Military Heavy

Chapter 12 Ma Huaxiang's Depression

Chapter 12 Ma Huaxiang's Depression
Everyone is talking about one thing.

Yang Fan didn't intend to listen, but those voices always got into his ears, and he couldn't do without listening.

"I didn't expect that country F really sent people over."

"There are three foreigners here, two men and one woman."


It turned out that everyone was discussing the fact that country F sent people over. In fact, Yang Fan knew about it to some extent. When Director Zhao Yulan called him over the day before yesterday and gave him the certificate and 200 yuan, she hurriedly prepared to go to the airport to meet him. Foreign guests.

The foreign guests she went to greet should be these three foreigners.

Hearing everyone's discussion, combined with his own understanding of the development history of the Republic's warships, especially the development of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, Yang Fan guessed that he wanted to talk about high-speed diesel engines with Country F.

There is no high-speed diesel engine required by the 052 ship in China. According to the guiding ideology of "independent research and development, partial import", the power system, communication system, etc., several parts with weak domestic technical strength are imported from abroad, and other systems are independently developed domestically.

A lot of equipment in the power system needs to be imported from abroad, because we don't have high-speed diesel engines, gas turbines, etc.

"I don't know what kind of people the country F sent over."

Yang Fan couldn't help thinking this way, somewhat curious about the identity of the person from country F in the early stage of contact.

After everyone talked about it, they gradually began to enter the working state, and Yang Fan was the same. He began to work on some things assigned by the leader, and there were some design drawings that needed to be drawn.

In this era without computers, even many people have never seen this thing.There is no computer, and of course there is no so-called CAD, that is, computer-aided design drawing, none of these.

In this day and age, all grand plans have to start with sharpening pencils every morning, pencils, compasses, T-squares, curved boards, layering bars, calculators.

It is these tools that seem very primitive today, drawing every design drawing carefully and neatly, stroke by stroke.

Yang Fan's task today is to draw the design of a switchboard on a certain ship. Without a computer, he relies on pure handwork. The daily work is the same as everyone else's, without exception, starting from sharpening pencils.

Arrange the drawing board on your desk, take out the compasses, T-square, curve board, layering bar, calculator and other things needed for drawing, and arrange them one by one.

Then he picked up the knife and sharpened the pencil methodically.If Yang Fan was still a little rusty a few days ago, he is very proficient now. The action of sharpening pencils is very standardized and fast, and the sharpened pencils are also very easy to use.

Some pencils need to be sharpened thicker, and some must be sharpened thinner. The thicker pencils are mainly used to draw thick lines, and the thinner pencils are used to draw thinner lines in the design drawings.Such as dashed lines, section lines, dimension lines and so on.

After the pencil is sharpened and everything is ready, Yang Fan is ready to start drawing the design of the switchboard.

In the big office, it gradually became quiet, and everyone began to work. Some people were drawing design drawings like Yang Fan, some were doing size or strength calculations, and some were reading reference materials or design manuals.

However, a sound of footsteps broke the silence not long after, and Kuang Wei, the director of the general design office, walked in a little anxiously.

If it was normal, when he saw that all the comrades were working seriously, he might verbally praise everyone, but he didn't today. After he came in, he said loudly: "Little Ma, put down your work and come over here, and follow me for a while." Go to Master Pan."

The "little horse" is Ma Huaxiang, 27 or [-] years old. He has been working for several years. He has a specialty, that is, his English is not bad.

Many colleagues who were working hard stopped one after another, with a slight difference in their hearts, and they were very surprised that Director Kuang actually called Ma Huaxiang directly to go to Master Pan.

Such cases are very rare.

It seems like this happens only a few times a year, but Zhao Yulan once came to inform Yang Fan to go to Pan Jinfu's place, why is it Ma Huaxiang's turn this time.

"Did Master Pan call Ma Huaxiang over?"

"Ma Huaxiang can only be regarded as an ordinary designer. There is still a big gap between his professional level and experienced designers. What did Boss Pan ask him to do?"


Amidst everyone's doubts and even envious eyes, Ma Huaxiang was stunned at first, thinking that he had heard wrongly, but after realizing it, he immediately became a little excited.

