Military Heavy

Chapter 15 try 1

Chapter 15

Not just Kuang Wei!
Other colleagues, such as those who had buried their heads or pretended to start preparing for work, all looked at Yang Fan who stood up.

Many people were at a loss, with a big question mark in their minds.

Some people thought in their hearts, what happened to Yang Fan, and suddenly stood up, do they have something to say in front of everyone at this time?

As for Yang Fan voluntarily asking Ying to take on the translation work, that was never thought of by anyone, because he didn't dare to think about it.Didn't Ma Huaxiang just say that such a translation job requires not only a high level of English, but also solid professional knowledge, both of which are indispensable.

Many colleagues think that Yang Fan is a newcomer and may have some professional knowledge about ships, but it is estimated that he only stays in books, and there should be a big gap compared with everyone sitting here.

As for English proficiency?
"Hey, he seems to have a good command of English." Someone seemed to have discovered a new world, and suddenly remembered that Yang Fan usually read English books and some foreign language periodicals.

Kuang Wei looked at Yang Fan and asked, "Xiao Yang, what do you want?"

He didn't believe that Yang Fan was qualified for the translation work this time, and he also thought that Yang Fan had something else to tell him.

Yang Fan's eyes were calm, and there was faint confidence in this calmness, "Director Kuang, if possible, I can try it."

It took a long time to recover, and Kuang Wei asked tentatively: "Xiao Yang, you mean that you want to try to undertake this translation work."

After saying this, there was an unbelievable expression in his eyes, and he looked at Yang Fan with completely unbelievable eyes.

"Yeah." Yang Fan nodded affirmatively, "My English is not bad, I think I can do this kind of translation."

Hearing such an affirmative answer, and finally feeling the self-confidence exuded by Yang Fan, Kuang Wei said: "Yes, then you can go and try it, without further delay, go to Director Zhao Yulan of the model office now."

"Okay." Yang Fan said, "It's just that I haven't finished the design drawing of the power distribution board that I'm in charge of. This"

Kuang Wei waved his hand and said, "It's a small matter. Don't worry, go to Director Zhao. I will arrange for other people to draw this switchboard design."


Without further ado, Yang Fan left his seat, stepped out of the big office, and walked towards the 052 ship model office with strides.

Watching Yang Fan leave, Kuang Wei thought in his heart, can he do it?

"A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Maybe he will know how difficult this translation work is." Kuang Wei thought in his heart, not daring to hold too much hope. After shaking his head lightly, he also left this office.

As soon as Kuang Wei left, the originally quiet big office suddenly became noisy. Everyone was talking about Yang Fan's volunteering.

"Everyone, do you think our Comrade Xiao Yang can do it?"

"Well, I don't think so."

"Our little Yang is so young, I bet he'll come back soon deflated."


Leaving everyone discussing in the office, Yang Fan walked to the gate of the Type 052 ship model office, saw that the gate was ajar, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

In the office, apart from Zhao Yulan, there was also Chen Linfang, a full-time translator from Donghai Ship Design Institute.She is a graduate of an English major, and her English level is acceptable, but she lacks professional knowledge on ships, and she is temporarily unable to perform translation work in technical exchanges.

After the announcement was posted, there were already two people who came here on their own initiative, claiming that they could undertake the translation.

To be on the safe side, Zhao Yulan will have a simple interview first, mainly to test the other party's English level. The interviewer is Chen Linfang.

It's just that Zhao Yulan was a little disappointed. The English level of these two people is very average, and simple daily communication is fine. Technical communication will involve some obscure professional translations, and they are definitely not good.

Zhao Yulan was rather disappointed.

She thought in her heart, if it really doesn't work, she can only ask for help from the outside. Tunghai University has an English major, so just ask a teacher from them to come over.

Raising his hand to check the time, his heart gradually became anxious, he got up and picked up the phone on the desk, thought about it and put it down again.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and Zhao Yulan knew that it should be the third guy who recommended himself. If this guy still can't do it, then call Tunghai University for help.

"Please come in!"

To her surprise, it was Yang Fan who opened the door and entered.Zhao Yulan was slightly taken aback at first, probably because Yang Fan's arrival was a bit unexpected, and soon, a look of enthusiasm appeared on her face, sweeping away the disappointment and anxiety just now.

