Military Heavy

Chapter 11 Foreign Guests

Chapter 11 Foreign Guests
There are many things.

After opening it, Yang Fan saw a pack of "Big White Rabbit Toffee", which is a high-end product, and this kind of candy is only eaten on festive days.In addition, there are some biscuits, melon seeds and peanuts, and some fruits.

It was a little surprising that Zhang Xiaodong returned with more than two yuan left.

Very good.

The market economy at this time is far from being as developed as it was later, and the things that can be bought on the market are relatively limited. This is still in Donghai City. If it were in other places, it would be impossible for Zhang Xiaodong to buy so many things so quickly.

"You are welcome, you can take whatever you want." Zhang Xiaodong warmly greeted everyone instead of Yang Fan.

The big office suddenly became extremely lively, and even the old designers who generally seldom talked and basically kept their heads buried in drawing got up and took some food to eat.

Donghai Airport.

A flight from Hong Kong Island landed successfully at the airport. Many people got off the plane, including some foreigners. Among them, three foreigners were more conspicuous. The leader was a middle-aged man who followed Behind them were two young men, a man and a woman.

A group of three people.

Even in Donghai City, because it was the early 80s and the reform and opening up had not yet been done for a few years, the appearance of these three foreigners still attracted a lot of attention, especially the moment they walked out of the airport.

Mario, a senior engineer of a shipbuilding group in European Country F, is followed by Corinna, the translator, and Hal, the assistant.

The two men, Mario and Hal, wear standard western attire, shirts, ties, and suits.The leather shoes are so shiny that they can reflect the silhouette of a person.The young Corinna was wearing a suit skirt, silk stockings and small leather shoes.

"Head, we are finally here."

The young Hal dragged his suitcase and followed behind Mario. He let out a long sigh of relief as soon as he walked out of the Donghai Airport, and immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

It was not an easy journey, and it took more than ten hours on the plane alone.

It was the first time for the three of them to come to this big oriental country, and everything they saw after leaving the airport was so novel.Compared with the big cities in western developed countries, the current Donghai City is still far behind. What they saw in front of them gave the three of them a strong visual contrast and a sense of shock.

"Lots of bikes!"

"Their clothes are really strange, almost all of the same style, mainly blue and black."

"These buildings are so old and low."


There are quite a few pedestrians outside the airport. The main means of transportation for everyone is bicycles. Men and women basically dress in the same style. For example, men basically wear Chinese tunic suits, and very few wear suits.

Mario nodded lightly, thinking in his heart, this big eastern country is really backward, compared with our F country, there is at least 30 years of gap.

The three foreigners watched and felt, full of novelty.The local Donghai people also looked at them curiously.

We know that in the early years, including the elders or the teachers of the school, they often taught us not to watch foreign guests, which is not unreasonable.

At that time, "foreigners" were rare things in the eyes of ordinary people. Many people were very curious and always watched and pointed. Of course it is different now. With the development of the times, "foreigners" are nothing new. Something that many people take for granted.

It was different in the middle and early 80s, even in Donghai City.

"Look, there are three foreigners."

"That girl is wearing a beautiful dress."

"Hey, I'm so shameless, my thighs are all exposed."

Corinna's short suit, stockings and small leather shoes are of course very common in Western countries. Professional women generally dress like this. In Donghai City, many people can't accept it and think it's indecent.In fact, her short skirt is not too short, not the super short one, almost reaching the knee.

Zhao Yulan greeted her outside the airport. Apart from him, there was also a young man who was in charge, holding a sign with the words "Welcome Mr. Mario and his party" in Chinese.

Why not use English, because English talents are scarce, and the time is a bit rushed, and the full-time translator is not in the institute, so there is no time to find someone who understands English to write these.

"It should be them."

Zhao Yulan thought about her toes, stretched her neck, saw Mario and the other three coming out of the airport, and guessed in her heart.

