Military Heavy

Chapter 13 Lack of English Talents

Chapter 13 Lack of English Talents
The entire big office was suddenly very quiet, and everyone's eyes were almost focused on Ma Huaxiang, probably trying to figure out what was going on.


In the eyes of everyone, Ma Huaxiang first let out a sigh of "ah" with his head down, and then said in a low tone: "You actually don't know, it's not that Master Pan called me to go there, but our Director Kuang recommended me In the past, I originally wanted to give him and our general design office a good face."

"Anyone who knows me well knows that I am very interested in English, and I have been learning English by myself whenever I have time. Director Kuang also knows this. He originally wanted me to serve as an interpreter."

It turned out to be the case.

Mario and the others arrived in Donghai City the day before yesterday, and they arrived at the Donghai Ship Design Institute on the same day. The leaders in the institute were very enthusiastic and placed great hopes. The two sides had made some contacts before, including the possibility of cooperation and technical some exchanges.

Of course, there is no problem with general communication. Mario brought a translator, and Corinna's Mandarin is not bad, even if she is not fluent, everyone can still understand her.

Technical communication is not the same thing, it will involve some very professional things, including some professional terms and so on.

Corinna is not an expert on ships. After all, she is just an ordinary translator who knows some Chinese, that's all.

The people in the Donghai Institute, such as Pan Jinfu, have no problem consulting or reading some English materials. Some unfamiliar words can be looked up in the dictionary, and they can barely speak in daily conversations, but professional things use English and Mario, etc. Neither does human communication.

Under the circumstances that Corinna is not qualified for professional translation, a person who understands both English and professional knowledge of ships is needed to act as an interpreter. The East China Sea happens to lack such a person. Everyone's professional knowledge is beyond doubt, but English proficiency is very weak.

Kuang Wei was eager to make contributions, and thought that his subordinate Ma Huaxiang had been learning English by himself, and his level was not bad. In addition, he was a professional ship designer, so there was the scene two hours ago, where Kuang Wei sent Ma Huaxiang I brought it to Pan Jinfu and recommended Ma Huaxiang.

But Ma Huaxiang let Kuang Wei down, and even felt very shameless on his face. During the nearly two hours of communication, Ma Huaxiang's English level was obviously stretched. what's the matter.

Master Pan was very dissatisfied.

Originally hoped for a big exchange, and originally hoped to discuss some substantive things with Mario. In addition to learning about their company's high-speed diesel engine, he also wanted to learn about the combat system on the new destroyer of country F, but the hope fell through.

Kuang Wei's face was dull.

Ma Huaxiang was even more disheartened, depressed to death, and sighed after returning to the chief designer's big office.

He knows, he screwed up.

Everyone understood what was going on, and someone comforted: "Xiao Ma, don't be discouraged. Compared with us, your English level is already very good."


Ma Huaxiang shook his head and smiled wryly.

In the small conference room, Pan Jinfu and the others are holding a small meeting. Besides Pan Jinfu, there are also two deputy chief designers of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, the leader of the Military Industry Bureau, and a representative of the military.

The upper management had a lot of connections, and it took a lot of effort to facilitate Mario's trip to the East China Sea. They hoped to introduce high-speed diesel engines from country F, and also wanted to learn some technical information about country F's modern warships, including understanding Combat systems on their warships.

He even hopes to use Mario to talk about the matter of sending people to country F for inspection. Mario may not be able to make decisions about the inspection, but he can bring some things back so that the high-level officials of country F can consider it.

Now, there are difficulties in technical communication.

The atmosphere in the small conference room was quite solemn. After a long time, the leader of the Military Industry Bureau suggested: "Old Pan, if it really doesn't work, our Military Industry Bureau will come forward and find a suitable translator."

Before Pan Jinfu answered, the military representative denied it: "I'm afraid this is not possible. It may be too late in time. Mario and the others will only stay in our country for a few days, and they will go back the day after tomorrow."

Yes, time does not allow.

