Military Heavy

Chapter 10 Excellent Intern

Chapter 10 Excellent Intern

"This list is wrong!"

When Ma Qiming saw the paperwork coming with a new list, Ma Qiming's eyes lit up, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, he shouted loudly, as if he was afraid that others would not know.

"So there is something wrong with this red list. Let me just say, how can my name be crossed out when it is so good?"

After speaking so loudly, he gave Yang Fan a demonstrative look, his eyes seemed to say, did you see it, a new list is about to be changed, it is useless for you to cross out my name quietly.

This IQ.
Yang Fan didn't even bother to talk to him, just shook his head lightly.

The clerk came over with a new red list, and everyone stepped aside. Many people wanted to see the difference between the new red list and the one posted in front of them.

In the eyes of everyone, Xiao Zhao, the clerk, walked to the front of the posting column. First, he stretched out his hand and tore off the red post that hadn't even dried the paste in less than half an hour, and then dipped it in with a brush. I took some paste and brushed vigorously.

After feeling that it was almost done, Xiao Zhao, the clerk, carefully opened the new red list that he brought over, carefully and carefully pasted it in the place of the original red list, and replaced the old red list with this new red list.

Many people's eyes are focused on this new red list.

Of course, Ma Qiming was no exception. His eyes were fixed on the new red list. Soon, his face became ugly, and then he felt extremely ashamed. Looking at him, suddenly, his face was hot.

There is no difference in content between this new list and the previous red list, and there is no change in the words. This year's outstanding interns are still "Li Shunli, Chen Chao, Zhang Miaolan, Han Jiang, and Yang Fan". Ma Qiming's name.

If you want to talk about the difference between the two red lists, it is that Ma Qiming's name was heavily crossed out with a brush on the first red list, and then Yang Fan's name was temporarily added.

And this new red list is clean, without any traces of alteration.

After posting this new red list, no one had any idea that the clerk Zhao quietly breathed a sigh of relief, felt relieved, and even gently wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand.

These two red lists were written by Xiao Zhao with a brush.

In fact, the first red list has been written long ago, and it can be posted at the order of the leader.Just as he was about to post, the leader of the office informed Xiao Zhao that there was no change in the list of outstanding interns this year. When he got the new list, Xiao Zhao saw that four of them had not changed, and only Ma Qiming was replaced by Yang Fan.

In order to save trouble, he directly picked up a brush and crossed out Ma Qiming's name on the red list, and then added Yang Fan's name.

However, not long after this red list was posted, the leader of the office criticized Xiao Zhao. How could such an official matter be changed at will.

Xiao Zhao hurriedly wrote another one, then came over and tore up the previous red list, and pasted this new red list with the same content, but without any changes.

"Brother Fan, congratulations!"

After the dust settled and there was no possibility of change, Han Jiang happily congratulated Yang Fan.

Yang Fan said: "Same, same, and congratulations on being named this year's outstanding intern. Tonight, we two brothers will have a good meal together."

"I'll come, I'll come, I'll treat you to this meal." Han Jiang said hastily.

After get off work, the two went to a private restaurant together, ordered a few dishes, and ate a sumptuous meal. The total cost was more than six yuan, and Han Jiang rushed to pay the bill.

The certificate of honor for the outstanding intern and a reward of [-] yuan were distributed to Yang Fan.Early in the morning, Zhao Yulan, director of the model office, came to call Yang Fan.

Taking Yang Fan into the office, she opened the drawer of the desk, took out a red book and envelope from it, and handed these two things to Yang Fan's hands.

"Xiao Yang, I brought your things back from the office for you, take a look."

After receiving these two things, Yang Fan was extremely happy. First he opened the certificate of honor, looked at it again and again, and then opened the envelope. Inside was a stack of brand new "Great Unity", which looked very gratifying. There were twenty sheets in total, that is, a whole 200 yuan.

This is a "huge sum", fully worth half a year's income of many people.

