Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 88 Use 1 Strategy 2 Times

Chapter 88
"Buy Shuangwang Cannery." Chen Bing continued to smile.

Qi Bocheng suddenly stood in front of Chen Bing after hearing this: "What are you talking about, you want to buy Shuangwang Cannery?"

Seeing Qi Bocheng's appearance, Zhang Boqing waved his hand slightly: "You step back!"

Qi Bocheng had no choice but to back down.

"How is it, Mr. Zhang?"

Chen Bing stared at Zhang Boqing provocatively.

"Mr. Chen must think that I will lose?"

"I'm sure, Mr. Zhang still has the chips to win?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, you are very arrogant!"

"I'm very young, of course I'm arrogant!" Chen Bing continued: "I got news that the four banks rejected Mr. Chen's loan on the grounds of bank tightening, and the underground banks refused Mr. Zhang's loan on the grounds of lack of money. In order to get along with me and grab the market, Mr. Zhang has no brains to lower the price of canned food, so that Mr. Zhang is now not only penniless, but also owes a lot of debts, don't you think so?"

Zhang Bo is really fucking angry, this Chen Bing was really sent by God to punish him.

Zhang Boqing couldn't say a word.

"Mr. Zhang, in the future, we will continue to cut prices until the death of Shuangwang Cannery, until the death of Mr. Zhang, hehehe, unless the Shuangwang Cannery is acquired!"

Zhang Boqing's eyes could shoot fire, he really wanted to call back the security guards to beat up Chen Bing, but seeing the two people brought in by Chen Bing, they were not common people, maybe he didn't beat up Chen Bing, but someone else did.

"Mr. Chen, you are right, then I would like to ask, what price can you offer?"

"Hehehe!" Chen Bing laughed wildly again.

He remembered how arrogant Zhang Boqing was when he first took over the Jiahe Cannery. It was only a few months ago, hehehe, he surrendered.

What the hell!

"One" Chen Bing raised a finger.

"100 million!" Zhang Boqing said in surprise.

100 million is a bit small, but if Chen Bing really pays 100 million and buys the cannery, he is really willing. Damn it, the green hills left behind are not afraid of lack of firewood. With this 100 million, I can make a comeback.

"No, no, no!" Chen Bing shook his hand slightly.

"One hundred thousand?
"N0, N0, N0."

"How much?" Zhang Boqing was about to lose his mind, he really wanted to strangle Chen Bing to death.

"One yuan!" Chen Bing stood up quickly after speaking.

"One yuan? Chen Bing, are you fucking taunting me?" Zhang Boqing also stood up quickly.

Seeing this, Hao Yong and Jia Hu rushed to Chen Bing to protect him.

Chen Bing gently pushed them away.

"Mr. Zhang, originally, if such a large cannery was to be acquired, I could have given you 100 million or even 200 million, ha ha ha, but you..." Chen Bing's face instantly became grim, and he quickly walked up to Zhang Boqing: " But you challenged my bottom line again and again. First, you sent people to smash my factory, and then sent people to smash my house, and threatened my wife and children. But this time, you sent Zhu He to kill me , Hehehe, do you want me to die like Wang Longhu?"

"You, you, you spew blood!" Zhang Boqing's mind is still clear now, and he will not admit anything. If he admits, it will not be as simple as closing down the factory, but he will be imprisoned and shot.

"Hehehehe, I know you won't admit it, but let me tell you, I will let you admit it, and I tell you good news, Zhu He has been found by me, Zhu He has also confessed clearly, Wang Longhu is you Appointed him to kill, you are now the murderer!"

"Ah!" Zhang Boqing held his chest hard and shouted loudly, "Come on, drive them out!"

At this time, a few security guards came in, but when they saw the eyes of Hao Yong and Jia Hu, they took a step back involuntarily.

Chen Bing walked up to Zhang Boqing and looked at Zhang Boqing who was clutching his chest: "Mr. Zhang, I'll give you another night to think about it. If you agree, you can buy it for one yuan. Bad debts and bad debts of your factory will all be counted in my Jiahe cannery factory." However, if you miss this evening, I, Chen Bing, will not only close down your factory, but also bankrupt you, and even let you eat peanuts!"

Chen Bing drew the three words "peanutmi" into a very long tone, and after finishing speaking, he turned and left with his "Heng Ha Second General".

It was already six o'clock in the evening when Chen Bing left Zhang Boqing. Instead of going home, he went to the factory.

When he came to the factory, he immediately called Zhao Ming to him.

"Mr. Chen."

"Mr. Zhao, I just went to the Shuangwang Cannery. Hehehe, that guy, there are so many people in front of the door, they are all here to ask for money."

"Mr. Chen, Zhang Boqing made a mistake. He thought that our factory's financial resources must not be as good as theirs, so he started a price war with us. Hehehe, it's only been so long, and he can't stand it anymore."

"Hey, in fact, we can't stand this way of selling goods for free and trading at a loss. You should know that the money we spend now is all borrowed from the bank. Let me tell you, there are more than 500 million yuan. If it reaches over a million, if he gets the whole money, it won't be them who will go bankrupt, but us!"

Zhao Ming knew that this kind of price war would cost money, but he didn't expect it to cost so much.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do? We have to find a way, otherwise, the factory will close down and we still owe the bank so much money?"

"Hehehe, that's why I came here for you."

"You tell me, for the sake of the factory, I will die!"

"Okay, now at six o'clock, you immediately contact the newspapers in each county and ask them to immediately interview the people in their county about the poisoning incident after eating canned Shuangwang."

"Ah? Then there is?"

Zhao Ming was a little strange.

"The poisoning incident was dealt with last time, so we will fix it this time."

"Are you lying?"

"Yes, fake, hired people, give more money, don't let them sell us!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen." Zhao Ming understood instantly.

"Also, give the newspaper more money."

"Understood, but, Mr. Chen, we have done it once, if we do it again this time, will it be unsuccessful!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "When the daily newspapers of various counties and Yangqing Daily publish it tomorrow, this will be a big news in Yangqing City. At that time, you can contact the salesman of Shuangwang Canning Factory and tell them , Shuangwang Can will go bankrupt, and at this time, they will join us, and we will give them a big discount."

"anything else?"

"The only condition for them to join us is to send the Shuangwang canned food on the market to the Shuangwang cannery again! Hehehehehe."

Even if Chen Bing didn't say this, even if such a big incident happened, even if these sellers didn't send the cans back to the factory, the canteens, department stores, and supply and marketing cooperatives would force them to send the cans back.

Chen Bing didn't expect that such a good strategy could be used twice?

Zhao Ming's face turned into a Maitreya Buddha with a smile: "Mr. Chen, I'll do it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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