She also only knew the simplest information about Mario and the other three. Naturally, she had never seen the photos, and of course she couldn't recognize them, so she could only rely on guesswork.

"Xiao Zhang, it might be them, raise the sign higher."


Xiao Zhang responded, straightened his chest, raised the sign in his hand high, looked at Mario and the other three, showing a little excitement.


The three of them should have seen Xiao Zhang holding a sign to greet her, and Corinna, who was the translator, greeted Zhao Yulan proactively in barely standard Chinese.

"Hello, welcome to Donghai City. I'm Zhao Yulan from Donghai Ship Design Institute. I'm here to welcome you according to our leader's instructions."

Said a lot in one breath.

Zhao Yulan, who was dealing directly with foreigners for the first time, seemed a little excited and enthusiastic, and she was basically sure in her heart that the three of them were the ones she wanted to greet.

Through Corinna's translation, the two sides introduced each other, and after confirming that they were correct, they shook hands enthusiastically. At Zhao Yulan's invitation, everyone boarded a military green jeep parked not far away.

The car started and headed to Donghai Ship Design Institute.

Today is Sunday, rare to be free, Yang Fan went to the largest department store in Donghai City.

There is only one purpose, and that is to buy a watch for yourself.

Yang Fan hesitated for a long time between buying watches and bicycles.In the end, I decided to buy a watch first, because I have to check the time when I commute to and from work, and I am not used to not having the exact time. As for the tools for transportation, I can take a break for a while.

The reward of 200 yuan seems like a huge sum of money, but watches and bicycles are not cheap, and each requires several months of wages for ordinary people. At present, we can only choose one of the two.

Yang Fan was slightly disappointed by the largest department store in Donghai City. It was very different from what he had imagined. Even if he had prepared enough before coming, he did not expect that the gap between it and modern shopping malls was not so big.

The place is not small, but there are not many types of goods, and many things need to be purchased with a ticket, and the waiters are relatively lacking in enthusiasm. After Yang Fan bought a watch, he quickly slipped away.

Although the department store disappointed Yang Fan a bit, it still feels good to wear a brand-new watch on his wrist, especially on the bus back.

Inadvertently, the brand-new watch on Yang Fan's wrist was exposed, and several people around him saw this new watch. It was only when he felt several envious eyes around him that Yang Fan came back to his senses.

"Young man, how much did you pay for it?"

Yang Fan smiled, "More than 100 yuan."

The other party also smiled, but that smile was full of deep envy. He wanted to buy a watch even in his dreams. He had saved money for a year, but there were dozens of yuan left.

Having a watch is much more convenient, and I have accurate time in my heart.For example, it took a total of one hour and 26 minutes to take the bus from the department store back to the East China Sea Ship Design Institute, including the time to transfer halfway.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Yang Fan went to the canteen of the unit for dinner on time, and went to bed on time at 10:30 in the evening.

Monday, normal work.

At seven o'clock in the morning, Yang Fan gets up, no longer has to guess what time it is.After getting up, take your own towels, enamel cups, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other toiletries to the public area to wash your face and brush your teeth.

"Yang Fan, what time is it?"

This is from the dormitory next door. He and Yang Fan are familiar, and the relationship between the two is pretty good. After seeing the brand-new watch on Yang Fan's wrist yesterday afternoon, he was envious for a while, and now he asked Yang Fan for the specific time.

Yang Fan, who was washing his face, raised his wrist, looked at the time and said, "It's still early, it's only a quarter past seven in the morning."

This morning, Yang Fan controlled the time very precisely. He got up on time at 25 o'clock in the morning. After washing up, he left the dormitory building at 55:5, entered the unit cafeteria for breakfast at [-]:[-], and entered his big office at [-]:[-]. , sat in his seat [-] minutes earlier than the official working time.

Not long after sitting down, Yang Fan, who was sharpening his pencil and preparing to draw a picture, stopped, and heard the low voices of several colleagues beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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