Chapter 83

In the final analysis, the battle between Jiahe Cannery and Shuangwang Cannery was about money, and Zhang Bo did a good job of liquidating it. Chen Bing really didn't have much money now.

There is no 10 yuan in the whole body, so Chen Bing has to make money.

Chen Bing knows that there are only two ways to make money now, one is the bank and the other is fundraising.

As far as 1988 was concerned, fund-raising hadn't reached the level of turning pale, but Chen Bing still didn't want to get involved unless it was absolutely necessary.

Then do it from the bank, not only do it yourself, but also block the other party.

In the 80s, there were still relatively few private banks. It can be said that there were none. It is different from the 21st century. Money is everywhere in the 21st century. As long as you have credit and dare to use it, you can get it in minutes.

Alipay, Huabei, credit cards, and so-called low-interest loans online!

Hehehehe, but in the 80s, it was not so convenient, whether it was illegal or legal fundraising.

Chen Bing took out his phone and called Wei Dong.

"Wei Chu, what are you busy with?"

"Mr. Chen, you've been making a lot of noise recently!"

"That's it, get rich, your brother has helped me so much, I haven't thanked you yet, hehehe, I'm looking for you to have a drink today, and I'll find you two girls by the way, so you can be defeated!"

Before Chen Bing finished speaking, Wei Dong said, "Go, go, I'm a decent person!"

"Hehehe, I know you are a decent person, as if I am not a decent person!"

Chen Bing made a joke.

With Chen Bing's status, even if he gave Wei Dong a gift, Wei Dong might not dare to take it. Wei Dong and Chen Bing need more and bigger things when they associate with Chen Bing.

Chen Bing knew Wei Dong well, so he still wanted to continue using his false identity.

If his false identity is exaggerated by Wei Dong, hehehe, the false identity can also become the real one!

"Okay, come out, after six o'clock, I'll wait for you at the gate of your unit, and we two brothers will have a drink!"


"It's okay, I just miss your brother, so I invite you to drink two glasses! Hehehe."

Wei Dong is so smart, he knew that Chen Bing must have something to do, so he said, "Okay, see you at six!"

At six o'clock, Chen Bing picked up Wei Dong in his car, and the two ran towards Yangqing Hotel.

"Bingzi, what are you doing today?"


Wei Dong said again.

"Don't lie to me, what's the matter?

Wei Dong couldn't help raising his vigilance.

"drink wine."

"What you're talking about is drinking?"

"Hehehe, what else can you do besides drinking?"

Chen Bing knew the benefits of drinking. No matter who he was, as long as he drank, he would be able to talk about things easily. This is the wine culture of China.

Why, talk about everything at the wine table.

Once on the table, two cups of cat pee, people will be confused, and things that cannot be discussed can be negotiated. Therefore, the current Chen Bing does not want to tell the truth to Wei Dong. If he wants to say it, he will wait until Wei Dong drinks half a bottle of wine. .

When the time comes, he agrees, and there's nothing left for him to do.

After arriving, the two asked for a private room.

They ordered food casually and ordered two bottles of Moutai.

"Wei Chu, just the two of us, let's have a good drink today!"

Wei Dong was very happy when he heard that, it was not a trivial matter to be able to call the young master of the Provincial Party Committee a brother and brother.

"Mr. Chen, I dare not call you brother and brother."

"Hehehe, drink.

Their glasses clinked together.

After a while, a bottle of wine bottomed out, and Chen Bing felt that it was almost time.

"Wei Chu, brother needs your help with something!" Chen Bing said.

At this time, the alcohol had already made Wei Dong lose his mind, and he patted his chest with his right hand: "Brother, tell me, you and I are brothers, as long as I, Wei Dong, can do it for you, I will definitely do it for you, hehehe, besides, the whole Yangqing City, is there anything I, Wei Dong, can't do?"

This is what Chen Bing wanted, and he nodded slightly: "President Huang said, Wei Chu is enough friends, hehehe, I, Chen Bing, have been friends with you for the rest of my life, let's have another drink!"

"No!" Wei Dong stopped Chen Bing's hand from pouring the wine: "Brother, if you talk about things, if you don't talk, I won't drink!"

"Hehehe, okay, that brother will say it."


"Brother needs money, a large sum of money?"

"Need money? What do you need money for? You still need more money?" Wei Dong held his wine glass.

"Hehehe, brother, it's big money, 600 million!"

Chen Bing found out the details of Zhang Boqing. If there are 600 million people, he can definitely bring Zhang Boqing down.

The 600 million at that time was not a decimal.

"600 million? Where should I get it?"

Although the alcohol burned Wei Dong's head, it didn't burn the fool.

"You are the director of the enterprise department, in charge of all the enterprises in the city. You must be very familiar with the banks, right?"

When Chen Bing said this, Wei Dong slapped his head: "Yes, yes, the loans between various banks and enterprises sometimes require coordination from our enterprise management office. I am quite familiar with them."

"That's why I came here to ask you to get some money from the bank?"

"600 million?"


After Chen Bing said, Wei Dong quickly waved his hands: "No, no, absolutely not, 600 million, the bank will not let you."

"Wei Chu, one bank won't let me go, what about three, four? To be honest, I've already thought about it. I'm going to get 600 million from the banks of industry and commerce, agriculture, construction and rural credit unions. Hehehe, it must be difficult to borrow 600 million from one bank, but it is not so difficult to borrow from multiple banks, right?"

Chen Bing stared at Wei Dong.

Wei Dong also stared at Chen Bing, Wei Dong thought for a while, pointed at Chen Bing and said, "You're so smart, hehehe, I'll contact them after drinking!"

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Okay, so, we won't go back tonight, we will register a room in the hotel, have dinner tomorrow, let's go together!"

Wei Dong smiled again.

Wei Dong knew that after drinking, they still had something to play.

It is comfortable to stay with these local bosses.

Early the next morning, Chen Bing came to Wei Dong's room and saw Wei Dong still sleeping.

"Wei Chu, Wei Chu!"

Wei Dong opened his eyes and saw that it was Chen Bing. He was startled, and quickly covered himself with a quilt.

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Wei Chu, what is this for? I, Chen Bing, am not interested in men!"

Wei Dong smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Chen, why are you at my house?"

"Wei Chu, take a look, is this your home?"

Wei Dong looked around: "Is this a hotel?"

"Wei Chu can promise to take me to the presidents of the four banks today?"

Only then did Wei Dong recall, and he slapped his head, there was such a thing.

He secretly regretted why he drank so much wine.

"Mr. Chen, I drank too much wine yesterday and talked big. I really don't know if I can approve the 600 million yuan!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "It would be very difficult for someone else to approve this, but since this is my loan, and with the guarantee from Yangqing Enterprise Department of Wei Department, it is not afraid that it will not be approved."

"I promise?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Wei Chu, don't worry, your benefits are indispensable. When necessary, you can mention my identity to several presidents!"

Chen Bing's eyes flashed with viciousness.

Wei Dong nodded quickly.

"One more thing, tell the presidents of several banks tomorrow that you are not allowed to lend any money to Shuangwang Cannery during this period, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Chen Bing said again viciously.

After hearing this, Wei Dong quickly agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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