Military Heavy

Chapter 7 Yang Fan Speeches

Chapter 7 Yang Fan Speeches
Except for Zhao Yulan who glanced at Yang Fan, everyone's eyes were all focused on these pictures, and no one paid attention to Yang Fan who was sitting in the corner.

The originally quiet conference room suddenly became noisy, as if a large stone had been dropped from the calm water, and many people began to chat and discuss with their heads sideways.

Many people's eyes also fell on these pictures.

Several leaders of the military looked at each other and smiled. It could be seen that they were much more relaxed. Huang Keping even stood up and said happily: "Old Pan, you have kept it from us so hard, and I have been worried. So you We already have a concrete plan.”

As the commander-in-chief of the 052 ship, Huang Keping saw that various opinions were in dispute, and Pan Jinfu had not expressed any opinions, so he was always worried.

Even a little anxious.

Time can't afford it.

He was especially worried that Pan Jinfu didn't have a specific plan in mind, and worried that this kind of dispute would continue forever.In fact, as early as 1980, the country considered launching a new type of guided missile destroyer, but there were various disputes and finally ran aground.

Huang Keping, who knows this very well, is worried that if the dispute persists this time, the 052 ship will be delayed, and the military can't afford to wait. He has always dreamed of having a new type of missile destroyer.

It's all right now, seeing Pan Jinfu showing those pictures in front of everyone, Huang Keping felt relieved, and even had a happy smile on his face.

"Okay, you old Pan, so you have hidden such a trick, so you have already made a plan, and even drew the shape of our future destroyer!"

In the meeting room, it quickly fell silent.

Everyone's eyes are still on these pictures, or on Huang Keping and Pan Jinfu.

Pan Jinfu smiled, and then said truthfully: "Old Huang, you have wronged me. These pictures are not drawn by me, but by one of our designers. This is what he thinks of the future destroyer. look."

It was not drawn by Pan Jinfu, but by a certain designer.

Quite a few people were startled for a moment, and then their eyes began to fall on the business backbone of the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, thinking in their hearts, could it be that one of them drew it?

The painting is really good and beautiful, and more importantly, it reflects a very high level of technology. Yes, our future 052 ship should look like this!
No one would think that these pictures were drawn by the young designer sitting in the corner.

At this moment, Yang Fan is calm.

Pan Jinfu kept paying attention to Yang Fan. Seeing that Yang Fan was not shocked by honor or disgrace, his face was calm, without any expression of excitement or tension. He nodded slightly in approval, thinking in his heart, the young man is good and deserves to be cultivated.

Looking away, Pan Jinfu said: "Everyone don't need to guess, I will tell you now that this is drawn by a young designer from our design office, and he just happened to attend the meeting today."

Oh, a young designer?

Many people wanted to know who this young designer was, and some people began to search. Someone finally noticed the young face in the corner and thought, could it be him?
Pan Jinfu said loudly: "Don't guess, Yang Fan, stand up and let everyone get to know each other."

Hearing Master Pan call his name, Yang Fan knew that it was impossible to sit in the corner like this, so he stood up in front of everyone's eyes.

It was him, indeed it was him!
so young!

After seeing Yang Fan stand up, many people's faces became more surprised, they did not expect Yang Fan to be so young.

Huang Keping was also shocked for a while, but he quickly came back to his senses, and said loudly: "Old Pan, your design office is really not simple. These pictures are actually made by this little comrade. I really have a little unbelievable."

Pan Jinfu waved his hand gently, indicating that Yang Fan could sit down, and then said: "This is our Comrade Yang Fan. He is very young, but this comrade has a lot of ideas, and his many opinions often make my eyes shine."

"Oh, there is still such a level."

In addition to being surprised, Huang Keping wanted to test Yang Fan, so he looked at Yang Fan and asked specifically: "Little Comrade Yang, if you can draw the appearance of the future destroyer in your mind, it shows that you are a very thoughtful person." Comrade, you have seen everyone's dispute just now, what do you think personally?"

