Countercurrent 1988

The joy of success

The joy of success

When Chen Bing went back that night, he immediately found Zhao Ming.

"Mr. Chen."

"Restore the original price immediately?"

"Recover now!"

"Yes, let me know that from today on, all the goods supplied by our factory will not be owed on credit, and the original price will be restored."

"What about the seller?"

"It's the same. New Year's Day will be in five or six days. After New Year's Day, it will be more than a month away. I hope that within this month, we will make up for all our past losses!"

After hearing this, Zhao Ming immediately nodded and said, "Mr. Chen, I'll go and give instructions."

Zhao Ming also knew that if the factory continued to lose money like this, it would wipe out the 600 million that Chen Bing borrowed from the bank, hehehe, then the reconciliation would be over.

Chen Bing stood up, picked up the phone, and called Wei Dong: "Wei Chu, ha ha ha ha!"

"Mr. Chen, congratulations!"

"Wei Chu, thank you, my success is inseparable from your help."

"Hehehe, thank you Mr. Chen for remembering my help."

"Don't worry, I will never forget it. I will be busy for a while now. After this time passes, we will have a good drink!"

"it is good!"

Chen Bing sat down: "Wei Chu, there is something else I need your help with!"

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, you are too greedy!"

"Wei Chu, I haven't said anything yet, how do you know I'm greedy?"

Wei Dong still smiled: "Mr. Chen, if my guess is correct, you should want to buy Shuangwang Cannery!"

Chen Bing had to say that Wei Dong was really smart.

"Wei Chu, that's exactly what I mean. Jiahe Cannery and Shuangwang Cannery have competed for so many years. Hahahaha, now it finally has a result. Now the boss and general manager of Shuangwang Cannery have been arrested one after another. Shuangwang Cannery The factory is heavily in debt, and next, if my guess is correct, the Shuangwang Cannery will be the same as the previous Jiahe Cannery, with workers sitting around the gates of the Municipal Committee and Municipal Government."

After Chen Bing said, Wei Dong breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Chen, I'm also worrying about this matter!"

"Don't worry, please coordinate, our Jiahe Cannery bought Shuangwang Cannery!" Hearing Wei Dong's silence, Chen Bing continued, "Wei Chu, I'm also considering it from the perspective of the municipal committee and the municipal government. Regarding the problem, I also consider the problem from your perspective, hehehehe, we are all friends, please help me, as I said, thank you."

"Mr. Chen, this matter is difficult to handle, but I promise, I will do my best to help you!"

"Then thank you!" Chen Bing hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The outside must be safe first!

Chen Bing has achieved internal cleansing, and next, he will fight the outside world!
"Director He!"

Chen Bing sorted out the files.

"Mr. Chen!" He Mei entered in response.

"Director He, let's add two more dishes to the stove today, both of which are meat, hehehe, today is a big day for our factory, let's celebrate it well!"

He Mei smiled and nodded.

Zhang Boqing was arrested, and Qi Bocheng was arrested. The workers in Jiahe Cannery knew about it. At this moment, they cheered happily.

Chen Bing didn't have time to eat, so he had to go back quickly and celebrate with Yang Xue.

To be honest, in this world, he would most like to have dinner with Yang Xue and Xiao Guoguo!

Chen Bing looked at his watch and knew that Yang Xue hadn't left work yet.

He drove the car and ran towards the textile factory quickly.

When he came to the textile factory, Chen Bing saw Wei Dali sitting on a motorcycle and staring at the door of the factory from a long distance away.

Chen Bing stopped the car and walked towards Wei Dali.

At this time, Wei Dali also saw Chen Bing.

He hurried down from the motorcycle and came to Chen Bing as fast as he could: "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

"Hehehe, come pick up my wife!"

Chen Bing picked out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket: "I've worked hard these days, smoke a cigarette."

Wei Dali quickly took it over: "Mr. Chen, this is my job!"

Chen Bing nodded again: "From today onwards, this is not your job, your job is the deputy captain of the security team!"

Wei Dali gave a cry of surprise after hearing this.

"Don't do this, can you, a deputy captain of the security team, like a big official, go back and get ready, and start working tomorrow!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he walked towards the inside of the factory.

"No, Mr. Chen, is this true?" Wei Dali was a little confused when he was suddenly promoted.

"It's true. I have seen and remembered your work during this period of time. You are reliable, not arrogant or rash, and can accomplish things. Now that Zhu He, Qi Bocheng and Zhang Boqing have been arrested, my wife and children are safe. , so, you have to go back to your post."

Chen Bing walked towards the inside of the factory.

Wei Dali stared at Chen Bing's back and pinched himself hard: "Is this true?"

A soldier who doesn't like to be a general is not a good soldier. Wei Dali is a good soldier, of course he loves to be a general.

After a while, Chen Bing walked out with Guoguo in his arms, followed by Yang Xue.

The happiness on Yang Xue's face can't be described in words.

"Father, car, I want to take a car!" Guoguo struggled in Chen Bing's arms.

"Hehehe, baby, if you want to take a car, you have to agree to a condition with your father?" Chen Bing stared at his lovely daughter.

"What is it, Dad?" Guoguo said in a childish voice.

"Kiss Dad!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he quickly stretched his hairy face towards Guoguo.

Guoguo was frightened and hurriedly shouted: "Mom, help, Mom, help!"


Yang Xue walked over and quickly took Guoguo from Chen Bing: "Don't scare her, you should shave your beard too, you're almost a savage!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing smiled: "Xiaoxue, do you know what beards mean?"

Yang Xue really didn't understand: "What does it mean?"

"Let me ask you, did those ancient eunuchs have beards?"

"not long."

"But I'm tall. Not only am I tall, but I'm also fiercer than ordinary men. Why?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he put his mouth in front of Yang Xue.

Yang Xue blushed: "Rogue!"

"Hehehehe, let me tell you, it's because I am physically strong, stronger than the average man, and it is because I am strong that I can serve you comfortably at night!"

After hearing this, Yang Xue blushed into a monkey's ass, and lightly hit Chen Bing's body with her fist.

"Hehehehe, hurry back, I can't help it!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he ran towards the car.

Chen Bing wanted to eat out, but Yang Xue thought it was too expensive, so he wanted to cook at home.

Chen Bing couldn't hold back Yang Xue, so he could only drive home.

Santana was very fast. In 10 minutes, he arrived at the entrance of the community. Chen Bing parked the car outside the community.

Chen Bing continued to hold Guoguo, and Yang Xue followed behind.

"Mom, there is someone standing in front of our house, it seems to be grandma!"

Chen Bing took a closer look, and it really was.

On the first day after his rebirth, he met Yang Xue's mother, He Feng.

"Why is my mother here?" Yang Xue asked involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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