Chapter 3
In the 21st century, Donghai City is a well-known international metropolis, famous all over the world, and many famous institutions and super companies have set up their headquarters in Donghai City.

With a population of more than 2000 million, Donghai City ranks among the top in terms of population size among all cities in the world.

The current Donghai City is completely different from what it was in the 21st century.

No wonder Yang Fan froze for a moment, and it took two or three seconds before he came back to his senses.What he saw in front of him was in sharp contrast with the appearance of Donghai City in the 21st century in his memory. The shock made Yang Fan lose his mind.

The hospital gate is the street.

There is no bustling traffic on the street, there are not many small cars on the street, and there are the most bicycles, whether on the street or on the roadside, there are many bicycles.

People's clothes are mainly blue, gray, and black, and the styles of clothing are basically the same. Men's clothes are mainly Chinese tunic suits, and women's clothing styles are just the same.

It's not far from the hospital to Donghai Institute, about half an hour's walk.Yang Fan did not choose to wait for the bus. He estimated that waiting for a bus would be enough time to walk back to the office. He just walked, looked at, and felt everything around him.

Everything is so novel.

It's like an eternity.

I went back to my dormitory first, and didn't go directly to the institute.

Yang Fan, like other unmarried designers, now lives in the single dormitory of the unit.There are some designers who are married, because they have not been allocated a house for the time being, and there are also couples living in single dormitories crowded together.

This is a tube building with several floors. Each dormitory is about a dozen square meters. There is no balcony or toilet. Outside the door is a long corridor. At the end of the corridor are public toilets and public bathrooms.

"Not bad."

Taking out the key, opening the door, looking at everything in the room, strange yet familiar, Yang Fan said with satisfaction.

The situation here was better than he expected, at least it was a small single room, and he didn't share a room with others.

If two people live in one room, Yang Fan might not be used to it.Fortunately, it is a room for one person. Although the room is a bit old and the area is not big, Yang Fan is already very content.

There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk and a chair in the room, which looks a bit messy.The most striking thing is that there are a lot of books on the desk, a lot of books.

Yang Fan laughed at himself, "As expected of a nerd, with so many books, it seems that all the monthly salary is used to buy books except for food."

Putting things on the bed, seeing that the room was rather messy, Yang Fan tidied it up, not only tidying up the room, but also cleaning the floor, everything looked much more comfortable.

In the morning, Yang Fan got up to go to work.

The whole dormitory was also buzzing, especially the public toilets and bathrooms at the end of the corridor.

Breakfast is eaten in the canteen of the unit. Although the food is relatively monotonous, it is still affordable. You can use food stamps or money.Yang Fan chose to use food stamps.

After breakfast, Yang Fan walked into the general design room of Donghai Institute with the memories left in his mind.This is a large office, with more than [-] large desks, and most of the desks are equipped with drawing boards. In this era without computer graphics, all drawings must be drawn by hand.

There are several large offices like this in the General Design Institute, and each large office has as few as a dozen people, and as many as two or 30 people. These large offices are the places where designers work.

When Yang Fan walked in, many people looked at him, and someone asked with concern: "Yang Fan, you're back to work so soon, are you fully recovered?"

Faced with such concern, Yang Fan felt warm in his heart. This big group is still good, with a strong sense of humanity.

"Brother Zhang, I'm fine, thank you for your concern." Yang Fan said.

Sitting in his seat, Yang Fan suddenly realized that he had forgotten his things in the cafeteria. Those were the pictures he drew in the hospital.

I originally planned to bring it to the office to see if there is anything that needs improvement and modification, but I forgot it when I finished breakfast in the cafeteria and left it on the table.

"Damn it."

Yang Fan got up immediately, left the office in a hurry, and trotted all the way to the cafeteria. When he arrived at the cafeteria, he found that there were many people having breakfast here, but now there were not many people. The masters of the cafeteria were already there Packing things, busy cleaning.

"Where's my stuff?"

Yang Fan walked to the place where he had breakfast just now.I searched carefully on the table and on the ground.After the three pictures are folded, they are about 32K in size, remember to put them on the table.

Not finding his own things, Yang Fan asked the master who was packing up next to him, and the other party also said he didn't see it.

Suddenly, Yang Fan felt disappointed.I even thought for a while, should I go to report the loss, but I gave up this idea again. This is not a very precious thing, and reporting the loss is a bit of a fuss, so I will draw a few more pictures in the future when I have time.