If it takes some time to find suitable translators, the time left for technical exchanges with Mario will be further reduced. If there is not enough time, many things may not have time to communicate in depth, and people will have to fly back.

what should we do?

This is a very tricky question.

Now, it may not be a big problem, or it may not be a problem at all. With the popularization of English education and the normalization of exchanges with foreign countries, there is no shortage of foreign language talents. Even if they are proficient in English and have professional ships Knowledgeable people are not hard to find.

But in the mid and early 80s, this was really a big problem.

Aware of the lack of English talents, Pan Jinfu also specially suggested that Mario bring a translator with him. Who would have thought that even in country F, there are not many people who are proficient in Chinese, and it is equally difficult for talents who are proficient in both Chinese and ship professional knowledge try to find.

After thinking for a while, Pan Jinfu said: "Time waits for no one, and the time left for us is limited, so let's take a two-pronged approach. Our East China Sea Institute and the Military Industry Bureau have used their relationships and strengths, hoping to find a suitable translator as soon as possible. "

"Well, it seems that this is the only way to do it."

The leader of the military industry bureau nodded heavily, fully agreeing with this point.The meeting ended soon, and everyone split up to try to find suitable English talents in the shortest possible time.


Yang Fan looked at the time and saw some colleagues getting up and leaving. He thought to himself, "Time flies, I haven't finished drawing the design of the switchboard yet, and it's time to get off work at noon."

According to the work and rest schedule of Donghai Ship Design Institute, everyone goes to work at [-]:[-] in the morning and leaves at [-]:[-] noon.There is a one-hour break in the middle, mainly for everyone to have lunch, and some colleagues who have already married may go home to cook.

Young designers like Yang Fan, of course, go to the unit cafeteria to solve the problem of eating, and then start work at 1:[-] pm. If they don’t work overtime, they will leave work at [-]:[-] pm and work eight hours a day.

"Han Jiang should have been waiting for me in the cafeteria. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat. I'm a little hungry."

Yang Fan simply tidied up the things on his desk, such as putting away the pencils, rulers and compasses, etc., and pressed the design drawings that had not been fully drawn with a pressure strip. He felt that it was not bad, so he walked outside. Go straight to the unit canteen.

It was the peak time for lunch and there were a lot of people.

As Yang Fan expected, Han Jiang had arrived first, took up his seat, and prepared all the meals.

"Oh, today's food is good, and there is braised pork!"

Seeing the fat and big piece of braised pork, Yang Fan, who rarely got meaty smell, twitched his index finger and sat down happily.

The current material conditions are still relatively poor, and it is basically no problem for ordinary people to eat enough, but it is still a little difficult to eat well, with fish and meat every day.

The East China Sea Ship Design Institute is a state-run military industry unit, even so, it is impossible for everyone to feast on fish and meat every day, but the food is better than that of ordinary units. For example, Yang Fan has more opportunities to be vegetarian and less often to eat meat.

"Brother Fan, I'm treating you."

Han Jiang said happily while eating.Since he was named the outstanding intern of the year, he has suddenly become more affluent and has treated guests many times.

Of course, coming and going is not indecent, and Yang Fan is not stingy, so he invited Han Jiang to the restaurant.The two had a good relationship, and Yang Fan was not polite. After sitting down, he picked up a large piece of braised pork with his chopsticks, put it in his mouth, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Well, it's really enjoyable.

So satisfying!
After eating this piece of braised pork, Yang Fan felt very satisfied and satisfied.The two also chatted while eating, talking about everything.

After chatting for a while, Han Jiang said: "Brother Fan, I heard a news that we are looking for an English translation talent within our whole firm. I heard that the firm has encountered obstacles in technical exchanges with foreigners. If anyone If you are competent, you can go directly to Director Zhao of the model office, and if you can complete this translation job well, the institute will credit him for it."

It can be seen that Han Jiang's news is very well-informed, so he told Yang Fan about the situation.

Hearing this, Yang Fan's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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