Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 89 It's Over

Chapter 89 It's Over

The next day, the entire Yangqing City was in chaos again. The Shuangwang Cannery, the original Yehai Cannery, had problems with the canned food again.

Many people who ate canned Shuangwang suffered from stomach pains. There was not one case in the whole city, but dozens of cases.

In the era when the news was blocked, but now Shuangwang Canned Food and Jiahe Canned Food go to the village to exchange food every day, so these news spread like wildfire, and in an instant, it spread throughout the streets and alleys of Yangqing, even in the outer city. all know.

All of a sudden, those who bought cans of Shuangwang demanded to return them. This included not only small shops, department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives in various places, but also villagers.

As soon as the newspaper reported it, the entire Yangqing City was in chaos. If there was a car from the Shuangwang Cannery that traded canned food for grain in any village, he would be surrounded by the crowd. Not only could his canned food not be sold, but those days ago If he changed someone else's canned food, he was also asked to change it. If he didn't change it, these people wouldn't let him go!
Carloads of canned food were pulled into Shuangwang Cannery again.

Qi Bocheng walked around Zhang Boqing's office anxiously: "Mr. Zhang, what should I do, what should I do?"

"What's your idea? We'll spoil our stomachs if we eat canned food? I can assure you, it must be Chen Bing's fault!"

Zhang Boqing didn't speak, but hugged his head and began to cry.

He knows that everything is over. The last time he encountered this kind of thing, he didn't panic. At that time, he had money, but now, he is penniless and owes a lot of debt. He knows that it is over, it is completely over. .

He lost, lost to that hairy boy, in just over two months.

Damn, this is too fast.

Zhang Boqing was a little reconciled, but he knew that there was no other way!
"Mr. Zhang, what should we do? The truckloads of cans have already been pulled back. If we pull them any further, our warehouse will not be able to hold them!"

Chen Bing's office.

Zhao Ming said happily: "Mr. Chen, hehehe, you haven't seen the current situation of Shuangwang Cannery. It's just like the situation when we first launched canned food for food. It's more lively and lively."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, give him another fire."

"What more fire is needed? The fire on Zhang Boqing's butt is strong enough!"

"Go, let out the wind and say, Zhang Boqing is going to abscond with the money, hehehehe!"

Zhao Ming instantly understood: "Mr. Chen, you want him to die!"

Chen Bing frowned and clenched his fists: "Originally, commercial competition is to save people a way to survive, but Zhang Boqing violated my bottom line again and again. I must let him die!"

After Zhao Ming heard this, Ji Lingling shuddered.

"Mr. Chen, I'll do it here."

At this moment, Zhou Dahai came in and said, "Bingge, someone is looking for you!"


"He said he was called Hei Xiong, and he was ordered by Brother Lang."

"Let him in!" Chen Bing quickly stood up, wondering if there was news from Zhu He.

"Hehehehe, whoever offends me, Chen Bing, I will let him die!"

The black bear came in.

"It's a black bear!"

Hei Xiong can show off in front of others, but he can't show off in front of Chen Bing, because Brother Lang can't show off in front of others either.

Therefore, the black bear stood neatly in front of Chen Bing.

"What's the matter?" Chen Bing asked simply.

"Bingge, Brother Lang said, we have completed your task, and you are now in the abandoned chemical plant in the southern suburbs."

Chen Bing nodded.

"Brother Wolf also said, should we keep him, or should he be handed over to you?"

Chen Bing said: "You wait outside first."

The black bear was taken out by Zhou Dahai.

Chen Bing took out his phone, called Wei Dong, told about Zhu He in detail, and asked Wei Dong to call the police.

When Chen Bing arrived at the abandoned chemical factory, he saw Zhu He being tied up by five flowers.

Chen Bing walked over and asked Hei Xiong to take the people away for a while. The police will arrive in a while. It is not good to see Hei Xiong.

After Hei Xiong left, Chen Bing walked up to Zhu He: "President Zhu, hehehe, we meet again!"

When Zhu He saw Chen Bing, he was frightened and begged for mercy: "Mr. Chen, I'm not human, please forgive me?"

"Hehehe, okay, I'll forgive you, how did you get the injury on your face?"

At this time, Zhu He's face was covered with scars.

Chen Bing knew that Zhu He suffered a lot.

"They did it."

"Okay, it's okay to forgive you, then you have to tell me, why did you kill me? If you say yes, I will forgive you. If you say no, I will chop you up and throw you into the river to feed you bastards." !"

Zhu He trembled all over.

"Mr. Chen, I didn't want to do this. Zhang Boqing asked me to do it. He also gave me 10 yuan!"

"Is there any proof?"

"Yes, President Qi of Qibo City can testify."

Zhu He stared at Chen Bing pitifully.

"Okay, well said, you said so well, I can really forgive you."

"Thank you Mr. Chen"

"Let me ask you one more thing?" Chen Binggecu was beside Zhu He.

"You say?"

"Why did you kill President Wang Longhu?"

After Chen Bing asked, Zhu He trembled all over: "I didn't kill him!"

Chen Bing quickly stood up, and said viciously: "You didn't kill him? But, Mr. Zhang Boqing Zhang said that you did it. It was the driver you found. You said you didn't kill him?"

After hearing this, Zhu He gurgled in his throat: "Bastard, Zhang Boqing!"

"Mr. Chen, Zhang Boqing asked me to kill him. In order to get Jiahe Cannery, he asked me to kill him. I didn't dare to do it, so I found a cancer truck driver."


"It's absolutely true, Qi Bocheng knows about this matter, and you will understand everything once you ask."

Chen Bing laughed hehehe: "A dog bites a dog!"

"Comrades in the police, it's time for you to come out, and the rest has nothing to do with me!"

When Chen Bing and Zhu He were talking, they saw the police appear, but they didn't come out directly, so Chen Bing asked about Wang Longhu's case by the way.

"Mr. Chen, you lied to me!" Zhu He struggled to stand up.

He was quickly held down by two policemen who rushed up.

"Chen Bing, you are despicable, you are so despicable!"

After Zhu He was arrested, he quickly made it clear that Zhang Boqing and Qi Bocheng were arrested that night.

At this time, Zhang Boqing is actually the same whether he is arrested or not. Even if he is not arrested, he does not want to live anymore.

Everything is gone, so many years of struggle, so many years of intrigue, so many years of hard work in the shopping malls, in the end, nothing came of it, just when he was powerless, he was about to find a rope and hang himself!
However, before he found the rope, the police came in. As soon as he saw the arrest warrant, he knew that the case had been committed.

He was calm, and directly stretched out his sinful hands, letting the cold handcuffs bind his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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