It can only be this way.

Back in the big office, sitting on his seat, Yang Fan was thinking whether to start drawing a picture now.

There is no shortage of things on my big table, white paper for drawing, pencils, erasers, rulers, etc.However, a sarcastic voice interrupted Yang Fan's train of thought.

"Hey, isn't this our great talent, who was discharged from the hospital so soon."

Hearing the sound, Yang Fan looked over and immediately knew that it was Ma Qiming, who was also an intern designer from the big office next door, but how did he get here from the next door.

"Great talent" is Ma Qiming's common name for Yang Fan, which obviously has a mocking meaning, not really praising Yang Fan's talent, but mocking Yang Fan who only knows how to read books all day long and is just a nerd.

If it was before, facing Ma Qiming's ridicule, Yang Fan would be red-faced and thick-necked, and he didn't know how to refute, but now his reaction is very calm, he glanced at Ma Qiming lightly, and said seriously: "Ma Qiming, why are you leaving without authorization again?" Post, I have never seen someone as idle as you."

In the big office, most of the people are immersed in their work. Even if they are not drawing design drawings, they are still browsing some design materials. There are really few people who leave their posts like Ma Qiming and go to the big office next door.

The key is that Yang Fan is very smart, and the word "you" is used, which shows that Ma Qiming often slips around like this.


Ma Qiming was stunned at first, and then angry in his heart.He never expected that the "soft persimmon" who was usually left to him would be so powerful today, completely unlike the usual bookworm.

"What are you, don't hurry back to your job." Yang Fan reprimanded, completely like a boss teaching his subordinates.

Today's situation was completely beyond Ma Qiming's expectations. He suddenly lost his momentum, walked away in disgrace, and returned to the big office next door where he was in a very shameless manner.

Seeing this, Yang Fan felt inexplicably refreshed.

He thought in his heart, "I am not the old Yang Fan, please don't mess with me."

In the chief designer's office.

Pan Jinfu rubbed his eyes and smiled wryly.All kinds of events in the just-concluded meeting appeared in front of his eyes one after another.

At this meeting, there was still a lot of controversy. As the chief designer, Pan Jinfu couldn't make a decision. Everything needed to be researched and studied, and cautious and cautious.

He's stressed out.

The new guided missile destroyer is a system engineering that combines a number of sophisticated technologies. Even a superpower like the United States has spent decades developing the famous "Arleigh Burke" class guided missile destroyer.

The domestic situation cannot be compared with that of the United States at all.

Since the country considered launching a new type of guided missile destroyer, the controversy has never been interrupted. In the meeting just now, various controversies were reflected, and different people made different voices.

Some people say that the domestic scientific research foundation is relatively weak, and advocate the introduction of a whole set of related equipment, that is, buy, buy, buy, and adopt the doctrine of borrowing.

Some people advocate independent research and development, and military products can only have a way out through independent research and development. The entire set of foreign related equipment will only be stuck by others in the end.

Many different voices can't hold on, the public says the public is right, and the mother-in-law says the woman is right.

"Hey, what a headache!"

Sitting on the chair, Pan Jinfu rubbed his temples and sighed softly.In fact, as an experienced ship designer, he has his own plans, but he has not put them out for the time being, and wants to hear the opinions of his comrades first.

How can I think that everyone's opinions will be so fierce and the controversy will be so great.

"Boom, boom, boom"

A knock on the door interrupted Pan Jinfu's train of thought. He quickly sat up straight and said loudly, "Push the door and come in. The door is not locked."

Pushing the door open was Zhao Yulan, Director of the Type Office of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, a middle-aged woman with black-rimmed glasses and short, capable hair.

The Type Office is a newly established department for the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, which plays an overall coordination role. This is also a very important department. This department can be said to be one of Pan Jinfu's left and right arms.

"Director Zhao, what's the matter?"

Zhao Yulan held something in her hand, which seemed to be several drawings, which were folded together.After walking in, she put this thing on Pan Jinfu's big desk, and said excitedly: "Mr. It is necessary to give it to an expert like you to take a look."

"Oh, what the hell is it, open it up and let me have a look."

Zhao Yulan nodded lightly, and opened the sheets of paper. They were several paintings, some were pencil sketches, and one was watercolor, all of which were the size of a No. 3 paper.

As soon as he saw the painting on it, Pan Jinfu immediately recognized it.

This is a guided missile destroyer!

(End of this chapter)

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