Military Heavy

Chapter 6 Attending Meetings as Nonvoting Attendants

Chapter 6 Attending Meetings as Nonvoting Attendants
Sensing everyone's gossiping eyes, Yang Fan smiled.

"Well, I went to Master Pan."

Did he really go to General Master Pan and still stay there for so long?

Many people's eyes showed envy invisibly, more eyes also looked over, and some people gave Yang Fan a thumbs up quietly, meaning "You are awesome!"

Yang Fan remained calm, as if it was an insignificant matter, and continued to work hard, finishing all the drawings on the table.

Seeing this, many people's teeth were itchy, and they wished they could step forward and grab Yang Fan's hand, and ask about the specific situation of Master Pan's summoning.

Even if Yang Fan didn't make any publicity and kept a low profile all the time, the news still spread in several big offices of the general design room, and many people would discuss a few words quietly, and the envy was clearly revealed in the words color.

"Unexpectedly, General Master Pan personally summoned Yang Fan."

"I've heard that too, and I also heard that Yang Fan stayed in Master Pan's office for more than an hour, and I don't know what they talked about in detail."

"If it's me, that's fine."


Such heated discussion has more or less reached Ma Qiming's ears. Hearing these words, he seemed not confident for the first time. Changed to Yang Fan.

in the office.

Pan Jinfu picked up the pictures on the table again, looked at them again and again, and said with certainty in his heart, yes, our future 052 ship should look like this.

Tomorrow, the 052 ship design seminar will be held again. This is also the largest and highest specification one. I hope everyone can reduce differences and unify opinions at this meeting. I also hope that the design demonstration work of 052 ship can take a strong first step .

Pan Jinfu thought so in his mind.

Tomorrow's meeting will continue to be presided over by Pan Jinfu, but the participants will be of higher rank, except for the chief and deputy directors of the Donghai Ship Design Institute, the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, the person in charge of the model office, and the heads of each design office , as well as comrades in charge of relevant ministries and commissions, shipyards, and in addition, comrades in the military.

Huang Keping, the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, is an officer of the military. He will also participate in tomorrow's meeting. Like Pan Jinfu, he hopes to form a unified opinion at tomorrow's meeting.

At present, the biggest difference lies in whether it is independent research and development, or a complete set of related equipment imported from abroad.

the next day.

Those who went to work early in the morning found that the inside of the institute seemed to be a little different from usual. The tense atmosphere before the important meeting undoubtedly permeated. Some careful people also found that there were several people parked in front of the red Soviet-style building A military car.

The persons in charge of each design room were notified and rushed to the meeting room early, as did the overall design room. Kuang Wei left early with a pen and notebook.

The leaders had gone to a meeting, and the atmosphere in the big office gradually became active again. Some people looked out through the windows.

"Look, everyone, there are a lot of people here, and some of them look like big leaders."


Many people put down their work and ran to the windows, looking out through the glass. When they saw several cars coming and many people getting off the cars, they were slightly shocked.

"It seems that the standard of this meeting is very high, so many people came to participate."

Buzzing heated discussions started, but they quickly quieted down, because many people saw Zhao Xiuyun, the director of the model office, coming again.

Some "old fritters" reacted the fastest, and sat down in their seats immediately, with a serious look on their work, completely unable to tell that they were talking and talking, and their eyebrows were beaming.

Seeing this scene, Yang Fan almost laughed out loud, these people are really amazing, they are indeed old designers who have been around for many years.

As the director of the Model Office of the 052 ship, doesn't Zhao Yulan need to attend this meeting? What is she doing here at this time?

Some people were confused and thought so in their hearts.

The answer was soon revealed, Zhao Yulan walked straight in front of Yang Fan, and said loudly: "Yang Fan, you attend this meeting, now follow me."

What, I am attending the meeting!
Yang Fan was stunned for a while, but he quickly realized that he picked up his notebook and pen and replied, "Director Zhao, then I will go with you now."

