Military Heavy

Chapter 16 Excellent performance

Chapter 16 Excellent performance
Some people don't even know Yang Fan.

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Someone looked at Pan Jinfu suspiciously. Mario also shrugged and spread his hands. He also couldn't understand how such a formal and important occasion would have such a young man come in.

"Director Zhao."

Pan Jinfu suddenly thought of something. According to his instructions, Zhao Yulan searched for an English talent in the whole firm to work as an interpreter. Could it be that Yang Fan was the one who was looking for someone?

Zhao Yulan was overjoyed, and said happily: "General Master Pan, fortunately, I have finally found the translator you want. This time, Xiao Yang will be the translator."


Pan Jinfu couldn't help but glanced at Yang Fan approvingly, and then hurriedly greeted him, "Xiao Yang, sit by my side."


While answering, Yang Fan smiled and sat on the empty seat next to Pan Jinfu. There was no trace of nervousness or stage fright, and his whole body seemed to be full of self-confidence. Everyone else seemed to feel that the leader of the Military Industry Bureau Inevitably, he glanced at Yang Fan several times, and firmly remembered Yang Fan's appearance in his heart.

After Yang Fan sat down, Pan Jinfu asked: "Mr. Mario, can you introduce the situation of your high-speed diesel engine in detail?"

Every time after Pan Jinfu finished speaking one or two sentences, Malina would translate immediately, but this time she was not in a hurry to translate, maybe out of respect for our translator, maybe because she wanted to see the level of our translator How about it.

She has been here for three days. In her impression, the English level in this big eastern country is really low, and there are not many people who can speak English. For example, the translator this morning, stuttering, and his pronunciation is not standard , not fluent, she almost wanted to laugh.

Yang Fan looked at Malina, knowing that the other party gave him the opportunity to translate, and without hesitation, fluent and standard English came out of his mouth.

If you haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen a pig run?

These people on our side, including Pan Jinfu, although their English skills are not very good, they still know the goods. When they first heard Yang Fan's fluent oral English, their eyes immediately lit up.

Pan Jinfu was even more relieved, knowing that the translator he needed had been found, he glanced at Zhao Yulan with satisfaction, and nodded slightly.

At this moment, the hanging stone in Zhao Yulan's heart was finally completely let go, and she let out a long and quiet breath.

Yang Fan's translation is very accurate and very standard.

Rest assured, Pan Jinfu began to let go of his hands and feet, without the slightest scruples in communication, and began to talk with Mario about the high-speed diesel engine.

With Yang Fan's translation, everyone finally had a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the high-speed diesel engines in country F. With Mario's introduction, everyone began to know some specific performance and parameters of the diesel engines.

The leader of the military industry bureau looked at Yang Fan approvingly from time to time, his eyes were full of satisfaction, and he probably said in his heart more than once that this young man is really good.

There are more and more things recorded in everyone's notebooks, and some things that were originally incomprehensible due to language barriers are now completely fine.

After talking freely about the high-speed diesel engine, Pan Jinfu changed the subject and began to ask about the combat system of a new type of warship in Country F.

This is the top priority.

It is also what Pan Jinfu wants to know the most. Now that he has Yang Fan's excellent translation, of course he will not let go of such a good opportunity.

Mario introduced: "Yes, our new type of warship adopts a new type of command system, called the 'three-person platform', with a captain, a deputy chief of operations, and an intelligence officer."

When Pan Jinfu and the others heard this thing for the first time, they were all stunned. After a brief moment of astonishment, Pan Jinfu asked: "Mr. Mario, can you introduce this 'three-person platform' in detail?"


Mario nodded in agreement, and then began to introduce the three-man platform command and combat system on their new warship, with Yang Fan interpreting accurately and fluently beside him.

Of course, Yang Fan knew about the three-person platform, and he was very clear.

The three-person platform on the new warships of country F can only reach the level of centralized command and decentralized control. It is far from the real modern combat system, but this is the prototype of a modern combat system.

At this time, there is no such thing as a combat system in the country at all. Taking the "three-person platform" as a starting point, it is perfect for our country's naval equipment to move from mechanization to informatization and automation.

In other words, the starting point should be lower, not too high, and the step-by-step development is most in line with the current actual situation.

Yang Fan, who is familiar with the development history of the 052 ship, knows that it was from the three-person platform that the informatization level of my country's 052 ship has achieved a substantial leap.

After the 052 ship has a three-person platform, it has been continuously improved, improved, and continuously updated. Our 052 ship finally has a world-class combat system, and the blue is better than the blue.

Seeing that Mario started to introduce the three-person platform, the meeting room fell silent, and everyone listened carefully, as if they were afraid of missing anything.

"A captain, a deputy chief of operations, and an intelligence officer."

"The intelligence officer collects information. He tells the captain to display the threatening information, and the combat officer puts forward operational opinions. This desk is also called the consultation room."

"All kinds of information are collected through computers. The three-person station is responsible for analyzing combat data and connecting various weapons and equipment on board. This is the core device of our guided missile destroyer information system."

Mario introduced a lot of things about the three-person platform and the combat command system on their new warships. With Yang Fan's translation, everyone could understand these originally extremely professional and obscure things.

Pan Jinfu knew that such a good opportunity was rare, and while listening carefully, he quickly recorded some important things in his notebook, filling almost two pages.

After listening to the introduction, not only Pan Jinfu, but everyone else knew that Mario had missed an important thing, which is how the three-person station works.

Tang Jianming, the deputy chief designer of the 052 ship, cast his eyes on Pan Jinfu.

Pan Jinfu nodded knowingly, and asked tentatively: "Mr. Mario, what is the working principle of the three-person station?"

Facing the inquiry, Mario smiled, with a helpless expression, smiled, shrugged, and spread his hands.The meaning is obvious, no comment.

Pan Jinfu was slightly disappointed.

When he tentatively asked just now, he didn't dare to have too much hope, knowing that the working principle of the three-person station was involved, and the other party might not disclose it.

Sure enough.

In other words, after listening to a lot of introductions from Mario just now, everyone also recorded a lot of things about the "three-person station", but what is the working principle of the three-person station is still unknown to everyone.

Yang Fan nodded secretly, knowing that the other party would definitely not talk about the principle of the three-person platform.

Like this kind of system, it is impossible for country F to enshrine the information to you with both hands. It is estimated that country F has set the tone before Mario came to Donghai City.

Everyone knows that there is no possibility to understand the working principle of the three-person platform for the time being, so they don't waste time on this issue and start to exchange some other things.

A whole afternoon passed like this.

The next day was another whole day, still spent in technical exchanges between the two sides. Yang Fan's translation was very accurate and fluent, which not only satisfied Pan Jinfu and others, but also made Mario give thumbs up more than once.

Because of Yang Fan, there is no longer any language barrier. This exchange was very successful, and Donghai Institute has gained a lot.

Everyone at the meeting showed satisfaction. When Mario and others left, Pan Jinfu and a group of people happily sent them to the airport very politely.

If there is anything dissatisfied, it is that it is temporarily impossible to know the working principle of the three-person platform.

In order to find out the working principle of the three-person platform that Mario said, Pan Jinfu euphemistically proposed to send people to country F for investigation. Take it back for their high-level consideration.

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(End of this chapter)

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