Military Heavy

Chapter 1 Nerd

Chapter 1 Nerd

The snow-white walls, white sheets, and the pungent smell of disinfectant all indicate that this is a hospital ward.

There are a total of two beds in this ward, only one of which has a young patient lying on it.There was a bandage around his head, and it looked like he had suffered a head injury or something.The young patient looked dumbfounded, and was looking at the surrounding environment in bewilderment.

"Why am I in the hospital ward? Last night, I was not leading the team members to demonstrate the design of the new aircraft carrier. I was busy until late."

Suddenly, Yang Fan was completely stunned.

Something is wrong!
Although the ward was fairly clean, it didn’t even have an air conditioner, TV, or even a ceiling fan. It didn’t look like a modern hospital ward at all, but it did.
In Yang Fan's mind, the appearance of the wards only available in the township hospitals behind the fortress emerged.The rudimentary wooden hospital bed has no tiles on the floor, just a concrete floor, and the ceiling above the head is actually using incandescent lamps, not fluorescent lamps, let alone energy-saving lamps.

"This kind of incandescent lamp has not been eliminated long ago, and has not been produced long ago. Wait a minute, where is my mobile phone?"

After feeling very wrong, Yang Fan wanted to make a call with his mobile phone to ask what was going on.Last night, I was discussing the design of the new aircraft carrier with everyone. When I woke up, I was lying on the hospital bed with a circle of gauze wrapped around my head.

"Where is my cellphone"

Soon, Yang Fan was stunned again, because not only did he not find his mobile phone, but also found that his hands were very clean, only very young people have such hands.


Yang Fan sat up immediately, and immediately saw his own appearance in the mirror on the wall, and was completely stunned as if struck by lightning.

In the mirror was an unbelievably young face, in his early twenties, with a fair complexion, bright eyes and sword eyebrows, very sunny and handsome.

Finally, some memory fragments surged from the depths of his mind, and Yang Fan felt his head swell. This feeling of swelling lasted for a long time, and then gradually subsided.

At this time, Yang Fan finally knew what was going on.

I have actually timetraveled, and my soul has traveled through more than thirty years of time and space. My current identity is a designer at the East China Sea Ship Design Institute. I just graduated from university last year. It is now April 1983, 4, a one-year internship The term is not over yet, that is to say, it is just an intern designer in the design office.

The Donghai Ship Design Institute is a military-industrial unit that is well-known in the domestic ship industry. The first frigate, the first destroyer, and the first minesweeper of the Republic were all designed by this unit.

The first-generation guided missile destroyer independently designed and manufactured by the Republic, namely the "Type 051 guided missile destroyer", was also designed by this unit, and Donghai Shipyard was responsible for the construction.

The owner of this body is also called "Yang Fan", and the memories left behind are sporadic and intermittent. From these incomplete memories, Yang Fan knows that both parents of the owner of this body have died, and only one relative is his married sister. Live in the countryside of Donghai City.

In addition, I also know that the owner of this body is a complete nerd, who never leaves his hands with books all day long. As long as he has time, he must be reading instead of doing other things.

So much so that it has not been a year since I entered the design office, and many people know that there is such a nerd.

Yang Fan shook his head and smiled wryly for a while, never expecting such an image of himself.

Apart from a wry smile, he sighed softly, since it's here, it's at ease.

Now that you have become an intern designer in the design office, then accept this status.All the previous things can only go with it.

Wait, it is now April 1983, 4. If I remember correctly, the project of my country's first new type of guided missile destroyer, the Type 1 guided missile destroyer, should have started, and it may be in the design and demonstration stage now.

Doesn't that mean that I am fortunate to be able to participate in the design of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer and play my role.Thinking of this in his heart, Yang Fan was slightly excited.

There were footsteps outside the door, and then the door of the ward was pushed open, and an equally young face appeared.Wearing Jiefang shoes, a green military uniform on the upper body, but without epaulets and collar patches, a pair of blue trousers on the lower body, and an army green satchel.

This is the standard attire and grooming of young people in the early 80s.

"Yang Fan, I'm here to see you."

In the design office, Yang Fan has only a handful of friends, among which Han Jiang is the one with the best relationship.Both of them also graduated from the Ship Power Department of Donghai Jiaotong University last year, and they were assigned to Donghai Ship Design Institute together. They are also interns now.

It's just that Yang Fan is in the overall design room, and Han Jiang is a designer of the power system.

"Here's the malted milk I bought for you, and a bottle of canned oranges."

