Military Heavy

Chapter 18 Platformization

Chapter 18 Platformization

Yang Fan's eyes fell on these two things.

Pan Jinfu smiled, took these two things and sat down on the sofa again, and first handed the certificate to Yang Fan.

Taking the certificate with both hands, Yang Fan's eyes fell on it, and he immediately felt at ease. This is a heavy honor.

"Certificate of Award"

Comrade Yang Fan:

You have performed outstandingly in this translation work, and after the collective research conducted by the leader, we decided to give you a reward and credit it once.
I looked and looked, especially when I saw Liang Zhiquan's inscription above, and the bright red seal of Donghai Ship Design Institute, I was in an unprecedented mood.

Who is Liang Zhiquan? That's the big boss of the Donghai Ship Design Institute, the top leader. This certificate has his signature, which shows that it has a lot of weight.

Yang Fan carefully put away the certificate. This is not an ordinary honor. Apart from the certificate, there is also a cash reward.

It was a thick envelope, and Pan Jinfu personally handed it to Yang Fan, and said solemnly: "Xiao Yang, this is a reward of 300 yuan, and the institute is not rich, and the limited funds must be used for scientific research. above, so."

300 yuan!
This is not a small amount, basically equivalent to more than half a year's salary of an ordinary designer. Yang Fan was very satisfied, and took it with both hands, and said very gratefully: "Mr. Pan, the office is interesting enough, thank you."

To have 300 yuan instead of 200 or [-] yuan, Pan Jinfu must have secretly fought for Yang Fan.At this time, the country was not rich. Although the Donghai Ship Design Institute, a military industrial unit, received funding from superiors every year, most of the money was used for scientific research and design.

Pan Jinfu waved his hand, "You don't need to thank me, it's because you are so good, I think such a reward is worth it."

The two chatted.

Like an elder, Pan Jinfu asked Yang Fan about his recent work and life, and made it clear that if he had any difficulties in work or life, he could go to him directly.

Yang Fan expressed his thanks again.

After chatting for a while, I unknowingly talked about the 052 ship. At present, it is the formal design and demonstration stage of the 052 ship. After repeated discussions and debates, the leading department finally clarified the guiding ideology of the new generation of guided missile destroyers, that is Independent research and development, partly imported.

The guiding ideology has been clarified, and the work related to the design demonstration is in progress. As the chief designer, Pan Jinfu is relatively busy, which is also the main reason why he pays little attention to Yang Fan's work and life recently.

When talking about the 052 ship, Pan Jinfu asked casually, "Xiao Yang, what do you think about our new generation of warships in the future?"

Just a random question.

Pan Jinfu never had any hope that Yang Fan could tell the reason.If it was other young designers, Pan Jinfu would definitely not even ask.

He admired Yang Fan more, which is why he asked such a casual question.

If there are other people here, they will definitely be very surprised. I think they heard it wrong. Where is the chief designer asking a newcomer designer for some ideas on the future 052 ship.

Faced with the question, Yang Fan pondered, weighing in his heart whether he should say something or not.Looking at his words, Pan Jinfu felt that Yang Fan must have something in his heart, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't be under any pressure, just treat it as a normal chat."

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said: "General Master Pan, then I'll tell you what I said, don't laugh at you if I say something wrong."

Anyway, there was no one else, and facing an elder like Pan Jinfu, Yang Fan finally decided to say something, but he would pay attention to proportion and stop talking.

No one knows the development process of the 052 ship better than Yang Fan. He is more aware of the series of difficulties encountered in the development process of the 052 ship and the detours he has gone through. You can't act too amazing, even if some things are very clear, you can only hide them in your heart temporarily, and only say a few words when you encounter the right opportunity.

Now is a great opportunity.

Since Pan Jinfu asked, let's briefly talk about it.Yang Fan, who made up his mind, said, "Ship 052 is our new generation of warships in the future, and it will definitely be the main battleship. Due to many factors such as our domestic industrial strength, scientific research technology level, and financial resources, its early model and Compared with the same type of guided missile destroyers in Western developed countries, there will definitely be a relatively large gap."

"Well, that's right, the gap must be relatively large." Pan Jinfu nodded, fully agreeing with this point.

