Military Heavy

Chapter 2 The Painter Delayed by Ship Design

Chapter 2 The Painter Delayed by Ship Design

In the ward, it was very quiet, in stark contrast to the tension of the design office.

What Yang Fan wanted has already been delivered, some blank paper, some sharpened pencils, an eraser, and a drawing board.There is no shortage of these things in the design office.

There was even a set of watercolor pens, which was also sent by Han Jiang.

The young nurse is pulling out the needle for Yang Fan. She pulls the needle out of Yang Fan's arm, presses the needle with cotton wool for a while, and then carefully puts the needle tube for the infusion into the stainless steel box. Now there is no disposable needle tube. The needle tube of the set of water should be used after being boiled and sterilized with boiling water.

Yang Fan's condition is not bad, as long as he hangs a bottle of water every day.

The nurse explained a few words to Yang Fan, then packed up her things and left the ward.

"Well, I can finally draw something."

Yang Fan thought happily in his heart.What should I draw?

In fact, he had thought about this a long time ago, and was going to use his memory to draw the appearance of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, just to pass the time.

As for drawing the specific design drawings of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, Yang Fan never thought about it that way.

The Type 052 guided missile destroyer is a very complex and huge system.

In the entire ship, it has more than ten subsystems and tens of thousands of equipment, which involves all aspects of the national industry.

All systems in mechanical industry, chemical industry and light industry, including textile.What is on land, there is on the ship.

For such a huge system, if Yang Fan wanted to draw some blueprints by himself, it would be completely idiotic, and he knew it well.

So I didn't have the idea of ​​drawing a design drawing, but just drew a drawing of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer in my memory, just drawing its appearance to pass the time.Otherwise, just lying on the hospital bed so boringly, it would be like a year.

Yang Fan got out of bed, set up the drawing board, picked up a pencil, thought for a while, and then started to write.

"Well, the foundation of painting has not been lost."

After a few strokes, Yang Fan nodded in satisfaction.Before being reborn, Yang Fan had attended painting training classes when he was young, and had relatively solid basic painting skills.

Some colleagues who knew that Yang Fan's painting skills were good even joked that Yang Fan was a master of painting who was delayed by ship design.

As a ship designer, Yang Fan is very familiar with the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, and its appearance is now displayed in Yang Fan's mind.

What Yang Fan drew was the original form of the 052 ship, and it was also what it looked like at the beginning of its design.It is not what it looks like after several design improvements.

The 052 ship has gone through a long design process, and then has undergone several major improvements, including some improvements in the hull design.From 052, to 052B, to 052C, then 052D.

052D is a very advanced version of the 052 series of destroyers after improvement. What Yang Fan drew was not this advanced version, but the 052 ship at the beginning of the design, which was also the basic ship type at the beginning stage.Its basic ship shape and layout are quite different from the later 052D.

It was very quiet in the ward, except for Yang Fan who was focused and fully in the state, and the sound of a pencil scribbling across the white paper.

The time passed minute by minute, the sky outside gradually darkened, and the lights came on in the ward, and the orange light from the incandescent lamp on the ceiling filled the whole room. For this kind of light, Yang Fan just started I didn't quite get used to it at the time, but gradually I felt better.

"Well, the first picture is basically finished, and I will revise it tomorrow."

The appearance of the 052 ship is vivid on the paper. Although it is only black and white, without any watercolor, its appearance is very realistic, reflecting the full artistry.

Its main gun, short-range weapon defense system, multi-functional phased array control radar, short-range anti-missile system, long-range air surveillance radar, etc., are very clear and detailed.

"It's not bad. If I modify some details tomorrow, it will be even more perfect."

Yang Fan thought so in his heart, then put away his pencil and eraser, and when he was about to think about what to eat tonight, there was a sound outside the door.

It was Han Jiang who opened the door and came in. He was holding an aluminum lunch box in a net bag in his hand. As soon as he came in, he smiled and said, "Yang Fan, you must be hungry. I brought you food from the canteen."

After drawing the picture, Yang Fan was still thinking about whether to go to the hospital cafeteria for dinner, when Han Jiang came.

As soon as Han Jiang put the lunch box on the small cabinet next to the hospital bed, he saw this painting that had not been put away, and his eyes lit up immediately, and he came over with great interest, and said enthusiastically: "Yang Fan, this is You drew it, it's really good."