Zhao Yulan nodded lightly, striding forward, and Yang Fan followed behind out of the big office, leaving behind a group of colleagues who were sluggish.

"Pinch me quickly, am I dazzled? Yang Fan actually attended the meeting."

"Bullshit, Yang Fan was able to attend such a high-level meeting."


After a short period of silence, there was a commotion in the big office, like a vegetable market, everyone was talking about Yang Fan's attendance at the meeting.

At this time, Yang Fan followed Zhao Yulan into the conference room.

The meeting has already started, and Pan Jinfu, the chief designer of the 052 ship, presided over it personally. Yang Fan saw an officer in the military, and thought in his heart, that should be the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, Huang Keping.

Zhao Yulan found a seat for Yang Fan, and Yang Fan quickly sat down quietly and began to attend the meeting seriously.

Pan Jinfu is introducing the design and demonstration work of the 052 ship, such as which work has been basically finalized, everyone has unified opinions, and which work everyone has relatively large differences.

Seriously, after listening quietly for a while, Yang Fan has a certain degree of understanding of the current design and demonstration progress of the 052 ship, which is far more comprehensive than what he heard from his colleagues.

As the meeting gradually deepened, some differences gradually emerged.

A leader of a certain ministry said: "I still have the same opinion as last time. Our industrial foundation is still very weak and cannot support the road of independent research and development at all. I advocate importing a full set of related equipment from abroad."

As soon as the words fell, a leader of the Military Industry Bureau said tit for tat: "I don't agree with this point of view. Military products, especially the country's most important weapons like the 052 ship, no matter how difficult and difficult, we must take the road of independent research and development. .”

The leader was eloquent and said many reasons for independent research and development. However, those who insisted on importing related equipment and technology from abroad refuted it.

The meeting fell into an intertwined state like last time, and it was difficult to move forward.

Yang Fan has been listening carefully, thinking about this issue in his mind, and wrote down the eight words "independent research and development, partial import" in his notebook.

Zhao Xiuyun has been sitting next to Yang Fan, paying attention to Yang Fan from time to time, she is very curious about this young man whom Mr. Pan has taken a fancy to.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't feel cramped or nervous at all, but listened with a serious face, he couldn't help admiring inwardly, it's really unusual, no wonder he can fall into Mr. Pan's eyes.

Inadvertently, Zhao Yulan saw the eight characters "independent research and development, partial import" written in Yang Fan's notebook, and couldn't help but think that Comrade Yang Fan also had his own ideas, neither completely importing related technologies and The equipment is not completely self-developed.

There were great differences at the meeting, and everyone was arguing so hard that their faces were red and their necks were thick.

Yang Fan also noticed that everyone is right about things and not against people. There is no personal grievance at all, and they are arguing entirely based on their own opinions. Some people are always playing small things in their hearts.

As the commander-in-chief of Ship 052 and a representative of the military, Huang Keping finally spoke. He raised his hand and pressed down. The originally noisy meeting room quickly quieted down, and then he said: "Everyone is arguing too. It’s almost there, I don’t think there is any need to continue the debate, let’s listen to the views and opinions of the chief designer first.”

After so long, he guessed that Pan Jinfu should have his own ideas.

Seeing what Huang Keping said, and everyone looking at him again, Pan Jinfu smiled slightly. First of all, he did not directly express his point of view, but took out a few drawings, and said loudly: "Before explaining my views and opinions, Let me show you some pictures first."

After speaking, he unfolded these pictures and fully displayed them in front of everyone, so that everyone could see them clearly.

This is a guided missile destroyer!

The people present at the meeting are basically experts in this field. After looking at the things on these pictures, they can immediately see that this is a guided missile destroyer. Some people have even judged that this is not an existing ship of any country. guided missile destroyer.

When Yang Fan saw these pictures, his reaction was different from everyone else's. He was taken aback, why did Mr. Pan bring these pictures I drew to this meeting, and even showed them to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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