Chapter 85

After hearing this, Yang Haimin was flattered: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will be absolutely loyal to you in my life!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Don't worry, of course I don't worry, you still want to follow me to make a fortune!"

"Mr. Chen, if it's okay, I'll go first!" Yang Haimin continued to bend over.

Chen Bing came out and patted Yang Haimin on the shoulder: "Haimin, exercise hard, study hard, and I will find you a job in the company in the future."

Yang Haimin never dreamed that Chen Bing would say such a thing.

His eyes suddenly became hot: "Mr. Chen, I."

"Haimin, we are friends. Look at the society today. It's changing with each passing day. It's changing too fast. Many people look at money. If it weren't for our time, we would just know how to pick up girls and go to the dance hall. Do you remember Lao Lang?"

Yang Haimin's face changed drastically when he heard the word Lao Lang.

"Where is Brother Wolf?"

Seeing Yang Haimin's appearance, Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I won't tell Lao Lang about you and his son."

Yang Haimin smiled awkwardly.

"The old wolf is powerful, powerful, but no matter how powerful he is, he was driven out of Ningzheng County by the old dog. But now, the old wolf has done a good job and has a place in Yangqing, and Yan Ran has become the underground boss of Yangqing. A few days ago, I went to him, he met me, very respectful, do you know why?"

Yang Haimin was confused, he didn't believe it, who is the old wolf, he is the existence of 'Heaven' in his heart, how could he be respectful to Chen Bing.

Yang Haimin shook his head slightly.

"Just because I'm rich, hehehe, no matter how powerful he is, he still depends on rich people like us to live, so he has to be respectful, he stands trembling in front of me, and even if he eats, I have to sit on the table! "

When Chen Bing said this, Yang Haimin stared at Chen Bing again. He always felt that he understood Chen Bing, even if his identity changed later, he also felt that he understood, but now, he doesn't understand, he is so shady Ruthless, when things happen, he is so calm, so unpredictable!
Yang Haimin now knew that he did not lose anything by following Chen Bing.

"Do it well. This era is dominated by the rich, and in the future, it will also be dominated by the rich. Follow me well, and I will take you to enjoy a different life!"

Yang Haimin immediately stood up straight after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will study hard and strive to be a useful person."

"Okay, if you are really useful, I will make you a master!"

Lobby bathroom.

This is the first bathing center in Yangqing, named 'Lobby Bathing Center', which evolved from the lobby bathing hall.

Qi Bocheng and Zhu He lay on the soft massage bed.

Two young girls were rubbing their feet.

Zhu He grinned comfortably.

Qi Bocheng took two puffs of his cigarette, and pressed the butt into the ashtray.

"Hehehe, Mr. Zhu, how are you doing? You're almost comfortable. Should we talk about things?"

Qi Bocheng stared at Zhu He with a smile.

"Hey, it's so comfortable to me!" Zhu He grabbed the girl's tender hands with a pair of salty pig hands.

The girl smiled and avoided: "Boss, it's not time yet!"

When Zhu He heard it, he laughed again and said, "What is the time? Isn't it money? Look at the guy next to me. He used to be the general manager of the famous Yehai Canned Food Factory, and now he is the general manager of Shuangwang Canned Food. , I’m still afraid of your little money.”

Hearing this, Qi Bocheng was a little annoyed, and his cheeks were slightly angry: "Mr. Zhu, the important matter is important. We will finish the discussion in a while. I will find you two and let them serve you well!"

When Zhu He heard it, his mouth burst into joy.

He sat up straight, lit a cigarette, and took two puffs: "President Qi, I'll know if you don't tell me, hehehe, tell me, just talk about the reward this time, and don't talk about anything else!"

Qi Bocheng also sat up straight, and leaned his body slightly in front of Zhu He: "This time it's done, and your wish can be fulfilled, hehehe, how is it?"

"Vice President?"

"Vice President."

"Hehehehe, I don't want this vice president anymore, and I don't like it anymore. Your factory is almost being run on by Jiahe. What's the use of having your vice president!"

After Zhu He said, Qi Bocheng's face became ugly: "Then what do you want?"

"One hundred thousand, all I want is money, if you give me the money, I'll do the job!"

"What a big appetite!" Qi Bocheng said again.

In [-], one hundred thousand was not a small sum.

"Mr. Qi, it's because you didn't believe what you said first. Don't blame me, Mr. Zhu. Besides, I also have a group of younger brothers who want to raise, hehehe, at least a hundred thousand. It still depends on the past affection, and, I also have a sworn feud with Chen Bing, if these two points don't exist, I wouldn't do it even with your 20 yuan."

Qi Bocheng seemed to hear something.

"One hundred thousand?"

"Hehehe, if you don't agree, you can't be the master? If you can't be the master, you can go back and ask Mr. Zhang, I think he will agree."

Qi Bocheng slammed his hands on the bed heavily: "Okay, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, you do the work first, and I'll give you the money after finishing the work!"

Zhu He waved his hand and said, "President Qi, what kind of job is this? How can you ask for money after you finish a job that loses your head? There are too many variables. Besides, I have to guard against the behavior of President Qi and President Zhang, so I still do it." Settle the money before the job, otherwise, I won't do it!"


Qi Bo was furious, when did this kid become so awesome, if it was before, he would have already slapped him.

Qi Bocheng thought for a while, but still put his hand down.

"Okay, when are you going to do it?"

"Whenever the money is in place, I will do it!"

"Mr. Zhu, if I give the money, what will you do if you don't do anything by then?"

Zhu He laughed and said, "Mr. Qi, you underestimate me, Zhu He. Under the instigation of you and Mr. Zhang, I, Zhu He, closed down Jiahe Canned Food Factory and the boss of Jiahe Canned Food Factory, Wang Longhu. Death, and you, turn your face and deny people, at this time, ask me what to do if I don’t do it, I will tell you clearly, no matter how despicable I am, no matter how dishonest I am, I can’t compare with you and Mr. Zhang, so , you can rest assured!"

"Okay, it's a deal, you wait for my news!"

Zhang Boqing's office.

Qi Bocheng is reporting to Zhang Boqing.

Zhang Boqing frowned slightly.

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do?"

"One hundred thousand? Can this kid open that mouth?"

"Mr. Zhang, I think Zhu He is purely out for revenge."

Zhang Boqing pressed his hands on the table: "It must be, but now it's a critical moment, one hundred thousand is one hundred thousand, give it to him!"

"But, Mr. Zhang, we don't have much money in our account now. If we pay this one hundred thousand, we won't be able to pay this month's salary!"

Zhang Boqing's face became ugly: "I know that, if Chen Bing doesn't die, the [-] yuan won't last long, so the only way now is to use the [-] yuan to buy Chen Bing's life. Hehe Cannery has no leader. Next, we will use some of our resources to acquire Jiahe Cannery. At that time, in the huge Yangqing City, we are the only cannery in Shuangwang. Hehehe, we can re-price, I believe that within half a year, we will regain what we lost, and we will earn back what we lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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