Yang Fan continued: "It doesn't matter if there is a gap between the early models and others. We can develop step by step and adopt the method of continuous updating. In the future, there will definitely be 052B, 052C, and even 052D. The gap with others will be continuously narrowed. Our The 052 ship will eventually reach the world's advanced level."

"Yes, although our starting point is a bit lower, we will definitely catch up in the end." Pan Jinfu nodded again, and motioned: "Continue talking."

Yang Fan said: "Because we will continue to upgrade in the future, we must consider platformization in the design of our early ship types, and take a long-term view to prepare for future upgrades."

Platform, easy to upgrade.

Yang Fan, who is familiar with the development process of the 052 ship, clearly knows that in history, when the early model of the 052 was upgraded later, it was found that the ship had insufficient redundancy, and many equipment could not be replaced, which is a pity.

After all, the country is not rich, so it is worthless to cause waste in vain. The purpose of Yang Fan's remarks is very obvious, that is, to hope that General Master Pan will carefully consider this point in the design of the 052 ship, and the early models of the 052 ship can also be carried out. Constantly updating, not wasting in vain.

Pan Jinfu fell into deep thought.

After two or three minutes, Pan Jinfu, who recovered from his contemplation, said, "Xiao Yang, what you said is very correct. I am also thinking about this. Our 3 ship must be platformized. We need to use long-term Design this new type of warship with your eyes, and provide services for the accumulation and upgrading of later technologies."

Hearing what General Master Pan said, Yang Fan was relieved, knowing that the design of the 052 ship should consider future upgrades.

After chatting for a few more minutes, Yang Fan knew that Pan Jinfu was busy and his time was precious, so he politely got up and said goodbye.

Maybe it was because there were a lot of affairs at hand, but Pan Jinfu didn't keep him, so he got up and gave Yang Fan two steps.Walking out of General Master Pan's office, Yang Fan thought about it, and decided to go back to his dormitory first, and temporarily put the 300 yuan in the dormitory. It's really inconvenient to carry such a thick stack on his body.

The distance is not far, and he arrived at the door of his dormitory in a few minutes, took out the key, and Yang Fan opened the door of the dormitory.After closing the door, Yang Fan happily took out the envelope.

300 yuan!

I opened the envelope a little excitedly, and pulled out the money with trembling hands. There was no second person in the dormitory room. At this moment, all the joy in my heart was expressed on my face.

The brand-new "Great Unity" almost exudes the fragrance of ink. Even though he knew that the number was correct, Yang Fan happily counted it again. The main figure knows the feeling of counting money.

One, two, three. 29, thirty!

That's right, thirty "Great Unity", exactly 300 yuan, one is not bad!
Carefully put the thirty "Great Unity" sheets into the envelope, opened the drawer, put the envelope in the drawer, folded the certificate and put it on the envelope, thought for a while, took a few books and pressed them on top.

After looking and looking, seeing that there was no problem, Yang Fan stepped out of the room, locked the door of the dormitory room, and then prepared to go to the big office.

It was not far away, and it took a few minutes to reach the door of the big office. As soon as I sat down in my seat, before I had time to do anything, someone next to me asked loudly.

"Yang Fan, what did General Master Pan tell you to do?"

Yang Fan smiled.

This matter cannot be concealed, and he did not deliberately conceal it from everyone. Yang Fan took out his wallet and took out two "Great Unity" cards from it, "Brother Zhang, it's hard work. You have to do some errands again. I will treat you and go buy some things." Let everyone eat."

In fact, Yang Fan also thought about inviting everyone to a restaurant for dinner, but he quickly denied it. He invited these colleagues in the big office, and the colleagues in other offices of the general design office, please don’t. please?
Please invite them all. There are so many people in the general design office, so they can only go to the state-run restaurant. The attitude is bad, the service is poor, and the food is expensive. Yang Fan really doesn’t want to go.

If we only invite the No. 20 people in this big office, we can sit down at two tables, and we can go to a private restaurant, but the question arises again, will colleagues from other offices who have not been invited have any objections?

So, the best way is to use some money to buy something for everyone to eat, so that no one will have any objections and everyone can be happy.

Zhang Xiaodong only took a piece of "Great Unity", which was ten yuan, and returned the other ten yuan to Yang Fan, saying, "You don't need so much, ten yuan is enough."

(End of this chapter)

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