Military Heavy

Chapter 5 Talking with Master Pan

Chapter 5 Talking with Master Pan
Pan Jinfu seemed very talkative.

At the beginning, he didn't mention anything about the 052 ship, but asked about his health like an elder, and asked Yang Fan about some things in his work and life with special concern.

After asking about this with concern, Pan Jinfu said in a slightly reproachful tone: "Xiao Yang, it's good for young people to read more books, but they shouldn't be too obsessed with them. I heard that you were so fascinated by reading that you actually bumped into the electric pole on the side of the road. .”

Yang Fan felt ashamed for a while, good things never go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.Even General Master Pan knew about this trivial matter.

In fact, not all bad things spread thousands of miles as Yang Fan thought.Before seeing these pictures, Pan Jinfu didn't know about Yang Fan. After knowing that these pictures were drawn by Yang Fan, he cherished his talents and explained Yang Fan's work and life with special concern. Only then did I know about Yang Fan's collision with a telephone pole.

"Master Pan, after this incident, I have thought about it a lot. I was really a little nerdy before. I will pay attention to it in the future, and I will gradually change it."

"It should be like this."

Pan Jinfu said this in satisfaction, and finally got to the point, "Xiao Yang, do you know why I sent Director Zhao to call you over?"

Even though he roughly guessed that it was related to these pictures, Yang Fan still shook his head lightly, "I don't know if there is something wrong with my recent work."

"No, no." Pan Jinfu said: "I heard that you have done a very good job. This time I called you here mainly to chat with you about the 052 ship."

A chief designer and an intern designer chatting about the 052 ship, if it is said, it will definitely surprise many people.

Pan Jinfu looked at these pictures many times, and the more he looked at them, the more he felt that they were unusual, reflecting a very high level of technology; the more he looked at them, the fog in his heart became thicker. How could an intern designer have such a high level? So much so that such a destroyer can be drawn.

Yang Fan was very modest, "Mr. Pan, I'm just an intern designer, I"

Pan Jinfu waved his hand and interrupted: "It's true that you are an intern designer, but I don't think you are an ordinary intern designer. These pictures were drawn by you, they are really amazing."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the pictures on the desk and praised them.

Yang Fan still said modestly: "I suddenly had a thought in my heart, and I happened to be very bored in the hospital, so I drew the appearance of the 052 ship in my mind."

"This is what the future 052 ship looks like in your mind!"

"Yes, in my mind, the 052 ship should look like this. First of all, it should be a new type of warship with high technical and tactical indicators, which is of great strategic significance to our national defense security."

At this time, Yang Fan didn't hide any more, and said something in his heart.

Pan Jinfu signaled: "Keep on talking, I'm all ears."

Yang Fan continued: "I have been sorting out the design drawings of the 051 ship these days. It is too backward. As the main ship of our navy, the gap between its technical and tactical indicators and the world's advanced level is too large. We urgently need a new type of ship. Modern missile destroyer."

"For example, the artillery system of the 051 ship is too backward. It is not an automated system. The enemy's missiles will hit you very quickly, and there is no way to intercept them. The close-range confrontation in traditional naval warfare is very fierce. The artillery's Power determines the core combat effectiveness of a warship. But in today’s wars, the situation is completely different. Anti-sea, anti-air missiles and anti-submarine torpedoes are installed on destroyers. In particular, the extensive use of computer technology has greatly improved the combat effectiveness of destroyers.”

Yang Fan seemed to have entered the state, and began to talk endlessly.

Pan Jinfu listened carefully, nodding his head from time to time, and said in his heart: "I really can't tell, is this an intern designer? She is simply a genius."

At this time, Pan Jinfu can only explain Yang Fan as a genius, otherwise, why do you, a trainee designer, know so much.

"Xiao Yang, you really impress me."

Yang Fan said: "I'm actually talking on paper, mainly because I read a lot of books, especially a lot of foreign books on ship design, plus some of my own insights and opinions, and I came up with this statement. "

Only in this way can it be explained a little bit, and I attribute all this to my extensive reading, and I have read a lot of books. The title "nerd" does not seem to be useless, at least now it can be used to block it.

Pan Jinfu didn't delve into it either, he had attributed Yang Fan to a genius, nodded slightly and said, "Xiao Yang, what do you think is the biggest highlight of our 052 ship?"

