it to Zhu He?"

"Can he complete this task?"

"This person is ruthless. He has already become Wang Longhu, so it should be fine to let him become Chen Bing now. If we find another newcomer, it will increase our risk of exposure."

"Okay, you can do this!"

"Mr. Zhang, what good does that do for the other party!"

Zhang Boqing thought for a while: "Any conditions can be agreed, except for the vice president."

"Why?" Qi Bocheng didn't understand.

"You are stupid, Chen Bing is dead, and he became the vice president, the police will immediately find us." Zhang Boqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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