While speaking, Han Jiang put the things he brought over on the small cabinet next to the hospital bed.

Malted milk!
Yang Fan looked at a can of things, as if in a lifetime.This kind of thing is only in memory, and now it really appeared in front of me, and it took me a long time to come back to my senses. It is now 83 years, not the 21st century.

"Han Jiang, thank you for coming to see me."

"It should be, who told us to be good friends."

Han Jiang's personality is very outgoing, and he is usually carefree.He explained: "I was supposed to come to see you yesterday, but the atmosphere in the institute was quite tense. The leaders were holding meetings one after another. I finally asked for leave."

Yang Fan said: "It's okay, my condition is not serious."

As an outstanding ship designer of the Republic, Yang Fan knew well the development process and timetable of various ships. Yang Fan knew that this was the critical moment for the Type 052 guided missile destroyer. Let everyone be overwhelmed.

Han Jiang glanced at Yang Fan slightly in astonishment, and then said, "Yang Fan, I feel that you are a little different."

Yang Fan felt ashamed for a while.

Han Jiang noticed it so quickly, so he immediately explained: "After accidentally hitting my head this time, I thought a lot. I was really too nerdy before. I only had books in my eyes and nothing else. It’s definitely not going to go down.”

This is of course an excuse. It cannot be said that this body has changed owners. The current Yang Fan is not the nerdy Yang Fan he was before.

Han Jiang agreed: "I'm happy if you think so. I'm happy for you. It's okay to be too nerdy in the unit. Let's take this selection of outstanding interns as an example. How can Ma Qiming's professional skills compare You and I, you would have been rated as an excellent intern, but I heard that you might be replaced by Ma Qiming."

Han Jiang was indignant.

It's true that Yang Fan is a nerd, and he can't leave his books all day long, but he is very professional, and the design drawings he draws are very standardized and of high quality.

Every year, Donghai Ship Design Institute selects several interns who graduated from colleges and universities as excellent interns. Once they are rated as excellent interns, there are many benefits.

Not only will there be a material reward of 200 yuan, but future evaluations will be prioritized, including promotions, etc.

Not to mention the relatively distant evaluation and promotion, the cash reward of 200 yuan alone makes many people jealous. In this era when most wages are only 30 to [-] yuan, this is undoubtedly a "huge sum".

The evaluation of outstanding interns has already started. There are some rumors. Many people think that Yang Fan should be one of them based on his professional ability. However, the trend seems to have changed recently. It seems that Ma Qiming may be selected as an excellent intern.

"Yang Fan, don't worry too much. There is still some time before the final selection, and no one knows what the final result will be." Han Jiang comforted.

Yang Fan just smiled, and didn't take this matter too much to heart.

Changing the topic, instead of continuing to talk about the selection of outstanding interns, Yang Fan took the initiative to ask about the design and demonstration work of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer.

The memory left by this body is very fragmented, and there are some things that Yang Fan doesn't know, such as some things about the current stage of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer.

Han Jiang knew everything, and told Yang Fan everything he knew like beans poured from a bamboo tube.Of course, there are some deeper things that he doesn't know either.

In any case, Yang Fan still got a lot of information about the Type 052 guided missile destroyer from Han Jiang.

After chatting for a while, Han Jiang got up and said, "I'll go back to the institute first, and I'll come see you in the afternoon. I just asked the doctor, and you're fine. It's just that you have a mild concussion and need to be hospitalized for three days for observation."

Fortunately it was not serious.

If the condition is serious and needs to be hospitalized here for ten days and a half months, there is no TV in the ward, let alone the Internet, Yang Fan will probably go crazy.

Three days is not long, nor is it short. You have to find something to do to pass the time.

So, Yang Fan said: "Bring me a few pieces of paper and pencils in the afternoon, and I will draw something casually to pass the time."

"Don't you need to bring a few books?"

Han Jiang asked like this.In his impression, Yang Fan basically never leaves his book.

"No need for now, just bring some white paper and pencils." Yang Fan waved his hand.

Watching Han Jiang leave the ward, Yang Fan thought in his heart, maybe I can do something in advance.

Yang Fan was recuperating quietly in the ward. He didn't know that the design office was full of tense atmosphere.

As the chief designer of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, Pan Jinfu is under a lot of pressure, and he knows that this task will not be easy.

He once again held a design seminar. In addition to the backbone of the design institute, some personnel from the military and comrades from various ministries and commissions attended the meeting.

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(End of this chapter)

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