Military Heavy

Chapter 17 Become a celebrity

Chapter 17 Become a celebrity
After sending off Mario and his party, Pan Jinfu immediately held a small meeting without stopping to discuss the possibility of going to country F for investigation in the future.

It is very necessary to plan ahead and do some work ahead.

"Comrades, I believe that everyone wants to know the working principle of the three-person station as much as I do. Mario will not talk about the working principle. He should have boarded the plane by now. We must not give up this opportunity. We must understand the three-person platform. How the mannequin works."

Pan Jinfu set the tone of the meeting, with only one purpose, to figure out the working principle of the three-person platform as soon as possible, and to accumulate a technical foundation for the future combat command system of the 052 ship.

"Old Pan, this is not a simple matter. It's clear that the other party doesn't want to tell us the working principle." A leader of the Military Industry Bureau said worriedly.

"It depends on people." Pan Jinfu said: "I proposed to Mario to send people to country F for investigation. This is a test. He will definitely bring our intention back and report it to their senior management."

"Of course, it's not enough just to put forward this idea. Our senior management needs to communicate with the other side. I'm going to make a report to my superiors in the name of Ship 052, and try to send people to country F for investigation as soon as possible."

A representative of the military reminded: "Mr. Pan, even if we can finally send people to country F for investigation, if the other party keeps many things strictly confidential during the investigation process, our investigation results may be very little. "

This is true.

It is estimated that even if the other party agrees to send people to investigate, they will not hand over some technical data, and many things will still be kept secret.

If it took a lot of effort, and in the end the inspection trip to country F did not learn anything, it would be equivalent to doing a futile effort.

In the early days of reform and opening up, it was not an easy task to send a team to western developed countries for investigation. General scientific investigation or business investigation might be better. Such an investigation with obvious military color would require a lot of resources. and channels, and then also consume some precious foreign exchange.

At this time, the country is not rich, and its foreign exchange reserves are very limited. Good steel needs to be used wisely. Since we are going abroad for inspection, we must return with a full reward.

Pan Jinfu obviously made up his mind and made up his mind.

He said loudly: "I will make this report on sending people to study abroad. I think the superiors will finally agree, and your concerns are very correct, but even if country F keeps strict secrecy, I think we will still gain something. , It’s definitely better than staying at home and working behind closed doors.”

"During the inspection, we have to observe hard to see how some of their key components operate and what problems they solve. After understanding some basic problems, we will think about them after we come back. I think that as long as we go through trial and error, in the end we will still Can figure out how a triplet works."

This meeting didn't take long. Within an hour, everyone agreed on the idea of ​​drafting a report to the higher-ups as soon as possible, and trying to send people to country F to investigate their modern warships and learn about their three-person platform. working principle.

After two days of busy work, to be precise, he worked on translation work for two days, Yang Fan returned to his big office, and walked in on time at [-]:[-] am.

As soon as he came in, Yang Fan found that it seemed a little different from usual. His colleagues all looked at him with warm smiles.

Yang Fan, who was puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, was about to ask what was going on, Zhang Xiaodong stood up and said loudly: "Everyone applaud, welcome our hero back."

There was loud applause in the office.

Immediately, Yang Fan understood what was going on, and quickly said: "No, no, I just went to do translation work for two days."

After the applause stopped, Zhang Xiaodong said: "Yang Fan, this is not a simple translation job. Your story has almost spread in our office. Many people know that there is a talented person in our general design office."

"Where, where." Yang Fan was still very modest, without any complacency.

Ma Huaxiang also stood up, and said with admiration: "Yang Fan, you are really amazing. I have a deep understanding of how difficult this kind of translation work is. Without two brushes, I really can't do this kind of work."

He knows it.

It is precisely because he knows so well that he has such admiration for Yang Fan.

Everyone you say, I say, the central figure of the topic is Yang Fan.Words of admiration, compliments, and all kinds of nice words are not stingy.

It wasn't until Kuang Wei walked in that he calmed down. Unlike last time, Kuang Wei was full of joy and pride this time.

After walking in, Kuang Wei praised in front of everyone: "Xiao Yang, you have made a big face for our general design office this time, and I, the director of the office, also have a good face."

After a lot of praise, Kuang Wei left the big office with some unfinished business. When he left, he thought in his heart that our general office has produced talents, and such outstanding talents may not be able to stay in our general office.

In Kuang Wei's opinion, the temple of the overall design office is still a bit too small, and he thought of a sentence, is the golden scale a thing in a pond, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters wind and rain.

"Yang Fan, you have made a great contribution this time, and there will definitely be a big reward in the institute, so you must treat us when the time comes!"

Someone next to him was smiling, joking with Yang Fan so kindly.

"That's for sure." Yang Fan agreed without hesitation.

Last time I was awarded the Excellent Intern of the Year, and this time I completed the translation task even more brilliantly. The rewards I won should not be less than last time.

Yang Fan needs money. From the 21st century back to the 80s, he was always cash-strapped and never used to it. At least he should have a little money.

Results will come soon.

In the afternoon, Kuang Wei walked into this big office again, stood at the door and waved to Yang Fan: "Xiao Yang, go to Master Pan, he is waiting for you in the office."

Hearing this, Yang Fan immediately got up and walked out of the big office under everyone's envious eyes. When he was at the door of the big office, Kuang Wei patted Yang Fan's shoulder approvingly.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Yang Fan walked to the door of Pan Jinfu's office, raised his hand and knocked lightly on the door, and the familiar voice of General Master Pan came from inside, "Xiao Yang, push the door and come in, the door is not locked."

Gently pushing the door open, Yang Fan said, "Master Pan, you are looking for me."

"Xiao Yang, um, not bad."

Pan Jinfu's eyes were full of satisfaction, and he greeted warmly: "Sit here, I have something for you."

There is an old-fashioned coffee table and two old sofas on the side of the office wall. The skin on them has worn off a lot. It seems that these things have been used for many years.

Things are old, but clean.

Yang Fan sat down on the sofa as he said, and when he saw Pan Jinfu holding a boiling water bottle to pour water for himself to make tea, he quickly stood up again, "Mr. Pan, I'll do it, I'll do it myself."

Pan Jinfu did not insist, and handed the boiled water bottle to Yang Fan's hand, and then sat down on another sofa.

After Yang Fan poured boiling water to make tea, Pan Jinfu said: "Xiao Yang, your translation this time is very good. If it weren't for your accurate translation, our technical communication with Mario would not have been so smooth, let alone be so in-depth."

After praising him, Pan Jinfu got up and took out two things from the drawer of his desk, a certificate of award and a bulging envelope.

(End of this chapter)

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