He had a look of admiration on his face, and his first reaction was that the painter was really good and very realistic.Then he said, "This should be a destroyer, which country does it belong to?"

"Take a guess."

"This is the main gun, this is the phased array control radar, this is"

Han Jiang looked at the picture seriously, recognized most of the equipment on it, thought for a while and said, "Is this the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer of the Americans?"

"Cut, what kind of vision is completely wrong." Yang Fan said.

In fact, it is not Han Jiang’s fault. It is 1983, and the information is very underdeveloped. It is far from the Internet later. It is good to know the Arleigh Burke class, but Han Jiang has never seen pictures of this type of destroyer.

"Then what kind of destroyer is this, Brother Fan, please tell me?"

Looking at Han Jiang's "poor" eyes, Yang Fan smiled happily, "For the sake of bringing me food, I'll tell you, I drew it casually to pass the time and be bored, how about it, its not bad, right?"

"Cut, don't try to lie to me."

Han Jiang couldn't believe that Yang Fan drew it casually. He guessed in his heart that this bookworm reads books all day long, and he especially likes to read foreign English books. He must have seen a picture of a destroyer in some foreign periodical. , and then drew its appearance according to the gourd painting.

Not to mention, the painting is really good, I really can't see that the bookworm still has such a high level of painting.Han Jiang thought so.

Seeing that Han Jiang didn't believe it, Yang Fan didn't explain anything, but happily opened the lunch box to start eating.I'm really a little hungry.

In this era, materials are still relatively scarce, so there is no need to think about big fish and meat. Being able to eat enough has already made many people feel very satisfied. If it were a few years earlier, eating enough would sometimes be a luxury.

The lunch box is full, mainly white rice, and then there are two dishes, potatoes and green vegetables, which look pretty good.

Yang Fan didn't pay much attention to it, so he picked up a spoon and ate it in big mouthfuls, while eating, he said, "There's nothing serious in the institute. It's so boring to be hospitalized here. I really want to go there sooner." work."

"Don't, don't, you'd better stay here for a few more days." Han Jiang said, "After taking on such a big task, the inside of the office is tense, and everyone feels an invisible pressure from top to bottom. I heard that Mr. Pan Today, I held a design seminar in person, and I heard that not only people from the military, but also comrades from various ministries and commissions attended the meeting.”

Han Jiang talked about the situation inside the institute.

Intern designers like them are unable to participate in meetings of that level, but in that environment, they can clearly feel the pressure from the leaders, and what they hear are basically colleagues talking about the 052 ship various voices.

Yang Fan nodded slightly.

At this time, the domestic industrial strength is not strong, and the foundation is very weak. Under such circumstances, it is difficult to start the development of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer.

The two chatted about the things in the hospital for a while, and after Yang Fan finished eating, Han Jiang put away the lunch box, "I may not be able to deliver food to you tomorrow, if I don't come, you can just go to the cafeteria of the hospital to eat a little."

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "It's no problem. I can walk and move. If the doctor hadn't told me again and again, I still don't want to live here. I want to leave the hospital earlier."

For the next two days, Yang Fan spent in the hospital.

During the period, Han Jiang came again, and it can be seen that even as a trainee designer, he is busy and under pressure.

In the past two days, Yang Fan mainly painted to pass the time. He not only drew the appearance of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer with a pencil, but also drew a watercolor painting, which was also very realistic.There are a total of three paintings, two pencil sketches, and one watercolor. These are the "fruits of labor" during the hospitalization.

There is no serious problem in staying in the hospital for observation, and he was discharged early at Yang Fan's own request.There were not many things, so I packed up a little and walked out of the hospital with a bag.

The gauze around the head was also removed, and there was still a little wound on the forehead, but the hair could completely cover it up. It is estimated that it will be completely healed in a few days, and basically there will be no scars left.

Yang Fan finally knew why he was injured.

It turned out that the owner of this body was fascinated by an English publication on foreign ships. While walking and reading, he bumped his head against a utility pole by the side of the road. At that time, she passed out, and there was blood on her forehead, and she was sent to the hospital by kind people.

Walking out of the gate of the hospital and seeing the scene on the street outside, Yang Fan still felt as if he had passed away. He stayed for two or three seconds before he came to his senses. This was more than 30 years ago, and now it is 1983.

(End of this chapter)

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