Chapter 82
"Damn it!" Chen Bing roared angrily.

Chen Bing knew that this day would come, but he didn't expect it to be so soon!

"Many sellers who bought our goods are now selling Shuangwang canned food. Now their canned food is on par with ours in the market."

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Well, tell the sellers immediately, and give them another [-]% profit."

Zhao Ming said anxiously: "Mr. Chen, we only have a [-]% profit now. If the price is reduced by another [-]%, where will our profit come from? Isn't it a loss to make money?"

"This is the current style of play. There is no way. What we are fighting now is a war of attrition. Let's see who can survive to the end!"

Zhao Mingdao: "Mr. Chen, I'll give orders right away!"

After Zhao Ming left, Chen Bing put his hands on the table and tapped it lightly.

Zhang Boqing is really powerful, he is simply an invincible Xiaoqiang.

The food safety incident last time didn't kill him, this time he must be exhausted in funds!
Chen Bing knew that the next battle would be a tough battle, a tough battle of life and death.

Zhang Boqing's office.

Zhang Boqing drank tea leisurely.

Qi Bocheng stood beside him.

"Mr. Zhang, we have completely slowed down, hehehe, I used my relationship, and we are so aggressive, those sellers have come to our side, hehehe, even Jiahe's sellers are selling for us can."

After Qi Bocheng finished speaking, hehehe smiled again.

"Don't take it lightly, that kid is a difficult master!"

"Mr. Zhang, although we have reversed the situation now, our profit is too low. Sometimes, it is almost zero. I wonder, what kind of business is this?"

"This is a huge consumption war. It depends on who consumes whom. I inquired that Jiahe earned more than one million yuan from Chen Bing's collection of scorpions. During this period, they competed with us for the market and lowered the price. The price is too low, and he didn't earn much, if my guess is right, the most he has in his hand is about one million."

When Zhang Boqing said this, Qi Bocheng hurried to Zhang Boqing: "Mr. Zhang, there is something, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he really wanted to punch Qi Bocheng in the head. This Qi Bocheng, as the general manager of the company, doesn't use his brain when things happen, and now he keeps his words secret. For the sake of loyalty, I really want to let him go.

"Say, if you have anything to say to me, just say it directly, and then cover it up, be careful I will slap you!"

Qi Bocheng hurriedly said: "When you were away these few days, I heard that Chen Bing went to Yangxian City and bought a factory."

After hearing this, Zhang Boqing frowned again, and hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, you bought a factory? Which factory?"

"I don't know the details, but I heard that it was acquired."

Zhang Boqing seemed very anxious, picked up the phone and dialed immediately.

"Brother Liu, I'm Boqing. Check it out for me. A canned food factory named Jiahe bought a factory in Yangxian City in the past two days. May I ask which factory it is?"

"You don't need to look it up. I know it. It's been rumored like crazy recently. It's Qin Min Cannery."

"Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner another day." After Zhang Boqing said, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Boqing hung up the phone, Qi Bocheng bent over and said, "Mr. Zhang, how is it? Is what I said true?"

Zhang Boqing didn't answer.

Qi Bocheng stared a little scared, the expression on his face was too weird.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?"

Suddenly, Zhang Boqing slapped the table, and Ang Tian laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha, hahahahaha, hahahaha!"

"Mr. Zhang, what's the matter with you, are you all right?"

What's wrong with Zhang Boqing? Hearing that Chen Bing bought a factory, is he going crazy?
This frightened Qi Bocheng to death, he became the general manager, and he got it by flattering Zhang Boqing, if he managed a company by himself, he would have to go bankrupt.

Therefore, Zhang Boqing gave her wealth and honor, and Zhang Boqing must not have any accidents!

"Mr. Zhang, what's wrong with you, you must not have any accidents!" Qi Bocheng burst into tears when he said this.

It was Qi Bocheng's crying that brought Zhang Boqing back to his senses.

"Why are you crying?" Qi Bocheng asked.

"Mr. Zhang, are you okay?" Qi Bocheng still had tears in his eyes.

"The way you looked just now is scary!"

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he laughed and said, "Is that why you cried?"

Qi Bocheng nodded again.

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he was a little moved. This boy is a nice person, but he actually cried for himself. In this world, even his own son doesn't necessarily cry for Lao Tzu.

Zhang Boqing once again had a good impression of Qibo City.

"We did a rough calculation just now, and the largest Chen Bing currently has is about one million yuan. I just called and said that Chen Bing bought the Qinmin Canned Food Factory in Yangxian City. Qin Min Canned Food Factory is bigger than Jiahe Canned Food Factory. , So, I can guarantee that the money in Chen Bing's hand is almost used, maybe it's not enough, and he borrowed a lot."

When Zhang Boqing said this, Qi Bocheng was even more confused: "Mr. Zhang, I still don't understand what you mean?"

"From now on, in the price war, we will completely crush the Jiahe Cannery. If Chen Bing hadn't bought the Qinmin Cannery, I would still have lingering fears. Now, I am not worried at all."

Zhang Boqing said again: "Our family has a big business. Although the business was sluggish some time ago, our foundation is solid. I roughly calculated that we still have at least 300 million liquid funds in our hands. Therefore, this battle must be based on With lightning speed, Jiahe cannery was quickly defeated!"

At this time, Zhang Boqing was like a commander in chief, setting up combat missions.

"Mr. Zhang, news came from Zhuhe last night that he is about to act!"

Zhang Boqing laughed and said, "Okay, tell Zhu He, be careful, this time, although I won't give him the position of vice president, I will give him a lot of 10 yuan."

Qi Bocheng nodded again.

"Hahahaha, I see what else Chen Bing has to do to escape this catastrophe."

Zhang Boqing made a good plan. If Chen Bing is killed this time, then Jiahe will fall into his hands again. At that time, the entire Yangqing City, only his cannery, he will reset the price. In that way, the profits lost before , will earn back quickly.

Besides, he followed Chen Bing and learned a lot of marketing models. Next, he will lead his team to attack other cities. will be famous all over the world.

Zhang Boqing had a good plan, but he didn't know it. Although his plan was good, it was difficult to succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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