Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 84 Killing Heart

Chapter 84 Killing Heart

After dinner, Wei Dong took Chen Bing to shuttle among several bank presidents.

Just as Chen Bing said, with the guarantee of Wei Dong, the head of the enterprise management department, and the false identity of Chen Bing, the loan went smoothly, 600 million, and it arrived in Chen Bing's account within three days.

At the same time as the loan, Chen Bing reminded him again that he must never lend money to Shuangwang Cannery.

In two days, October 80st is the National Day. Many units will celebrate the National Day. For the [-]s, canned food is indispensable for celebration.

Chen Bing immediately ordered that the price be reduced by [-]% on top of the original price.

When Zhao Ming heard Chen Bing's actions, he said excitedly, "Mr. Chen, if you surrender again, we will lose!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "If you want to seize the market and make Shuangwang go bankrupt, you have to lose money. Go on, let me go on, just remember one thing, our quotations to sellers will always be [-]% lower than Shuangwang."

First Day

The next day

On the third day

Fourth day

The fifth day

This price war lasted for more than [-] days, and Jiahe canned food was always [-]% lower than Shuangwang canned food.

During this period of time, sellers from all over the world went crazy. They robbed Jiahe’s canned food and then Shuangwang’s canned food. amount of profit.

Compared with the two, Jiahe is more popular.

At this time, Jiahe and Shuangwang's canned food not only filled the streets and alleys of Yangqing City, but even the entire Lingxi Province, Jiahe and Shuangwang's canned food was also sold.

Crazy, almost crazy.

Zhang Boqing panicked, he paced back and forth in the office.

How did this happen? How did Chen Bing have so much money? Forget it last time. After he bought the factory in Yangxian City, he lost all his money. Even if he had, it would not exceed one hundred thousand. However, this month , the compensation is real money, where did he get so much money?

Zhang Boqing couldn't figure it out. Anyway, he had lost more than 300 million yuan, and now he couldn't even get 10 yuan out of his account.

At this time, Zhang Boqing's hair was disheveled, his eye sockets were sunken, and his eyes were bloodshot. He was smoking cigarettes one by one, and the whole office was filled with smoke.

"Manager Qi, what's going on here? How does he have so much money? I've been making canned food all my life, and he sells it at this price. This month, he will lose at least 300 million yuan."

Qi Bocheng also didn't understand: "Mr. Chen, the other party is still lowering the price, should we still lower the price?"

If you don't surrender, you think you will lose the market. If you surrender, when will this war end?
Losing the market is more important than losing money.

What's more, he is now penniless, only the remaining 10 yuan, there are still a lot of materials, and the workers' wages have not been settled.

Zhang Boqing really wanted to shout out, who can tell me how much money Chen Bing has, and where did he get it from?

Zhang Boqing is a tough guy, he stood up staggeringly: "You just watch here, I'll go to some banks to see if I can get some loans!"

Qi Bocheng nodded again.

At night, Zhang Boqing returned to the office with chapped lips and dull eyes.

Qi Bocheng quickly poured a glass of water and brought it to Zhang Boqing: "Mr. Zhang, how are you doing?"

Zhang Boqing shook his head slightly: "I can't get a loan, even if I pay a high interest rate, I can't get a loan."

"Not even 100 million?"

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he slapped the table: "Don't say 100 million, it's just [-] point, and they won't give you a loan!"

"Why, don't the presidents of those banks have a good relationship with you?"

"Yeah, it's usually pretty good, but now people just don't give loans. They all say with one voice that banks are tightening their money and won't lend money to companies!"

After Zhang Boqing finished speaking, he squatted down on the sofa.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

Zhang Boqing tidied up his clothes.

"Come in!"

It's accountant Qin Juan.

"What's the matter?" Qi Bocheng asked.

"Mr. Qi, I'm here to find Mr. Zhang. We credit the fruits of the villagers. They want to pay a total of 53 yuan! This is the list, and this month's salary"

Before Qin Juan finished speaking, Zhang Boqing pushed all the documents on the table to the ground: "Get out!"

Zhang Boqing has always regarded himself as elegant all these years, and he has never behaved like this before.

At this time, he really understood Wang Longhu's mood at that time.

Qin Juan trembled in fright.

Qi Bocheng waved his hand towards Qin Juan: "You go out first!"

Qin Juan quickly bent down to pick up the documents on the ground, put them on the table, opened the door and left.

"Mr. Zhang, calm down. Now that something has happened, we have to find a way to solve it."

"Solve it, how to solve it, we have been hollowed out now, and we still owe a lot of debts, tell me, how to solve it?"

Zhang Boqing stared at Qi Bocheng like a wolf with red eyes.

"But, we can't sit still!"

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he said harshly: "The last time Zhu He was asked to kill Chen Bing, why hasn't he been killed yet, and he is still alive!"

"Mr. Zhang, you know this. You said you would give Zhu He 4 yuan. I went to him with the money. He said that 4 yuan is not enough. You can kill Chen Bing. He doesn't want the money. He wants our vice president." For this position, he wants 5.00% of the shares of the factory, I told you at the time, and you still scolded him for being too greedy!"

Zhang Boqing thought slowly.

"Contact him right away, I want to see him, tell him, I want Chen Bing to disappear from this world, if things are done and done beautifully, then the vice president of the company will be his, and in addition, I will give him another [-]% shares!"

Zhang Boqing is really crazy, really driven crazy by Chen Bing!
Qi Bocheng wanted to ask again, but Zhang Boqing shouted again: "Hurry up and do it for me, I'll see him right away!" '

Chen Bing didn't know that he forced Qi Bocheng into such a situation that he wanted to kill him.

A shopping mall is like a battlefield. Since it is a battlefield, dead people are common.

Chen Bing's office.

Yang Haimin stood in front of Chen Bing.

"Sit down, hehehe, we are all brothers, don't be polite."

Chen Bing said he was a brother to Yang Haimin, which flattered Yang Haimin.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen."

"I told you, call me Mr. Chen when there is someone, call me Bingzi when there is no one, we are all friends, don't look so unfamiliar!"

(End of this chapter)

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