Chapter 80

Chen Bing turned his head to the man and said: "You just watch over here, no one is allowed to move the things of the factory, otherwise, I will call the police, the factory will come back to life, and he will be the first to fire him!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he strode inside.

"who is he?"

"I do not know either."

"So young."

"Good smell!"

Chen Bing ran towards the noisy place.

This is a workshop with assembly lines and machines inside.

When Chen Bing entered, he took a look at the factory.

The scale of the factory is not small, it looks bigger than that of Jiahe.

When Chen Bing saw this scene, he could laugh out loud.

"Hehehe, I got rich!"

This factory must be taken down today, as long as it is taken down, it will solve the worries of the future, and even if the supply exceeds the demand, it can be delayed for a while.

Chen Bing entered the workshop and saw many workers carrying machines. The man just now was kneeling on the ground, crying and pleading.

Chen Bing rushed in and shouted again: "Stop me!"

This shout was like the roar of a lion.

Those who were carrying the machine stopped and stared at Chen Bing.

Kneeling Qin Min also stared at Chen Bing.

"You are President Qin?" Chen Bing quickly walked up to Qin Min and helped Qin Min up.

Qin Min wiped away tears: "I made you laugh!"

Chen Bing said: "Boss Qin, I've seen this kind of thing a lot, you guys come here!"

Those who carried the machine came over and stared at Chen Bing.

"How much does the factory owe you?"

"We can't get paid for half a year, we owe me five hundred, I'm four hundred and five."

Chatting non-stop.

"Okay, who is the leader?"

Many people looked at a strong man like a black bear.

Chen Bing knew that this person was the leader, so he nodded slightly.

Chen Bing walked up to the strong man and said, "Please write down your names and salary, and I will make a knot for you right away."

No one knew what kind of medicine was sold in Chen Bing's gourd.

Qin Min didn't know either.

The strong man wrote a few names in a few words, and then wrote their money.

Chen Bing took out a stack of money from his wallet, counted it, and handed it to the strong man. The moment the strong man wanted to accept the money, Chen Bing said: "Think about it, and if you accept the money, you will be fired by the factory." Apart from!"

The people around were shocked.

Chen Bing continued: "Will you accept it or not? If you accept it, I will pay your half-year salary, and you will leave the factory immediately. If you don't accept it, you will receive one month's salary this afternoon, and work will start tomorrow. Within three months, the factory will give you all your salary. Salary paid!"

After Chen Bing said it, everyone was dumbfounded. Who is this and why did he say that, as if the factory belonged to him.

Qin Min walked up to Chen Bing: "May I ask who you are?"

Chen Bing ignored Qin Min and continued to stare at the strong man: "You decide whether to accept it or not?"

Chen Bing stretched out the money in front of the other party, but the strong man's hand shook, and after a while, he withdrew his hand: "Can you guarantee that you will receive two months' salary this afternoon?"

"I guarantee that all the workers in the factory will be paid two months' wages. It will be October now, and all the wages will be paid out in time for the New Year this year."

When Chen Bing said this, someone actually clapped his hands.

"Then I will trust you!"

Yes, the salary is a bit weak compared to the job.

"Okay, thank you for your trust. You moved the machine out of its place. Move it to the original place for me. Everyone, clean up. In the afternoon, pay wages on time!"

Chen Bing's roar stunned everyone.

Qin Min was a little confused, stared at Chen Bing in horror, and continued: "Sir, may I ask who you are?"

When Chen Bing was speaking, Qin Min looked at Chen Bing carefully.

He has been in business for so many years, and he has met eight hundred if not one thousand successful people.

Although Chen Bing was young, the invisible power emanating from his body was unmatched by ordinary people.

Should be a character.

At this time, Qin Min saw that Chen Bing had controlled the factory, and he was only happy.

After all, the factory was neither robbed nor destroyed.

"President Qin, can you take a step to speak!"

Qin Min nodded again: "Okay, sir."

Chen Bing also made a gesture of invitation.

The two walked into Qin Min's office, which was also very large, and it could be seen how luxurious it used to be.

"May I ask your surname, sir?" Qin Min asked again.

"Chen Bing, Chairman of Jiahe Cannery!"

"Jiahe Cannery?" Qin Min asked again.

"Jiahe Canned Food Factory in Yangqing City." Chen Bing laughed.

When Qin Min heard Jiahe Cannery, he quickly stretched out his hand and held Chen Bing's hand tightly: "Mr. Chen, I have long admired him, hehehe, the former Mr. Wang of Jiahe Cannery had a relationship with me a few times. Unexpectedly, He passed away unexpectedly, hehehe, it is a great honor to meet Mr. Chen today!"

Chen Bing also smiled: "Mr. Qin, we Ming people don't talk dark words. I came to you today because I have something to ask for your help!"

"you say!"

"My factory is small, the supply is in short supply, and the output of canned food can't satisfy the market at all. So, would you like to ask Mr. Qin's factory to do the OEM for me?"


"Yes, OEM means that your factory will process it for our Jiahe Canning Factory, and then we will pay you a certain labor fee."

After Chen Bing spoke, Qin Min fell into deep thought.

"I don't want to? Mr. Qin, I saw the situation of your factory just now. If I don't pay wages this afternoon, the factory will be vacated tonight!"

After Chen Bing said, Qin Min nodded slightly.

"Mr. Chen, I built this factory. To be honest, I have suffered a lot and suffered a lot to build this factory. It can be said that this factory is my child. Now that the factory is like this, I feel very uncomfortable. !"

Chen Bing can understand.

"Mr. Qin, next, give us an OEM, and your factory will slowly get out of the predicament."

"Boss Qin, I have a suggestion?"

"What proposal, you say?"

"We don't do OEM anymore. I think you should buy our factory directly, right?"

"Ah?" Chen Bing was really taken aback.

When he saw Qin Min kneeling and begging the employees not to take away the factory's things just now, he thought he was reluctant to part with the factory, so he proposed to buy it, otherwise, he would propose to invest in it, but unexpectedly, Qin Min asked him to buy it directly .

Chen Bing was a little embarrassed when he heard this: "Boss Qin, what's wrong with you, didn't I just say that, as long as your factory OEMs for our factory, I promise for one year, your factory will get out of the predicament!"

Qin Min nodded slightly: "I've heard about Mr. Chen's deeds, and I also believe it, but I don't have the ability to manage it anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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