Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 79 It's Time

Chapter 79 It's Time

Chen Bing arrived in Yangxian City at exactly five o'clock in the afternoon. He checked the time and knew that he would definitely not be able to go back today, so he was going to find someone to ask where Qin Min's cannery was?Then ask Binhe Cannery and Qin Min Cannery what kind of love-hate relationship they have.

Chen Bing found a hotel to stay in, then went downstairs, and called the factory from a nearby telephone hall, Zhou Dahai answered.

Chen Bing asked Zhao Ming to answer the phone.

When Chen Bing left, he had already explained to Zhao Ming, so when Zhao Ming came, he said to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, our supply and demand here are seriously insufficient. Those who can't get the goods, if they don't leave now, they are all messed up. It’s not that our security guards are so good, I think there will be people robbing the goods!”

Chen Bing frowned slightly. He didn't expect that the sale of canned food was also a trouble.

"Let the security guards maintain order, and there must be no problems."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, you have to find a way quickly."

"Ok, I know."

Jiahe's canned food is in short supply, while Shuangwang's canned food is not sold. This is a stark contrast.

Who is Zhang Boqing, it is impossible to sit still.

Especially seeing such a huge rural market, he couldn't remain indifferent.

He is a bit regretful now. If he had thought of the marketing method of exchanging canned food for food before, why would he worry about today? Maybe, in the past few years, he has already accumulated enough original funds to open the factory to the other side of the ocean.

Therefore, when Chen Bing left, Zhang Boqing also left. One went out to find a factory for OEM to solve the problem of supply and demand, and the other went out to solve the problem of grain sales.

After all, Zhang Boqing is an old Jianghu, he knows that Chen Bing is powerful, and the people above are very powerful, but it is uncertain whether he can control Yangqing City, Lingxi Province, and other provinces and cities.

In 1988, my country's reform and opening up has been nearly ten years. During these ten years, the country has undergone earth-shaking changes. Not only domestic enterprises have sprung up, but many foreign-funded enterprises have also entered the country.

Zhang Boqing thought for a while, and it was really not possible, he could go to foreign trade.

Now that Zhang Boqing has thought of this, he feels much calmer. He still has a lot of cash flow. When he left, he had already shut down the factory. Drop the food problem, and then fight to the death with Chen Bing.

Chen Bing's idea at the beginning was correct. The duel between Jiahe Cannery and Shuangwang Cannery was not to defeat Shuangwang Cannery again and again, but to kill them. If they were defeated, they could make a comeback. A real win.

Just like the eight-year war of resistance between our country and the small island country, it was a war of attrition. Whoever can't bear it will be completely defeated.

Therefore, in order for Shuangwang Cannery to fail, Zhang Boqing had to be completely bankrupt and bankrupt. As long as he had money in his pocket, he could be a demon.

After Chen Bing finished his explanation, he found out the direction of Qin Min's cannery and drove to it.

Chen Bing saw the words "Cannery Factory" when he drove a long way.

"It must be in front."

He stepped on the gas pedal, and Santana stopped at the gate of the cannery.

This factory looks much more desolate, a bit like Jiahe before he came to take over.

Chen Bing parked the car at the gate of the factory and walked inside.

At this time, people in twos and threes walked out with things.

A man in his forties blocked it with both hands: "Everyone, don't move, if you move, the factory will be over!"

"President Qin, you haven't been paid for several months. If we don't move, our family will starve to death!"

Men who can stop these tigers and wolves.

Tables, benches, all moved out.

At this moment, a young girl in her twenties ran up to the man: "Boss Qin, it's bad, the workers want to dismantle the machine!"

After hearing this, the man quickly let go of these people and ran towards the inside.

Chen Bing probably understood that this person must be Qin Min.

It seems that this factory is really going to go bankrupt, with no wages paid for several months, these workers are going to sell the things of the factory.

This is a big deal!

There was a smile on Chen Bing's face. It seemed that he had just come at the right time.

Chen Bing yelled, "Put it all down!"

Those who were about to move things out couldn't help putting down their things and staring at Chen Bing.

A man in his 40s asked Chen Bing, "Who are you?"

Chen Bing didn't answer directly, walked up to him, and snatched the bench from his hand: "The factory is not working now, is that the fault of Mr. Qin alone, no! It also has something to do with you, I think your grade is not young Now, why are you so ignorant?"

The man wanted to get angry, but when he saw Chen Bing's clothes and temperament, he knew that he was not an ordinary person, so he asked, "Who are you?"

"Who am I, tell me first, are you an old man in this factory?"

He nodded silently: "I am. This factory was built in 80. Since then, I have been a worker of this factory!"

"Since you are an old man in the factory, you don't know how to protect the interests of the factory. Young people are ignorant. When the factory is in crisis, move things and sell the factory. You also move things and sell the factory!"

The man couldn't help lowering his head: "I don't want to sell either, but if we haven't been paid for several months, our family will starve to death!"

When the man said this, he burst into tears.

After the man cried, everyone behind him cried.

Chen Bing cleared his throat: "I understand the situation of your factory. It is a very good factory. A few years ago, it once became a star enterprise in your Yangxian City. In the past few years, due to competition and malicious competition, it was defeated. This At this time, you must work together to help Mr. Qin tide over the difficulties together."

When Chen Bing said this, the man seemed to come back to his senses: "Who are you, teaching me here?"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Who am I? Let me tell you. I am your nobleman. I will protect the factory for you and pay you wages."

"Huh? You want to buy our factory?" asked an old man next to him.

"No purchase."

"Remember, you are the workers of the factory, and the factory is your home. Didn't our country say that the workers lead everything? Now that the factory is in trouble, you must find a way to solve it instead of tearing it down. You should unite and work well. , keep the factory well, and let Boss Qin spare more energy to find a new way out instead of just causing trouble to Boss Qin."

Qin Bing continued: "Think about it, if I don't stop you from moving some broken tables and benches to your home today, if you move them to your home, what use will it be, what problems can it solve, in the end, the factory will fail and you will lose your jobs At that time, you couldn’t find a place to cry!”

"So, we have to help each other and overcome difficulties together!"

When Chen Bing said this, an old man inside asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Hehehe, people who help you!"

 Everyone, if you have a vote, please vote, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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