Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 86 The Spring Breeze Didn't Happen

Chapter 86 The Spring Breeze Didn't Happen
Qi Bocheng nodded again: "Mr. Zhang, then I will give 10 yuan to that kid!"

"Give it, let him do the work better for me, otherwise, I will pay another [-], and find someone to kill him!"

Zhang Bo said sternly.

After hearing this, Qi Bocheng nodded and said, "Mr. Zhang, don't worry!"

Chen Bing did not expect that when things developed to such an extent, life and death would be at stake.

The market is still fermenting.

Jiahe is rich now, and there are more than 300 million yuan left. Chen Bing is going to spend a month to spend all the 300 million yuan, and strive to kill Shuangwang this year.

Profit points continue to decline.

The profit point is further reduced.

Profit points drop again.
Order after order came from Chen Bing's office.

Following Jiahe's price cuts, Shuangwang had to cut prices.

If the price is not lowered, Chen Bing will take away the market that was so hard-won. If the price is not lowered, those sellers will bring back the canned food that was taken away. After all, in order to grab the market, the two sides are currently distributing goods for free.

The happiest ones now are those sellers. Damn, if the price is reduced according to this level, will these cans be given away for free after a while?

Hehe, no, it's definitely not a free gift, it's a post for us!
"President Qi, why don't you do anything!"

Zhang Boqing's eyes were sunken, staring at Qi Bocheng.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm looking for a suitable opportunity!"

Zhang Boqing slapped the table fiercely: "Look for the right opportunity, grandma, if he waits for him to find the right opportunity, then we Shuangwang will be killed by others!"

"Mr. Zhang, I just went to the financial side to look around, and they are all accountable."

Zhang Boqing frowned tightly: "Didn't we say last time that Jiahe doesn't have much money?"

"Yeah, I don't know either."

"I don't know how long this battle will last!"

"Mr. Zhang, if you keep going, we really can't hold on anymore, and now we are losing more than [-] yuan every day."

Distressed, more than [-], that is not a small amount.

"It's too late even if you want to stop it now. Hurry up and urge Zhu He to do it. Tell Zhu He that I have already given him the money. If you don't do it, then don't blame me for shaking off the matter of him killing Wang Longhu!"

Qi Bocheng nodded again, and left in a hurry.

In fact, it's not that Zhu He doesn't want to do it, it's that Zhu He is really looking for opportunities.

The next day, Chen Bing got off work and walked out of the gate of Jiahe Cannery.

At this moment, he didn't know that a pair of evil eyes were staring at him.

A black Santana car with Zhu He in it.

Zhu He smiled sinisterly. He was wearing a hat, a toad mirror, a cigarette in his mouth, and took two puffs: "Chen Bing, from today onwards, our grievances will be over!"

Then, he rolled down the car window, threw the cigarette butt out, closed the car window, stepped on the gas pedal, and Santana flew away like an arrow leaving the string!

Zhu He yelled wildly in the car: "Chen Bing, take your life!"

20 meter

ten meters
eight meters
five meters
three meters
Santana's speed reached the extreme!
If Chen Bing was hit at such a speed, his internal organs would definitely be shattered and he would die!
Chen Bing saw Santana crashing towards him, and Zhu He was in the car, he panicked, but he knew that it was too late to dodge now, his eyes radiated fear, he knew that he was finished, look He will be reborn again, he can let go of everything now, but he can't let go of his dear Yang Xue and his lovely Guoguo.

However, at this moment, his body was knocked out by a huge force.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Mr. Chen, how are you?" A group of people lay beside Chen Bing.

Since it is at the gate of the cannery, the security team is all there.

Chen Bing shook his head. Damn it, his neck hurts. When he threw it out just now, his neck was twisted.

Chen Bing stood up and looked towards where Santana left.

"Zhu He, I must kill you!"

At this moment, Wei Dali cried loudly: "He Feng, He Feng, how are you?"

Chen Bing turned his head and saw that He Feng was lying on the ground with blood all over his mouth and face.

He knew that He Feng was hit by Santana, and he was hit by Santana in order to save himself.

He quickly bent down: "He Feng, He Feng, I am Chen Bing!"

He Feng opened his mouth, unable to speak.

Chen Bing shouted quickly: "Take him to the hospital quickly."

The cannery was not too far from the hospital, but unfortunately, although He Feng survived, he became a vegetable and had to spend his whole life in bed.

In the hospital ward, Chen Bing looked at He Feng's parents who were crying bitterly, and he shed tears again.

Then he clenched his fists: "He Feng, don't worry, from today on, your parents will be my parents, and your child will be my child!"

Chen Bing arranged for He Feng and returned to the factory immediately.

He knew that the factory must be in chaos now, and there must be no problems. Now is the time to compete with Shuangwang Cannery.

He has been in business all his life, understands the cruelty of the market, and understands that Zhu He's killing him this time must have something to do with Zhang Boqing. It seems that his big price cut this time has already hit Zhang Boqing's sore spot.

"Mr. Zhao!"

Zhao Ming hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, please give me instructions!"

"Mr. Zhao, pass it on immediately, and give the seller another [-]% of the price!"

Zhao Ming's expression changed after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, we can't compromise the price anymore. If we compromise the price again, we will lose 30.00% of the money."

"Do as I say."

Zhao Ming could only nod his head.

"How is Shuangwang doing now?"

"Mr. Chen, the other party is also lowering the price, but I got the news that Shuangwang has run out of money."

"Okay, what I want is that he has no money!"

"Mr. Chen, I heard that Shuangwang now owes a lot of foreign debts, even fruit and canned food."

"it is good."

Zhao Ming went on to say: "Mr. Chen, Zhang Boqing explained to Qibo City that the goods have been distributed for free for so long, so let him get back part of the money during this period."

Chen Bing's eyes were on fire: "Now I want to get back part of the money, it's too late, I'm going to let him die! You tell all the sellers, follow me Chen Bing, follow Jiahe, I will let them make money and doubt their lives, everyone together Let's kill Zhang Boqing together."

Zhao Ming nodded again.

After Zhao Ming left, Chen Bing picked up the phone and called Wei Dong.

"Wei Chu!"

"Mr. Chen, hehehehe, you have made a lot of noise these days!" Wei Dong smiled.

Chen Bing tried his best to keep himself calm: "Wei Chu, tell you something."


"Please inform the major banks again, whoever lends money to Shuangwang Cannery will be against me, Chen Bing!"

Wei Dong and Chen Bing have been dating for such a long time, and they have never seen Chen Bing talk like this.

"Mr. Chen, I have explained everything before."

"Confess again!" Chen Bing said.

"I'll call them right now."

"Okay, when you call, please mention me as the first son of the Provincial Committee."


"In addition, let me borrow your identity and inform all pawnshops and usury companies that you are not allowed to lend money to Shuangwang Cannery."

Wei Dong nodded again.

(End of this chapter)

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