Military Heavy

Chapter 19 Dragon Boat Festival

Chapter 19 Dragon Boat Festival

In the past two days, Yang Fan's work has been very easy. It may be that Kuang Wei took care of him secretly and did not assign any difficult work.

In the large office, colleagues are all immersed in their work, appearing to be very quiet.Yang Fan borrowed a few books on ships from the library in the office, took one of the books and read it for a while, after closing the book in his hand, Yang Fan thought in his heart, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, why? How about it?

In the mid-to-early 80s, the Dragon Boat Festival was not a statutory holiday, and one still had to go to work. This year, the Dragon Boat Festival is the working time, so there will be no holidays, such as Yang Fan who is at work.

The Dragon Boat Festival is usually spent with the family, eating zongzi and watching dragon boats.Dragon boats are definitely not seen in a big city like Donghai City, but rice dumplings can be considered.

Yang Fan was a little lost in thought.

From the soul travel of the 21st century to the middle and early 80s, God gave an opportunity to participate in the development and construction of the Type 052 guided missile destroyer, but it was basically a lonely one.

Parents are gone, only one sister married in the country, because she has been obsessed with reading books, she has few friends, and the only good friend is Han Jiang.

Now that we have come to this era, we will definitely make our own contribution to the research and development and construction of the 052 ship, so as not to let the technical knowledge of the ship that is full of mind be wasted in vain.In addition, we cannot give up on our own development. The next two to 30 years from now are the golden period of development, and there are a lot of good opportunities. If you want to earn some money and spend it, it should not be difficult.

He thought a lot in his mind, and gradually, unconsciously, the image of a young woman emerged. Yang Fan wanted to shake her out of his mind several times, but he was unable to do so.

That was Yang Fan's sister who married in the countryside. Because her parents died young, the siblings depended on each other. Without this motherly sister, it would be impossible for Yang Fan to be where he is today. The owner of this body has a very deep relationship with his sister.

The current Yang Fan feels that it is difficult to deal with it, and he is not prepared enough. After all, the current Yang Fan is not the same Yang Fan as before, and it is difficult to adapt to such a sister at first.

"Oh, what a headache."

Yang Fan sighed softly, and could only avoid it as much as possible for the time being. Let's talk about it after a while. Let's spend the Dragon Boat Festival alone, and go to work to pass the time.

"After get off work, let's eat rice dumplings."

"Yes, today is the Dragon Boat Festival. The canteen of the unit must have made a lot of rice dumplings. According to the usual practice, it should also cook some delicious dishes that are rarely seen in ordinary times."


A few minutes before leaving get off work at 12:[-] noon, some colleagues couldn't help but put down their work and start off work, or went to the unit cafeteria, or went home to have lunch.

For a young designer like Yang Fan, he would naturally go to the canteen of the unit. Seeing that many colleagues had left in just a few minutes, he raised his hand to see that the time had reached 12 o'clock, and Yang Fan also got up and left his seat.

"so many people!"

As soon as he arrived at the canteen of his unit, Yang Fan ate in secret. The number of people eating here today was at least double that of usual.

Because today is a holiday, the Dragon Boat Festival.

"Brother Fan, why did you come here? Fortunately, I came earlier."

Han Jiang had come earlier, not only occupied two seats, but also prepared the food for the two of them. Seeing Yang Fan's figure, he stood up and shouted loudly, while waving at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan smiled, walked over happily and sat down in one of the empty seats, "Hey, today's food is not bad, there are fish and meat."

Han Jiang said: "If I were a little later, I probably wouldn't be able to grab these things. I wanted to buy a few zongzi, but they have already been snatched up."

The chefs in the cafeteria originally made a lot of zongzi, because they are very affordable, as long as one two taels of food stamps are needed, many people buy ten or even twenty, and they will soon be gone.

It's a bit of a pity that I didn't eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.

However, Yang Fan quickly thought about it, at least today's food is good, one serving of steamed fish, one serving of steamed meat, vegetables and soup, which is completely the standard for festivals.If it is normal, how can there be such a richness, generally it is rare to see meat.

"Yang Fan, you didn't buy zongzi, did you?"

