Military Heavy

Chapter 8 is about to be revealed

Chapter 8 is about to be revealed
After this meeting, the tone of the development of the 052 ship was set, that is, "independent research and development, partial introduction".After the tone is set, a lot of work will be carried out much more smoothly.

Controversy is less, and opinions are unified.

There seems to be a little difference in the huge office, Yang Fan is sitting on his seat, there are relatively few things today, so he just uses these spare time to read a book.

For this reason, Yang Fan made a special trip to the library in the institute and brought over several periodicals on ships, one of which was a foreign periodical in English, but it was last year.

In an era when there was no Internet and information dissemination mainly relied on paper, it would be great to have a foreign periodical from last year. Yang Fan did not dislike it. There were conversations among colleagues.

Most of the colleagues are working hard, and some of them are probably tired and relax a little, chatting casually.

"I heard that the meeting a few days ago was very successful, and the tone of the 052 ship has been set."

"Well, I've also heard that for the 052 ship, we will follow the path of 'independent research and development, partial import'."

"The tone has been set, and the next step will be the comprehensive design and demonstration work of the 052 ship. I really hope that this work will be completed as soon as possible."


Hearing these words from his colleagues, Yang Fan couldn't help smiling, and the design and demonstration work of the 052 ship appeared in his mind.

Historically, the design demonstration of the 052 ship took a full year until 1984, that is, it will take until April next year to complete the work. This time I don't know how long it will take.

Maybe there will be a little deviation, maybe it won't take a year, maybe the design demonstration will be completed by the end of this year or early next year.

At present, there are basically no major issues for Yang Fan. The design and demonstration of the 052 ship is temporarily unable to participate in it. go.

Time flies and it is almost the Dragon Boat Festival.

Yang Fan has also fully adapted to this era. He is used to material poverty, no mobile phone, no internet.

After waking up in the morning, Yang Fan took a shower, thought for a while, and took out the "Zhenliang" shirt from the closet, and then put it on.

"Well, it fits pretty well."

Looking at the mirror, Yang Fan thought about it with satisfaction, and was also very satisfied with the handsome and sunny figure in the mirror. In the words of the 21st century, it was a proper piece of fresh meat.

In Yang Fan's memory, this shirt was purchased when he was working in August last year.Yang Fan has a married sister who lives in the countryside of Donghai City. Seeing her younger brother graduated from college, she specially pulled a few feet of "Zeliang" to ask a tailor to make this shirt for Yang Fan.

As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, the weather is already very warm, and it is completely possible to wear a shirt.

This elder sister should be very caring for Yang Fan, his younger brother. She actually knows Yang Fan's body size very well, and she didn't ask a tailor to measure Yang Fan's size. After the shirt was made, it fit perfectly.

Looking in the mirror, it is estimated that the time is about the same, Yang Fan went out to work.While walking, I thought in my heart, I have to work hard to save some money, at least I have to buy a watch, I am not used to relying on estimating the time every day.

In the early 80s, having a bicycle or a watch was definitely a very honorable thing, but unfortunately, Yang Fan didn’t have any of them, so he was clear for the time being.

"I heard that the outstanding interns will be announced today."

"I don't know who the lucky ones are."


As soon as Yang Fan entered the big office, he heard several colleagues talking about this matter as soon as he sat down.In this era where there is no entertainment, talking about some gossip is the most interesting thing for some people, and these colleagues are no exception.

Hearing such a discussion, Yang Fan just smiled lightly, and did not participate in the discussion.The selection of this year's outstanding interns is not controlled by Yang Fan. For a period of time, what Yang Fan has to do is to do his own job well and be worthy of this job.

To be honest, Yang Fan also hopes to be selected as an excellent intern. Leaving aside the priority promotion and evaluation in the future, Yang Fan is very tempted by the material reward of 200 yuan.

Just two days ago, Yang Fan cleaned up his belongings thoroughly.I don't have a passbook, and I have no money to deposit in the bank. All my belongings are 16 yuan in cash and more than 20 catties of food stamps.

