Military Heavy

Chapter 9 The Red List

Chapter 9 The Red List
Ask for a recommendation, ask for a recommendation, ask for a recommendation ticket.
. . . . . . . . .

"It has been announced!"

Hearing this news, many people hurried outside, obviously wanting to see the list of outstanding interns announced on the red list, so that they could have a quick glance.

Most of the people who ran out were young people, and they were most interested in this. Although the veteran designers were also interested in it, they didn't have such a big reaction. Most of them sat in their seats and didn't get up, just smiled. .

Of course, Yang Fan also wanted to know the results of this selection, and walked out of the big office with everyone, and walked downstairs quickly.

As soon as he left the big office, he met several people who came out of the big office next door in the corridor, and most of them were young people, among them was Ma Qiming.

Of course Ma Qiming also saw Yang Fan, but he looked at Yang Fan with a provocative look, and also with a trace of disdain and ridicule.

Yang Fan's gaze was much calmer, he just glanced at Ma Qiming inadvertently, and then continued to walk downstairs quickly. Zhang Xiaodong belongs to young people, and he also wanted to see who was lucky enough to be rated as an excellent intern , he followed behind Yang Fan.

The tree wants to be calm and the wind does not stop.

Yang Fan didn't want to be troublesome, but Ma Qi obviously didn't want to give up such a good opportunity. He walked over and taunted loudly as he walked downstairs: "Yang Fan, I didn't expect you to be so interested in the announcement of outstanding interns, but you Doomed to accompany the prince to study, waste of time."

The clay figurine also has a bit of air, not to mention being said so in front of so many people, Yang Fan didn't want to talk to him at first, but when he saw him confronting him, he fought back: "Ma Qiming, you have taken the wrong medicine."

"Yang Fan, you have to know that the person recommended by the general design office is me, and you are not even on the recommendation list, so you are doomed to be hopeless."

Ma Qiming was full of superiority, and his eyes were full of pride.

Zhang Xiaodong couldn't stand it anymore, "Ma Qiming, you are a rookie who hasn't become a regular, you are so arrogant, we have more than a dozen design studios, each design studio has one or two recommenders, from one to twenty people Choose a few, it may not necessarily be you."

The meaning is obvious, you, Ma Qiming, have a one-tenth chance at most, and it's not a certainty. Everything depends on the final list announced by the red list.

After teasing Ma Qiming, Zhang Xiaodong comforted: "Yang Fan, don't be as knowledgeable as him. Even if you are not rated as an excellent intern, it doesn't matter. Don't put too much pressure on it."

Yang Fan glanced at Zhang Xiaodong gratefully, "Brother Zhang, I know, thank you."

A group of us walked downstairs quickly, and when we left the building of the design office, there were already quite a lot of people. Many people in the design office heard the news, and many people rushed out, wanting to see it too.

"Han Jiang!"

Yang Fan did not expect to see a familiar figure, that is his best friend and best friend Han Jiang.

"Brother Fan!"

Han Jiang quickly walked to Yang Fan's side and explained: "I am the one recommended by our design office. The red list has been posted. I want to see if I can be selected in the end."

"Yeah." Yang Fan nodded, and the two walked side by side towards the bulletin board in front of the building. Before they got to the bulletin board, they saw that there were many people surrounded by tens of meters away, and it was very lively.

Yang Fan and Han Jiang also quickened their pace, and soon arrived in front of the bulletin board, and squeezed forward hard, and finally saw the announcement announcing this year's outstanding interns.

This is a red list.

A piece of red paper was used, and the words on it were not typed, but written with a brush. It is relatively standard block letters. The person who wrote this list has some skills in brush calligraphy.

"Li Shunli, Chen Chao, Zhang Miaolan, Han Jiang, Yang Fan."

There are five names in total. They are the outstanding interns of the Donghai Ship Design Institute this year. All of them are college students who graduated last year. They have worked for almost a year and are about to become regulars.

"Five people in total, not four!"

The situation announced on the red list is somewhat different from what was rumored at the time. It is said that in previous years, only three or four people were selected as the annual outstanding interns in the institute, but this year there are five people in total.

"Haha, I've been named an outstanding intern!"

Seeing his name, Han Jiang danced with joy, he was so happy, so happy, so proud.

After yelling and screaming happily, it took a while to realize, and then congratulated: "Brother Fan, you have also been named an excellent intern!"

Yang Fan clicked, of course he saw his name, the trace of worry in his heart was completely gone, and his heart was full of surprises.

Not only did he see his own name, but Yang Fan also saw Ma Qiming's name. However, Ma Qiming's name was crossed twice before he changed it to his own.

At this moment, Ma Qiming's face was flushed red, and he stared blankly at the red list in front of him.Of course he saw his own name, just, just.
He rubbed his eyes vigorously, but he was not mistaken, his name was heavily crossed twice, obviously crossed out temporarily.

Zhang Xiaodong was standing next to Ma Qiming, and there were several young designers from the overall design office around him, and they all saw the names announced on the red list.

Zhang Xiaodong jokingly said: "Ma Qiming, see if your name is there, you are also on the list." After speaking, Zhang Xiaodong burst out laughing.

Many people laughed along, and some even looked at Ma Qiming with a smile.

Another person reminded: "Is this a prank? Someone deliberately crossed out Ma Qiming's name with a brush, and then added Yang Fan's name."

"Well, I think it's very possible." Someone nodded in agreement.

It was difficult for Ma Qiming to accept the facts in front of him, and he was furious, and said loudly: "Someone must have done this on purpose, it must be a prank."

Under such circumstances, it is easy to lose your mind and do some stupid things, as Ma Qiming did.When he was furious, he quickly grabbed Yang Fan who was beside him, and said sharply: "Yang Fan, did you do this on purpose? You must have crossed out my name."

Yang Fan shook his hand away vigorously, and said with a straight face: "You idiot, I came down with you, how can I have time to cross out your name, and then add my own name."

Anyone with a little sense knows that this is impossible.

In addition, this is the red list officially announced by the institute. No one has the guts to blatantly cross out the name of one of them and replace it with the name of another.

Many people knew that this was impossible, so everyone looked at Ma Qiming in a different way. Some people pointed at Ma Qiming and whispered something to the people next to him.

Having been rated as an excellent intern, Yang Fan was full of surprises, and looked at his name on the red list, and when he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped.

An anxious voice sounded from outside the crowd, "Everyone give way, everyone give way, there is something wrong with this red list, it needs to be replaced."

Is there a problem with this list?

Many people are stunned, especially those who have been working for many years, and this is the first time they have encountered such a situation.

Outside the crowd, the paperwork was holding the paste in one hand and a brand new red list in the other. Seeing this, many people stepped aside.

(End of this chapter)

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