As a reborn person, Yang Fan certainly knows what the biggest highlight of 052 is.

Without even thinking about it, he said directly: "The biggest highlight of our 052 ship, in my opinion, will be the combat system."

Combat system!

Hearing this, Pan Jinfu's eyes lit up.

These days, he has been thinking that the 052 ship will surpass the 051 ship in an all-round way, greatly narrowing the technical and tactical gap with the guided missile destroyers of advanced countries, so what are its highlights?

In his mind, the 052 ship will use a lot of computer technology, have missile interception capabilities, and have relatively advanced technical and tactical indicators, but he has not yet clearly realized what the biggest bright spot of the 052 ship will be in the future.

He is an expert, and many things can be understood with just a little bit. Pan Jinfu very much agrees with Yang Fan's point of view, and instantly knows clearly that the biggest highlight of the 052 ship will be the combat system, not the wide application of computer technology, nor its missile interception capability. .

"Xiao Yang, the combat system is completely blank in our country. Even I know a little bit about it. How do you know about it?"

Yang Fan smiled, he couldn't say that he was a reborn person, the best ship designer in the Republic, he could only attribute this to extensive reading.

"Mr. Pan, I have read a lot of books. Many people may know that whenever I have time, I will go to the library of Donghai City, or the library of Donghai University. all day."

This is not a bit of a lie, nerds are not famous for nothing, as long as they have time, they basically read books.

As for what books Yang Fan really read, it is estimated that apart from Yang Fan himself, even his good friend Han Jiang is not very clear.

"Yes, you have read a lot of books." Pan Jinfu nodded in agreement.

"Master Pan, the biggest difference between our 052 ship and the 051 ship, I think it should be the first time we propose the concept of a combat system, which will also be the biggest highlight in the design of the 052 ship. Of course, this will also be its The biggest difficulty."

"En." Pan Jinfu nodded in agreement, of course he knew how difficult the design of the combat system would be.

There is a blank in this aspect in China. Many people have never even heard of this thing, and their concepts are still stuck in the tradition.

"Xiao Yang, the design of the combat system is really not simple. I have considered it, but the technical difficulty can be imagined."

Yang Fan said: "It is indeed difficult, but not all difficulties, at least we have some favorable conditions."

"Oh, tell me about the favorable conditions."

"First, the research and development of the 052 ship is the power of the whole country. The country attaches great importance to it, and all kinds of resources are devoted to it. Second, we have carried out reform and opening up. Taking advantage of the spring breeze of reform, we can go out and send technicians to some advanced countries. Go scout, see and learn about their combat systems."

That's right.

Pan Jinfu nodded again.If you have never been in contact with the combat system, then go out and learn from some advanced countries and learn from them.

As long as he asks to send some personnel to study abroad, Pan Jinfu is sure that the state will use its strength to contact and arrange everything.

Yang Fan is right. After the reform and opening up, many countries expressed their intention to conduct economic and trade exchanges with my country and strengthen cooperation. Against this background, it should not be a big problem to propose to inspect the combat system of their advanced destroyers.

In the office, the two chatted for more than an hour about the 052 ship.

When sending Yang Fan out of the office, Pan Jinfu seemed unsatisfied. If it wasn't for the time, he really wanted to continue chatting with Yang Fan.

He found that some of Yang Fan's viewpoints were very novel and often made his eyes shine.

Watching Yang Fan leave, Pan Jinfu thought in his heart, this is really a talent and a genius.

Yang Fan returned to his big office.

After chatting with Master Pan for so long just now, in fact, Yang Fan has been cautious, considering what can be said and what can't be said.

For example, some things that are too advanced must not be said, and some things can only be mentioned a little bit, and you can click on it, and you can't be too specific.Even so, Yang Fan could fully feel that Master Pan was very interested.

"Yang Fan, you really went to General Master Pan just now, and you have been there for so long."

No matter what age, there is always no shortage of people who gossip.

As soon as Yang Fan returned to his seat and sat down, before he even had time to take a sip of water, a colleague named Chen Shaobo came over to him.

Not only Chen Shaobo, Yang Fan clearly felt that several colleagues beside him, like Chen Shaobo, were all looking at him, waiting for Yang Fan's answer.

(End of this chapter)

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