Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 78 Heaven and Hell

Chapter 78 Heaven and Hell

After hearing this, Qi Bocheng nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, you are right."

"You, you, remember, when you do things in the future, you must wipe your butt clean. This Zhu He is a treacherous person and an untrustworthy person. You should not be close friends. You must keep a distance from him, otherwise, no matter how dead you are, you will not die." Know."

Qi Bocheng nodded again.

"Then go prepare, try to use money to solve the problem, and don't agree to any position." Zhang Boqing urged.

"Understand Mr. Zhang, just watch it!"

Qi Bocheng turned and left.

Zhang Boqing fell into deep thought.

He didn't expect that a brat with a hair that hasn't been shaved off would make him so embarrassed, it's fucking nonsense.

However, he admired that although this kid is not stingy, every time he plays can become a textbook in business warfare.

"Another bottle" was written on the bottle cap, he admired it very much. Also, the can was changed into a water cup shape, and the can was covered with a net bag. Even the poisoning incident was so cleverly arranged.

What's more, he actually traded canned food for food, hehehehe, a genius, a genius in the business world!

This kid is sure to be promising in the future.

When Zhang Boqing thought that Chen Bing was promising, he felt a little silent. If he was his subordinate or his son, then why would he worry about his small business empire? But, no.
Immediately, this business prodigy will become a dead soul in his own hands!
Zhang Boqing shook his head slightly, feeling a little bit reluctant.

Chen Bing didn't have time to go home, so he came to Yangqing Textile Factory and saw Wei Dali was already there.

Seeing Chen Bing approaching, Wei Dali quickly jumped off his motorcycle and came to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen."

"Dali, are Guoguo and her mother coming out soon?"

"Mr. Chen, I'll be out in 10 minutes."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, I've worked hard for you this time!" Chen Bing took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Wei Dali.

Wei Dali took it over.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

"Dali, are you satisfied with this job?"

"Satisfied, Mr. Chen, Captain Hao and I committed a crime, were expelled from the army, returned home, had no job, and it became a problem for the whole family to eat. At this time, you took us in and gave us We are all grateful for the work.”

Chen Bing patted Wei Dali on the shoulder: "Work hard. During this time, it's not peaceful here. Take good care of my wife and children. I will use them in the future."

Wei Dali said happily: "Thank you Mr. Chen, it's just that I don't know anything else, and I know kung fu."

"Hehehe, that's enough."

While the two were talking, Yang Xue and Guoguo came out.

Yang Xue grabbed Guoguo's hand, and Guoguo jumped towards Chen Bing.

"Dad, Daddy."

When Chen Bing saw his lovely daughter, his heart almost melted. He picked up Guoguo and lifted her high.

"Dad, be afraid, smelly daddy, smelly daddy."

Chen Bing put Guoguo down and stared at Guoguo: "If you scold Dad again, Dad will still hold you high."

Guoguo was frightened and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Father, stop scolding, stop scolding, Guoguo stop scolding!"

Chen Bing looked at his daughter's tender face, and quickly kissed Guo Guo's tender face with his hairy mouth.

"Dad, it hurts, you have a thorn in your mouth!"

Chen Bing wanted to kiss again, but Guoguo screamed in fright.

Yang Xue walked up to Chen Bing and looked at the fight between father and daughter lovingly.

"Xiaoxue, how do you feel?"

Although Yang Xue's graceful figure is wearing overalls, she never tires of seeing it.

"not bad!"

At this time, many female workers came out to point and point, and one female worker said: "That is Yang Xue's husband. I heard that he used to be a waste. Look, he is driving a car now!"

"You don't know, not only was he a waste before, but he also beat Yang Xue every now and then. That was a terrible beating. My cousin and Yang Xue both work in the plastic processing factory in Ningzheng County, and I know her family's situation very well. gone."

"I also know this. He has now come out and founded a factory. I heard that the benefits are not bad."

"That is, the efficiency is not good, can you drive?"

"Xiaoxue has finally made it out now. When will I be able to make it out? Whenever I think of that trash in my house, I get so angry that I won't feed him when I go back today! Let him open a factory just like Yang Xue's trash husband Make money!"

Chen Bing did not hear these words.

"Why are you here?" Yang Xue's cheeks were peachy.

"I'll come and see you and Guoguo. Now I'm going on a business trip to a neighboring city. If it goes well, I'll be back tomorrow. If it doesn't go well, it will take another two days."

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue asked anxiously, "Going to another place?"

"It's not a foreign place, it's a neighboring city. It's a few hours away, and it's very fast."

"Bingzi, I'm scared if you're not here!"

What Yang Xue said was true, she was really scared.

"Don't be afraid, just call my factory if you need something, there will be someone on duty at night."

Chen Bing hugged Yang Xue lightly, and walked up to Wei Dali: "Dali, send them back!"

Chen Bing didn't know that at this time, Zhu He and others were planning to kill him.

A small restaurant by the river.

Qi Bocheng, Zhu He, Siyan and others sat together.

After drinking for three rounds, Qi Bocheng let the four-eyed people leave, leaving only him and Zhu He in the private room.

Qi Bocheng is a business owner. When he came here, Zhang Boqing explained again that he could pay for it, but he had to wipe his butt clean, so he wouldn't make a fuss if he didn't eat pork.

Therefore, Qi Bocheng limited the content of his conversation with Zhu He to him and Zhu He.

Seeing Siyan and others leave, Qi Bocheng picked up the wine bottle and filled the glass in front of Zhu He: "Hehehe, Mr. Zhu, I finished this drink!"

Zhu He didn't hold the cup, but tapped his hands on the table lightly: "Mr. Qi, just say what you have to say. Now that the four eyes are gone, there are only two of us left."

Zhu He looked at Qi Bocheng with hostility in his eyes.

"Hehehe, brother, what are you doing? From the look in your eyes, it seems that you are hostile to my brother."

"Hehehe, don't dare, you are the general manager of the former Yehai Canned Food Factory and now the Shuangwang Canned Food Factory. , I will go first!"

"Brother, hurry up and talk, I'm looking for you today, it's really a big deal."

"What's the big deal?"

"Send money!"

Qi Bocheng took out 3 yuan from his pocket and put it on the table: "Brother knows that you are short of money recently, hehehe, didn't I send it to you!"

Thirty thousand is not a small amount.

To be honest, Zhu He is really short of money recently.The Jiahe Cannery Factory has been in a downturn for the past few years, and the workers are poor, so he, the second in charge, is also poor, otherwise, he would not have rebelled.

Money is a good thing, it can make people go to heaven, and likewise, it can also make people go to hell.

 Ladies and gentlemen, if you have a ticket, you will be rewarded with a ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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