Go see Master Pan!
Such opportunities and honors are not available to everyone. Although Pan Jinfu is approachable and easy-going, after all, his status is there, and the gap between him and ordinary designers is too large. It is difficult for ordinary designers to see Pan Jinfu all year round. several times.

He took a deep breath and tried his best to calm down, but the excitement on Ma Huaxiang's face could still be seen, and he was even a little nervous.

When I went to see General Master Pan, most people would be like Ma Xianghua, excited and nervous is inevitable.

After Kuang Wei took Ma Huaxiang away, the originally very quiet big office became a little noisy, some people were whispering, and their voices drifted into the ears of Yang Fan who was seriously drawing the design drawings from time to time.

"General Master Pan told Ma Huaxiang to come over."

"Our ponies are really lucky. Why don't I have such good luck? It would be great if I can meet Master Pan sometime!"

"I don't know what it is, I really want to know the reason!"


Some people couldn't help gossiping, and after discussing quietly, the big office gradually returned to silence, and everyone worked quietly again, drawing pictures, looking up data, computing power, and so on.

Yang Fan has not been affected, and has been carefully drawing the design of his switchboard, stroke by stroke, very regular.

On the surface, he seems serious, as if he is completely immersed in it. In fact, Yang Fan is somewhat helpless. He is used to computer drawing, but now he is not fully used to drawing with primitive tools such as pencils, erasers, T-squares, and compasses.

It's a little awkward no matter what.

For example, in the design drawing of the power distribution board that is being drawn now, ten identical fuses must be drawn in it, and ten fuses can only be drawn one stroke at a time.

If it is a calculation-assisted drawing, you only need to draw one of them, and then copy it and you are done, which is very fast.

This is a large minesweeper designed by East China Sea Ship Design Institute. There are [-] to [-] switchboards in the whole ship. Even if many switchboards have similar structures, you still have to draw [-] to [-] switchboards.

Fortunately, Yang Fan is not the only one who is responsible for drawing the design drawings of the switchboard. The main force is the experienced designers, and Yang Fan only helps draw two or three of them.

"Well, there are a total of ten fuses, and finally all of them are drawn."

Looking at the results of his nearly two hours of labor with satisfaction, seeing that all the fuses in the switchboard had been drawn, Yang Fan stretched his arms and legs, and even stood up and stretched his waist to let himself relax.

Picking up the teacup and taking a sip of tea, he raised his hand and looked at the time. It was only a few minutes away from eleven o'clock in the morning, and there was still a little more than an hour before he got off work in the morning. He could still draw something.

He was about to go to the toilet, and then come back to continue drawing, when suddenly, Yang Fan stopped, because he saw Ma Xianghua was downcast, and walked in with a dejected expression on his face.

After he came in, he actually sat in his place and sighed a few times.

"Didn't Director Kuang take him to see Chief Master Pan two hours ago? Why did he come back in such a disgraceful manner?"

Not only Yang Fan had a big question mark in his mind, but almost all the colleagues in the big office were at a loss.

Many people looked at Ma Huaxiang, who seemed to have been beaten by the frost, and some people also asked. This asked a question that everyone wanted to ask.

"Pony, what's wrong?"

"Oh..." Ma Huaxiang didn't answer directly, but just let out a long sigh.

Seeing this, the man tentatively asked: "Is there a mistake in the work, and Master Pan called him over to criticize him?"

Many people think that this may be the reason, otherwise, how could Ma Huaxiang have such an expression, which is in sharp contrast to the excitement and excitement when Director Kuang called him two hours ago.

However, Yang Fan doesn't think so.

If Ma Huaxiang really made a mistake in his work, Pan Jinfu would not ask him to come over and criticize him. After all, he is the chief designer of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer. It is impossible to criticize a young designer. To criticize is to criticize Kuang Wei. Director of this overall design office.

So what is going on?
Seeing that Ma Huaxiang just sighed in frustration and didn't say what was going on, some people wanted to catch him and ask him why.

"Little Ma, what happened, tell us about it."

It was an older designer, and he had a very good relationship with Ma Huaxiang, so he asked directly, trying to figure out what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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