This is Yang Fan's evaluation of his current financial situation. All his belongings are only a dozen yuan, and he can't do anything except eat.

Wanting to buy a watch, or buy a bicycle or something like that is just a luxury.But if you can be selected as an outstanding intern, it will be different.

"Yang Fan, you should have great hopes. If you are really rated as an excellent intern, then you must treat me."

This is Zhang Xiaodong, a colleague who has a good relationship with Yang Fan. He is 27 or [-] years old. He looks gentle with a pair of glasses. He has been working for five or six years. Yang Fan usually calls him "Brother Zhang".

"Brother Zhang, I don't think it's my turn. There are many people who are better than me." Yang Fan looked humble.

Zhang Xiaodong smiled and said: "Yang Fan, you are too modest. In terms of business ability, I think you are very good. It is not a big problem to be selected as this year's outstanding intern."

Yang Fan also smiled, and then said jokingly: "Brother Zhang, it would be great if you were the leader, but unfortunately you are not."

Zhang Xiaodong was amused and laughed.Of course, he also knows that the boss has the final say on whether it will work or not. Sometimes it is not because you have strong business ability, but you can be rated as an excellent intern if you perform well at ordinary times. It is too much affected by other factors.

After the two chatted and laughed, it was soon nine o'clock in the morning. Someone came in excitedly and shouted loudly, "Reliable news. I will announce the results of this year's outstanding intern selection on the list soon."

Everyone's entertainment items are relatively scarce, and it is rare to have such a thing, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and also aroused the interest of many people at once.


"It's absolutely true. The person responsible has already written a red list, and it will probably be posted soon." The young designer who rushed in just now replied with a very confident look.

The news is certain, and the results of this year's outstanding intern selection will be announced on the red list, and the originally quiet big office suddenly becomes lively.

"Yang Fan, you are a recent graduate of our general design office, you have great hopes."

"Yang Fan, I like you."

"Remember, we must treat guests when the time comes, and don't forget that we are colleagues in the same big office."

Everyone you say, I say, the protagonist of the topic is our colleague Yang Fan.Faced with such a situation, Yang Fan remained calm and said very calmly, "Everyone, don't put so much pressure on me, there are many interns in this class who are better than me, and it's not my turn. "

"Where, you are too modest."

"Yang Fan, you are very good in our eyes, and you are very likely to be rated."


Yang Fan's office was very lively, and the big office next door where Ma Qiming lived was similar. Colleagues were all talking, and the focus was naturally Ma Qiming.

Hearing the complimenting words from his colleagues, Ma Qiming did not have Yang Fan's modesty, but showed obvious joy and pride on his face.

He knew that it was highly possible to be named the outstanding intern of the year, because the recommender of the general design office was him, not Yang Fan.

"Hmph, I don't know what expression Yang Fan will have after the red list is announced."

Thinking that he was rated as an excellent intern and Yang Fan did not lose the selection, the pride on Ma Qiming's face became even stronger.

"Ma Qiming, I heard that 200 yuan will be awarded for being selected as an outstanding intern this time. Remember to treat us to a good meal."

Everyone's monthly salary is only a few tens of yuan, and two hundred yuan is considered a "huge sum".Satisfied, Ma Qiming said loudly: "No problem, I will invite everyone to 'Liu's Restaurant' for a meal after the money is in hand."

"Ma Qiming, you may break your promise, so let's just say it." Someone said loudly.

"Never break my promise." Ma Qiming also replied loudly.

"Liu's Restaurant" is a private restaurant. It is different from state-run restaurants. It has good service, affordable meals, and generous portions. Many people will go there for a toothbrush.

At this time, there were still relatively few private restaurants, and state-run restaurants still existed. Many people would prefer to go to such private restaurants if they wanted to eat out.

"The red list has been announced, everyone go and see it!"

Just as the big office was bustling with excitement and everyone was talking about the selection of outstanding interns this year, someone shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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