Zhang Xiaodong was carrying a large bunch of zongzi, and there were one to twenty by visual inspection. He happened to pass by Yang Fan and greeted him proactively.

"Brother Zhang, you are lucky and bought a lot."

Zhang Xiaodong said: "I got off work a few minutes early and finally bought some. I'm lucky."

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't have zongzi, he took two and said, "Try it, the zongzi in our unit cafeteria is pretty good every year."

Just now I was a little regretful that I didn't buy zongzi. If you don't eat zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, it seems that something is missing.

"Brother Zhang, then I'll take it." Yang Fan said while taking out four taels of food stamps.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiaodong quickly waved his hands, "No, no, just two zongzi, what kind of food coupons do we collect between brothers?"

He insisted on not wanting it, but Yang Fan had no choice but to put away the few liang of food stamps, and said a few polite words to Zhang Xiaodong. After watching him leave with the zongzi, he took one of the zongzi and gave it to Han Jiang, one for each of them.

Han Jiang wasn't too polite, he seemed very happy, "Haha, I can finally eat the zongzi from our unit's cafeteria, um, it's delicious."

As soon as he peeled off the zongzi, he took a bite first, and praised the deliciousness while eating.Yang Fan smiled, also peeled off the leaves of the hot rice dumpling in his hand, and started to eat it slowly.

"Well, it tastes good. No wonder so many people come here to buy it. No wonder the zongzi in our unit's cafeteria is so popular."

The fragrance of glutinous rice, the fragrance of zong leaves, these two fragrances are mixed together, plus the taste is soft and sticky, the texture and taste are very good.

If the full score is 100 points, this zongzi can score 7 or 80 points. If there is any fly in the ointment, it is that there are too few fillings inside. There is only a red date, no egg yolk, and no meat.

This is also normal, the current material conditions are not as ample and rich as in the 21st century, and these things are rarely found in zongzi.

The two chatted while eating.

After eating zongzi and lunch, I felt a sense of satisfaction in my heart. Today was a tooth festival, which improved my life a lot.

"Brother Fan, it's the holidays today. I'll treat you tonight. There's a nice new private restaurant. Let's go there to eat." Han Jiang said this when he got up to leave after eating.

Yang Fan waved his hand and said, "I'll treat you tonight, so I'll go to the restaurant you mentioned."

Two days ago, he was rewarded with 500 yuan for his outstanding translation work. He has money in his pocket, and Yang Fan looks very generous. Anyway, two hearty meals don’t cost a few yuan.

The two have a good relationship, and knowing that Yang Fan was rewarded with 500 yuan, Han Jiang didn't insist. He laughed, "Brother Fan, then it's settled. I'll wait for you at the gate of the dormitory after get off work."

Like Yang Fan, he is also a young designer and lives in the collective Su dormitory of Donghai Ship Design Institute.

The matter was settled like this, the two got up and left the unit canteen together, because today is a holiday, you can go to work a little later in the afternoon, mainly to facilitate those who have wives and children to go home to cook, and the family can eat a sail together for the holiday.

Just like Zhang Xiaodong just now, he hurried home after buying zongzi. He was married, and the family probably started eating zongzi at this time.

There is still a little time, and there is no rush to go to work in the afternoon. The two of them are going to go back to the dormitory to rest first, and then go to work at the unit.

While walking, talking and laughing.

It is not far from the canteen to the dormitory, and it takes less than 10 minutes to walk, and we soon arrive at the gate of the dormitory. At this time, the gatekeeper of the dormitory saw and recognized Yang Fan, and shouted loudly.

"Yang Fan, am I looking for you?"

Yang Fan stopped in his tracks and asked, "Uncle Li, what do you want from me?"

"Someone is looking for you, and the other party says it is your sister, who has been waiting for you in the reception room for more than half an hour." Grandpa Li said.

"My sister?"

Yang Fan was taken aback for a moment, and then an image of a young woman appeared in his mind, that is the elder sister of this body, he did not expect her to come all the way from the countryside.

Yang Fan couldn't accept such a sister for the time being, and he was not prepared enough in his heart, he stood there very hesitantly, see, or not.
(End of this chapter)

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