Chapter 87
Wei Dong hung up the phone and muttered to himself: "This Chen Bing is really ruthless, this is the whole Zhang Boqing who is going to die, he is the master's son!"

Do it, if you don't do it, you will offend him!
For Wei Dong, Chen Bing was useful, but Zhang Boqing was useless.

In this world, especially in shopping malls, those who are useful live, and those who are useless, what are you doing alive?
Wei Dong picked up the phone again, and each bank notified, faintly reminding, what Mr. Chen meant.

The other party quickly promised.

Although Wei Dong is a cadre, his department is different, so no matter who he is, he must give him face, including the big bosses in Yangqing's underground.

When those banks, pawnshops, investment companies, and loan sharks heard Wei Dong's explanation, they quickly agreed.

They are powerful, and they are powerful in Yangqing. However, things in the dark cannot be seen in the light. If they offend Chen Bing, if they are exposed, hehehe, then they will not be able to enjoy the glory and wealth. Maybe they will spend time in the prison under the southern city wall Pass.

Chen Bing hung up the phone, and instead of being idle, he ran directly to the Phoenix Ballroom.

The Phoenix Ballroom is still so lively.

The dancer's tears are still so tear-jerking.

Chen Bing was very depressed. How could this song, which reflected the miserable life of the dancing girl, be played in the ballroom?Play it in the ballroom, make the dancers happy or cry?

He came today to find the old wolf, not to dance.

"Sir, let's dance!" A well-dressed beauty came over.

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "No!"

The woman wanted to strike up a conversation, so Chen Bing walked inside.

It was the male waiter again, but this time, he didn't stop or lead the way, for fear of being slapped by the black bear again.

Chen Bing rushed up to the second floor.

The old wolf is inside.

Just happened to meet a black bear.

Chen Bingli ignored it and walked directly inside.

"Mr. Chen, let me report to you!" Hei Xiong hurriedly said.

"No, Lao Lang and I are friends!"

Chen Bing finished speaking and walked in.

The old wolf and his younger brothers were digging a hole when they suddenly saw Chen Bing and were taken aback: "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

"Find this person for me?" Chen Bing took out Zhu He's photo from his pocket.

"Who is he?"

"A traitor to our company!"

"Hehehe, this is Mr. Chen's housework!"

Chen Bing took out 1 yuan from his pocket: "Old Wolf, I can find it in a few days!"

The old wolf looked at the 1 yuan, hehehehe smiled: "Mr. Chen, Yangqing is too big, it's really not easy to find someone, maybe he left Yangqing long ago."

"Old Wolf, I don't want to know anything else, I just want to know where he is now and see him."

Chen Bing took out another [-]: "If I can see him in three days, I will add another [-]."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he fixed his eyes on the old wolf.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen is so grand!"

The younger brother next to me is also staring at the 2 yuan. My grandma, if I find this within three days, there will be another [-] yuan, which is [-] yuan.

Thirty thousand in the 80s is not a decimal, enough for them to be chic for a while!

"Can it be done!" Chen Bing stared at the old wolf again.

The old wolf clapped his hands on the table: "Mr. Chen, you are so generous. Okay, I will take your business."

Chen Bing didn't say anything extra, turned and left.

After Chen Bing went back, he told Wei Dali again that he should protect Yang Xue and Xiao Guoguo, and he was afraid that Zhu He would jump over the wall in a hurry and attack his family again.

After finishing the arrangements, Chen Bing took Hao Yong and ran towards Shuangwang Cannery.

Chen Bing knew that Zhu He's every move was instigated by Zhang Boqing.

Zhang Boqing's office.

Zhang Boqing paced quickly in the office.

Qi Bocheng also stared anxiously.

"Bastard, it's more than enough to succeed than to fail!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"What is it? Look at the person you are looking for!" Zhang Boqing cursed angrily.

"Mr. Zhang, now is not the time to scold, what should Zhu He do?"

"Let him leave immediately, the farther away the better."

"I've already told him, but he said that if he wants to leave, he has to pay [-], otherwise, [-] is not enough!" Qi Bocheng said cautiously.

Zhang Boqing was so depressed, he never dreamed that he was so passive now.

"You tell him whether he wants money or not, and you tell him that he didn't kill Chen Bing, but hit his security guard in a vegetable state. The police are looking for him everywhere. If my guess is right, Chen Bing will also kill him." Looking for him everywhere, if he is caught, hehehe, then he will never get out of prison in this life!"

Qi Bocheng bent over and hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, I'll go right away."

Zhang Boqing sat down on the sofa: "The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and once the strong man is gone, he will never return!"

"Mr. Zhang, just now, several banks called, and it was the same as last time. The banks are tightening their money and are not lending money at the moment. I told them that we can rebate, 20.00%, [-]% is fine, but they still said no. .” Qi Bocheng said before leaving.

"It's getting worse!"

"How much longer can we last?"

"Mr. Zhang, our raw materials have been exhausted, and the canned bottle factory is no longer supplying us. Just now, many fruit growers are urging for money!"

"Sell so much, can't you get any money back?"

Qi Bocheng shook his head slightly: "Mr. Chen, I returned a little bit earlier, but it didn't work. For the rest, those sellers said that it's okay to ask for canned food, but they don't want money. They said that Jiahe Cannery makes more profit than us, so, Jiahe Cannery sells well."

"Fart, are you still waiting for the price to be lowered? If the price is lowered again, I might as well give them the cans directly!"

"Mr. Zhang, what should we do now?"

Zhang Boqing thought for a while: "See if we can get some from underground banks?"

This kind of high-interest loan is generally untouchable, if you touch it, you might be dead.

Qi Bocheng wanted to dissuade him, but he knew that this might be the only way.

Drinking poison to quench thirst is better than not drinking.

At this moment, the secretary came in and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Chen from Jiahe Cannery, please see me!"

After hearing this, Zhang Boqing stood up abruptly and said, "What did you say, Jiahe Cannery?"

"Yes, it's Jiahe Cannery!"

"What is he doing here, tell him to leave quickly? Qi Bocheng said.

Before Qi Bocheng finished speaking, Chen Bing pushed the door open, followed by Hao Yong and Jia Hu.

Hao Yong's white spot, Jia Hu's black spot, the two stood on both sides of Chen Bing, just like Qin Qiong and Jingde.

"Hehehe, Mr. Qi, is this your way of hospitality?"

What else did Qi Bocheng want to say, Zhang Boqing waved his hand and said, "Mr. Chen, welcome, Mr. Zhang really didn't expect you to come to my office?"

"Mr. Zhang didn't expect it. In fact, I didn't expect it either."

"May I ask, what are you doing here for congratulations?" Zhang Boqing said.

"I don't know what's going on with Mr. Zhang?"

"Rejoice!" Zhang Boqing said.

"Mr. Zhang has the heart of a villain and the belly of a gentleman!"

"Oh? So, I blamed Mr. Chen by mistake, so I would like to ask, what is Mr. Chen doing here?" Zhang Boqing said again.

(End of this chapter)

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