In normal times, Huang Keping would never ask such a young comrade, especially at such an important meeting.

But as soon as these pictures were shown, Pan Jinfu said something like this. He asked a young comrade this way.If this is to be spread, it is estimated that many people will be extremely envious of Yang Fan.

Yang Fan stood up again, even facing Huang Keping and so many people's eyes, he still didn't show any nervousness, but his mind was clear.

"Mr. Huang, if I really want to share my personal opinion, I can sum it up in eight words, that is 'independent research and development, partial import'." Yang Fan cut to the chase.

Independent research and development, partly imported!
Many people's eyes lit up slightly, and Huang Keping showed great interest, "Comrade Xiao Yang, can you be more specific?"

"Of course." Yang Fan's answer was very loud, even if there was no microphone, the sound could be heard throughout the conference room, and everyone could hear it clearly.

"The 052 ship is a heavy weapon in the military industry. It is related to the national defense security. We must independently develop it. However, considering our current national conditions, it is definitely not feasible to completely go the way of independent research and development. Compared with the developed countries in the West, our industrial base is very far behind. Great. At present, our national strength is still very weak, and there is still a blank in many areas of the new guided missile destroyer."

"There are some things we have to buy, like powertrains, do we have gas turbines? Do we have high-speed diesels? No!"

"Thus, those things must be bought. We must take advantage of the good situation of reform and opening up to introduce advanced technologies in a targeted manner so as to improve our technological starting point."

"My personal point of view is that the power system, communication system, etc., several parts with weak domestic technical strength will import related equipment from abroad, and other systems will be independently developed domestically."

The entire conference room was silent!
Even though Yang Fan had finished speaking, the silence continued. Many people were thoughtful, and some even looked at Yang Fan with admiration.

Yang Fan thought in his heart, "It's broken, it's broken, did you say too much, too thoroughly, next time if you encounter such a situation, you need to pay attention, it can't be like this."

There can be no next time.

With more than 052 years of foresight than others, Yang Fan is of course very clear that he is still in the exploration stage of the [-] ship, and adopting the policy of independent research and development and partial import is the most suitable and most in line with the actual situation at this stage.

It's just that since it's the stage of exploration, many things are still relatively vague, and everyone's disputes are relatively large. These words of Yang Fan can often make everyone's ears stunned, as if they have cleared the layer of fog.

I don't know when applause broke out in the meeting room, and then more and more people applauded, even Huang Keping applauded while looking at Yang Fan approvingly.

After the applause subsided, Huang Keping said: "Old Pan, Comrade Xiao Yang's point of view is very good, what do you think?"

Pan Jinfu said: "My point of view is basically the same as Xiao Yang's. I also advocate independent research and development and partial import. The development of the 052 ship project is divided into two steps. The first step is to buy some things that we don't have. The second step Then consider localization."

This meeting was an unprecedented success.

Issues that have been disputed before are now gradually unified.After several days of meetings, all kinds of arguments gradually subsided.

After repeated discussions, the leading department finally clarified the guiding ideology of the new generation of guided missile destroyers.It is estimated that even Yang Fan himself did not expect it to be so smooth.

The meeting lasted for several days, Yang Fan only attended the meeting on the first morning and expressed some of his views, and did not participate in the next few days.

It may be that the level is not enough, or it may be out of protection for Yang Fan.

It is not good for young people to be too showy, so Pan Jinfu became interested in talents, and even kept the things Yang Fan said at the meeting secret, and did not spread them to the outside world.

This was originally a high-level confidential meeting, and everyone knew the discipline well. Of course, no one spread the word about Yang Fan's amazing performance at the meeting.

Our Yang Fan is not complacent, but calm and low-key, going to work on time every day, leaving get off work on time every day, and doing what the leader arranges, he will do it seriously.

People around gradually discovered that the former nerd seemed to have changed. Although he often read books, he was not as obsessed as before, and his behavior seemed to be different.

(End of this chapter)

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