Get rich, get rich!
Glancing at the happy Yang Fan, Zhao Yulan also smiled happily, as if infected by Yang Fan's happy mood, her mood suddenly became unprecedentedly good.

In addition to being happy, Yang Fan also gradually calmed down, thinking in his heart, Director Zhao helped me get the certificates and awards from the office, and then specially asked me to come over and give these things to me. Maybe things will not be so simple. There are other things.

Yang Fan's guess is completely correct.

Sure enough, Zhao Yulan said: "Xiao Yang, the excellent intern candidate recommended by your overall design office was originally Ma Qiming. You may be wondering why you were finally selected as an excellent intern instead of Ma Qiming."

This is really a little strange.

Yang Fan has also thought about this issue, but he has never figured it out. He just has some guesses in his mind, and the specifics are still uncertain.

Zhao Yulan said the answer, "Xiao Yang, you can be rated as an excellent intern this time. In addition to your own outstanding performance, you also need to thank Master Pan."

Master Pan!

All of a sudden, Yang Fan fully understood that it should be Pan Jinfu who recommended Yang Fan, and the chief designer of the 052 ship personally recommended it, so of course there is no problem at all.

It really is so.

The institute had roughly decided on candidates for outstanding interns, but they hadn't officially announced them to the public.The paperwork was even written on the red list early, just waiting for posting and announcement.

Master Pan personally recommended Yang Fan, and the leaders in the institute needed careful consideration. Therefore, during the meeting yesterday afternoon, he studied the matter of outstanding interns, and finally decided to eliminate Ma Qiming, who was the worst performer among the five. Yang Fan's name.

"Director Zhao, thank Chief Master Pan on my behalf. I will work harder in the future and will not disappoint the expectations of you and Chief Master Pan."

"Okay, I will express your thanks to Chief Master Pan." Zhao Yulan agreed without hesitation.

Then, she asked Yang Fan about his recent work and life with concern, and just as she was asking a few words, the phone on the desk rang.

She picked up the phone, "What, they're here so soon, okay, I'll take someone to the airport to meet them right away."

Obviously, she has something urgent and needs to go to the airport right away.

Seeing this, Yang Fan immediately said: "Director Zhao, then you are busy, I will go first."

Zhao Yulan nodded, "I wanted to chat with you at first, but I'm going to the airport to meet some foreign guests, so go back first, I won't keep you here."

"Okay, Director Zhao, you are busy."

Yang Fan bid farewell and left Zhao Yulan's office of Ship Type Office 052, a little curious in his heart. At this time, foreign guests actually came to Donghai Ship Design Institute.

In the mid-to-early 80s, few foreign guests visited some units with a military-inspired color. Yang Fan, who knew this well, was so curious.

Back in his big office, as soon as he sat down, Zhang Xiaodong next to him said, "Yang Fan, you got the award for the outstanding intern."

"Well, I got it." Yang Fan replied.

The conversation between the two happened to be heard by a colleague next to him, and he said loudly: "Yang Fan, you want to treat me."

His voice was louder, and more people beside him understood what was going on, and said humanely: "Yes, such a good thing, it must be a treat."

Just as Yang Fan was about to say something, Zhang Xiaodong stood up and said loudly: "Comrades, you can't go too far, how about this, Yang Fan will take out five yuan, and I will help buy some food and come back, everyone eat , it’s Yang Fan’s treat.”

"That's fine." Someone agreed.

Yang Fan readily took out a ten-yuan "Great Unity" and thanked him, "Brother Zhang, I'll thank you for your hard work."

"It's okay, it's okay." Zhang Xiaodong took the ten yuan, "It's okay, I'm very happy to run errands."

After finishing speaking, he said loudly to everyone: "I'm going shopping right now, and I'll be back soon."

After about three, four, 10 minutes, Zhang Xiaodong came back with a big bag of things. Seeing this, everyone swarmed up.

Yang Fan also came over, wanting to see what Zhang Xiaodong bought with the ten yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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