She had a very good impression of Yang Fan. If it was someone else, she would not have this enthusiasm. "Xiao Yang is here, please sit down."

While calling Yang Fan to sit down on the chair, Zhao Yulan picked up the thermos bottle and prepared to pour boiling water for Yang Fan to make tea.

Yang Fan quickly waved his hand and said, "Director Zhao, you're welcome. I saw the notice posted in the institute. I recommended myself this time, and I want to give it a try."

"Oh." Zhao Yulan glanced at Yang Fan in surprise, and then said, "I didn't see it, but Comrade Xiao Yang's English is not bad."

Yang Fan explained: "I am very interested in English. I learned some in college. After I started working, I have been insisting on self-study. I often read some foreign language journals. I feel that my English level has improved a lot. I should be qualified for this translation job."

When he came here, Yang Fan had already thought up a set of rhetoric, and attributed his good English to his university studies and self-study after joining the work.

Otherwise, why should you, a person who has only graduated from university for less than a year, have such a good English level, and you have been insisting on self-study, so you can barely explain it.

Zhao Yulan is a very steady person.

It is not because Yang Fan has a good impression of Yang Fan and Yang Fan speaks good English, so he will take Yang Fan to undertake this translation work, but also have to pass Chen Linfang's interview.

She gave Chen Linfang a gesture to start the interview.

Chen Linfang nodded knowingly, looked at Yang Fan solemnly, and said in English, "Comrade Yang Fan, please briefly introduce yourself in English."

Yang Fan smiled and thought in his heart that this is to test his English level first, so he said in very fluent and standard English: "OK, there is no problem, my name is Yang Fan, and I am a member of the general design office. designer."

Zhao Yulan looked at Yang Fan in surprise.

After Yang Fan finished speaking, Chen Linfang said: "Comrade Yang Fan, I didn't expect your English to be so fluent. You are the most standard English speaker I have ever seen. Compared with you, I am far behind."

Yang Fan said modestly: "Where, you are not bad."

At this moment, Zhao Yulan's heart lightened, and a look of obvious joy appeared on her face, and she immediately said, "Xiao Yang, hurry up and go there with me, now Chief Master Pan and the others are preparing for a technical exchange with foreign guests."

After finishing speaking, he lifted his feet and walked outside, walking faster than usual, Yang Fan hurriedly followed, Chen Linfang was the last one to leave the office, and gently closed the office door.

Looking at Yang Fan's back, she thought to herself, why is his English proficiency so good? Did he really learn it by himself? If he can reach such a level through self-study, then he is really a genius.

in the conference room.

Pan Jinfu, the chief designer of the 052 ship, one of the deputy chief engineers of the 052 ship, the leader of the Military Industry Bureau, the representative of the military, and the leaders of the institute were sitting there. On the other side were three people including Mario.

This afternoon, the two sides are planning to exchange some technologies on modern ships. Pan Jinfu even thought that it would be great if they could exchange some things about the combat system.

Pan Jinfu himself didn't dare to place too much hope, especially when he thought of the young designer Kuang Wei brought over this morning. His English was really a bit broken, and the foreign guests couldn't understand what he was saying after making gestures for a long time.

It took such a lot of effort to invite people here, not only to facilitate the import of high-speed diesel engines from country F, but also to learn about the combat systems on country F's new generation of modern warships.

At present, there is no such concept as a combat system in our country. In the past, our country was single-machine and single-control. That is, the one in charge of the secondary guns was the secondary guns, and the one in charge of the main guns was the main guns. There was no unified command organization for the entire ship.

Such as the 051 ship, it does not have such a concept as a combat system.

Compared with Type 051, the biggest difference and progress of Type 052 is that it will put forward the concept of combat system for the first time. This is the biggest bright spot in the design of Type 052, and of course it will also be the biggest difficulty.

In Pan Jinfu's vision, on the future Type 052 destroyer, radar, missiles, artillery, torpedoes and auxiliary equipment must form an organic whole, that is to say, a combat system will be formed.

Through Malina's translation, Pan Jinfu is communicating with Mario on some common technical aspects, and has not yet involved some in-depth exchanges.

To Pan Jinfu's surprise, the door of the conference room was gently pushed open, and Zhao Yulan, director of the model office, walked in with Yang Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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