Chapter 14
Maybe because he noticed Yang Fan's expression, Han Jiang said: "Brother Fan, if you have an idea, go and try it. I think your English level should be good."

He knew Yang Fan well.

In Han Jiang's opinion, Yang Fan's English is much better than his, and he can read some foreign language books. He Han Jiang is not good, and he doesn't know many words, so he needs to look up English-Chinese dictionaries.

Yang Fan hesitated for a while, temporarily unable to make up his mind.

As far as English proficiency is concerned, there is no problem. Before rebirth, Yang Fan was a doctor of returnees and could speak fluent English. In addition, there were no major problems in daily communication such as French and German.

As for the professional knowledge of ships, there is no problem at all. The most outstanding ship designer of the Republic, in this era, must have the world's top level of ship professional skills.

The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind.

Recently, Yang Fan often reflects on whether he was too showy in the previous few times, and whether he should keep a low profile and restrain himself.

If I take the initiative to ask Ying to undertake the translation work this time, will it be another amazing performance, will it be too showy again?

"Well, this issue must be carefully considered and considered, and be more cautious." Yang Fan thought in his heart.

After lunch, I chatted with Han Jiang for a few words, and soon it was time to go to work at [-]:[-] pm. Yang Fan got up and said, "Come on, it's almost time to go to work, and I still have a design drawing of the switchboard that I haven't finished yet. Finish it this afternoon."

Han Jiang also got up and persuaded again: "Brother Fan, I think you need to give it a try. I believe your English level is fine."

Yang Fan replied: "Let's see the situation."

The two of them left the cafeteria together and walked towards their office. They met many colleagues along the way, and everyone set the time correctly and started working for half a day in the afternoon.

Passing by the red office building with Soviet architectural style, both of them stopped because they saw a lot of people gathered in front of the bulletin board in front of the office building. seems to be looking at something.

A lot of things are posted on this bulletin board every day, such as various notices, announcements, and even some documents.

In this era of underdeveloped information dissemination, this is the window for information dissemination of the entire East China Sea Ship Design Institute, and many people generally use this to understand the information dynamics in the institute.

Out of curiosity, the two also walked over, squeezed a little inside, and finally saw clearly what was pasted on the bulletin board.

This is an announcement handwritten with a brush, and even the brush characters on it haven't completely dried out. It's obvious that the matter is rushed, and it will be posted immediately after it is written.

"Brother Fan, it seems that the firm attaches great importance to this matter, and actually recruits translation talents from the whole firm, and encourages everyone to take the initiative to recommend themselves."

Yang Fan nodded slightly.

He has also read the content of the announcement, and can fully feel from the wording and tone that the institute urgently needs an excellent translator. It is also clearly stated above that if anyone can successfully complete this translation task, the institute will He will be credited and rewarded materially.

"Xiao Liu, your English is not bad, you can try it."

"Where am I, my English is a two-handed knife, and I know how much it is."

"Oh, such a good opportunity to do meritorious deeds is in front of us. Unfortunately, those English words know me, but I don't know them."


Many people are sighing, hating themselves for not being able to seize this opportunity.

Han Jiang tugged Yang Fan's sleeve lightly, and gave Yang Fan a look, which seemed to say, "Brother Fan, you can definitely try it."

Yang Fan didn't say anything, but something seemed to be stirred in his heart.

It is obvious that Mario and his party from country F rushed over thousands of miles. In order to facilitate this matter, the upper management must have expended a lot of effort.

It would be a pity if there is a language barrier in technical communication, so that some technical things cannot be communicated smoothly.

Yang Fan stood on the spot, pondered for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he saw that it was time for work, so he waved his hand and said, "Let's go to work first."

The two left the bulletin board and went back to their big offices.

As soon as he sat down in his seat, various voices floated into Yang Fan's ears, and many people were discussing this matter in low voices.

"What an opportunity."

"Yeah, unfortunately my English is not good enough."

"I don't know who is qualified for such a translation job."

"If we don't have such capable people in our institute, and we need to hire someone from outside to undertake the translation work, it would be really embarrassing."

"Yeah, it's really shameless for such a huge Donghai Institute to invite people from outside."


All kinds of discussions came into Yang Fan's ears, and he couldn't calm down to work for a while.Of course, many colleagues have not thought about work at all for the time being, but are keen on such discussions.

Ma Huaxiang, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, don't worry about it. This task is much more difficult than you imagined. Even if you invite someone from outside, I am afraid that it is difficult to be competent for such a translation job.”

"Little Ma, why do you say that?"

Ma Huaxiang tried it once. He once served as an interpreter during the technical exchange between Mario and Pan, but he felt that his English level was far from enough.

Facing the eyes of everyone looking over, Ma Huaxiang said loudly: "Have you ever thought about it, this translator must not only be proficient in English, but also have solid professional knowledge of ships. It won’t work if you don’t have solid professional knowledge about ships.”

"Well, you're right, the two are really indispensable."

Suddenly, many people fully agree with this point.

Yang Fan didn't participate in the discussion among everyone, his face looked very calm, but in fact he was always weighing and considering in his heart.

After a long time, I gritted my teeth secretly, and finally made a decision to give it a try, as a contribution to the development of our Type 52 guided missile destroyer.

As a shipman, seeing difficulties in the research and development of the 052 ship, and encountering difficulties in communicating with foreign ship experts, he should have come forward.

This is the professionalism of a shipman.

Just like a qualified doctor, seeing the patient's life is dying, it is the same reason.

Yang Fan made his own decision.

At this time, Kuang Wei, the director of the overall design office, just walked into this big office. He didn't have any hope. In his eyes, Ma Huaxiang, who had the best English proficiency in the overall design office, was no good, and everyone else was definitely not.

It's just that as a leader, he should convey some things in the institute to everyone, that's all.

As soon as Kuang Wei came in, the people who were discussing this matter sat upright one after another, and the huge office became quiet.

Looking around at everyone, he nodded lightly, and then said: "Comrades, I believe everyone has read the notice posted in the office. The Model Office is looking for Director Zhao Yulan."

Some people lowered their heads, and some pretended to start working seriously. The big office was silent. Seeing this, Kuang Wei shook his head with a wry smile, thinking in his heart, our overall design office should not have such capable people.

Suddenly, Kuang Wei showed surprise on his face, he was surprised to see Yang Fan stand up
(End of this chapter)

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