Military Heavy

Chapter 4 This Is What Our Future Destroyers Will Look Like

Chapter 4 This Is What Our Future Destroyers Will Look Like

As expected of an expert, as soon as he saw these blueprints, he knew what they were. Immediately, Pan Jinfu stood up from his chair and picked up these blueprints with great interest.

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

As one of the top ship designers in China, Pan Jinfu does not stop at the solid artistry of these pictures, but at the technical level they reflect.

He could tell at a glance that this was definitely not a guided missile destroyer of any country, but a type of guided missile destroyer that had never existed before.

Since receiving the task of designing a new type of guided missile destroyer, Pan Jinfu has thought about what our new type of guided missile destroyer will look like more than once. After thinking for so long, he already has a rough outline in his mind.

It's just that the outline is still relatively vague and not very clear. There are some things that need to be carefully considered and even repeatedly demonstrated.

The few paintings in front of him made Pan Jinfu's eyes shine, as if the fog had been cleared away, and everything gradually became clear.

"This is the new type of guided missile destroyer we want to design, yes, our future new type of guided missile destroyer should look like this."

Yes, that's it!

After reading these paintings, Pan Jinfu took a deep breath, trying to calm down his excited mood, and then asked: "Director Zhao, you really picked this up."

"Yes, I did pick it up." Zhao Yulan said with certainty, "I was eating in the cafeteria in the morning, and I accidentally saw these pictures left there on the dining table, so I took them to my Office, lest the canteen masters throw them into the trash when they are doing hygiene."

Pan Jinfu said: "You are right, it would be a pity if this thing is really thrown into the trash can."

After thinking about it, Pan Jinfu said: "Leave this thing with me first, I will take a good look at it carefully, and also, you should go and investigate, who lost these pictures in the cafeteria, figure it out Report to me immediately."

"Okay, I'll go investigate."

Zhao Yulan nodded, and walked out of Pan Jinfu's office quickly.After watching Zhao Yulan leave, Pan Jinfu thought in his heart, there really are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in our institute, and I don't know who made these pictures.

Faces appeared in his mind, all of them were the chief designers in the office, or those old guys in the office.Under normal circumstances, those who can draw such a destroyer must have two brushes, and the level of ship design must be very high.

He never expected that these pictures came from the hands of an intern designer who hadn't become a regular.

In the big office.

Yang Fan was immersed in his work, unaware that his pictures had already arrived on Pan Jinfu's desk, and at the moment Pan Jinfu was looking at them carefully and applauding several times.

As an intern designer, it is impossible to take on some important design jobs. The main task is to learn, get familiar with the work process, and then do some simple and piecemeal jobs, that is, doing chores.

Yang Fan's work in the past few days is to sort out some design drawings of the 051 ship. This task is not high in technical content, but the workload is not small, and it is suitable for a newcomer like Yang Fan to do it.

Yang Fan did not simply sort out the drawings, but took this opportunity to look at the design drawings of the 051 ship, just taking the opportunity to learn about the 051 ship.

Ship 051 is my country's first self-developed guided missile destroyer. It was designed and developed by Donghai, but with the development of the times, it has become relatively backward. The navy needs a more advanced guided missile destroyer with better comprehensive performance.

The research and development of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer was launched in the East China Sea.

Two days passed in this way, and the blueprints in hand were sorted out in a mess, and it was basically ready for business.

In this big office, I occasionally hear colleagues talking about the Type 052 guided missile destroyer.It is currently in the design demonstration stage, and the specific design tasks have not been assigned to the design rooms. Even so, many people's minds are more or less focused on the Type 052 guided missile destroyer.

The director of the overall design office and several principal teachers went to a meeting again, and the leaders were not there. Taking this opportunity, no, unknowingly, the originally relatively quiet big office sounded like everyone's talking again.

The topic is still related to the 052 ship.

"The task this time can be described as very arduous, and the military has very high requirements for the future Type 052 guided missile destroyer."

"No, I heard that computer technology will be widely used on the future 052 ship."


It is impossible for a newcomer like Yang Fan to participate in this kind of discussion. Those discussing the 052 ship are only a few senior designers, and other young designers basically just listen with their ears pricked up.

Of course, Yang Fan had no interest in participating in it, and continued to immerse himself in sorting out the design drawings on his desk, and he would be able to sort them all out soon.

After talking about it, the discussion about the 052 ship became quieter. At this time, a voice floated into Yang Fan's ears, "Ma Qiming, if you are rated as an excellent intern, you should treat me."

"I will definitely treat you." Ma Qiming replied happily.

Yang Fan couldn't help looking up, and at some point Ma Qiming from the big office next door came here again, chatting loudly with a designer there, as if no one else could hear him.

After answering, Ma Qiming gave Yang Fan a ostentatious look, as if to say, I have already won the selection of outstanding interns.

Not long after going to work this morning, Kuang Wei, the director of the overall design office, had already talked to Ma Qiming, and the office recommended Ma Qiming as an excellent intern.

According to the evaluation rules, each design office of Donghai Ship Design Institute has one or two recommended places, and according to everyone's recommended places, several people in the institute will be selected as the outstanding interns of this year.

Even though he clearly felt Ma Qiming's ostentatious gaze, Yang Fan remained calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Ma Qiming, who originally wanted to see Yang Fan disappointed or angry, suddenly felt a little upset because Yang Fan's reaction was completely unexpected.

Just as he was about to say a few words against Yang Fan, Ma Qiming swallowed the words abruptly, and even shrank his neck in fear, and the originally noisy big office suddenly became quiet.

I saw Zhao Yulan, the director of the model office, striding in. To everyone's surprise, Zhao Yulan did not criticize everyone's work discipline, but said in a loud voice: "Comrade Yang Fan, put down your work for the time being, Mr. Pan Teacher wants to see you."

What, Master Pan, Pan Jinfu!

Many people were shocked for a while, thinking that they had heard it wrong.

One is an intern designer and the other is the chief designer of the 052 ship. There is a huge difference between the two. How could Pan Jinfu want to meet Yang Fan?

Even if you are a senior designer, it doesn't mean that you can see Pan Jinfu if you want to. It is not bad to see him three or five times a year.

There was silence in the office, and some people even opened their mouths slightly in surprise, watching what happened in front of them with incredible eyes.

As for Ma Qiming, he completely looked as if he had seen hell. He couldn't figure out why Master Pan met Yang Fan.

In the eyes of everyone, Yang Fan calmly followed Zhao Xiuyun out of the big office and came to the door of Pan Jinfu's office.

"Comrade Yang Fan, you can knock on the door and go in. Master Pan is waiting for you inside."


Yang Fan nodded.Although I can't figure out why General Master Pan met me for the time being, there is no tension in my heart, but rather calm.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk."

After the knock on the door, a moderate voice came from inside, "Come in."

Yang Fan gently opened the door, walked into the chief designer's office for the first time, and saw Pan Jinfu, the chief designer of the 052 ship, for the first time.

This is a middle-aged man about 50 years old. He looks relatively thin. He is wearing a blue Chinese tunic suit with two pens in his coat pocket, glasses and short gray hair.

Pan Jinfu was also looking at Yang Fan.

Seeing that Yang Fan was graceful, without the slightest timidity or nervousness, he couldn't help nodding his head slightly in approval, and then said enthusiastically: "Comrade Xiao Yang, please sit down."

Yang Fan sat down on the chair as he said, and when his eyes fell on Pan Jinfu's big desk and saw the pictures he "lost", he gradually understood the reason why Master Pan summoned him.

It should be because of these pictures.

(End of this chapter)

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