Military Heavy

Chapter 20 The first meeting

Chapter 20 The First Meeting

When Han Jiang saw someone coming from Yang Fan's house, he was very clever and immediately said, "Brother Fan, then I'll go back to the dormitory first."

After finishing speaking, he walked away quickly alone, not wanting to affect Yang Fan.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Yang Fan still made up his mind, he couldn't hide from him, and sooner or later he would have to face all this, so let's see each other.

So, Yang Fan walked towards the reception room of the dormitory building, and saw a young woman at least two to 30 meters away. She was Yang Fang, the elder sister of this body.

Long-sleeved floral cloth on the upper body, blue trousers on the lower body, and a pair of cloth shoes on the feet, very ordinary attire, a typical image of a young rural woman, but clean and tidy, without the slightest rusticity a feeling of.

"younger brother!"

Seeing Yang Fan, Yang Fang yelled happily, and then almost ran over all the way, the joy was beyond words.

Yang Fan didn't know how to speak, the hurdle in his heart hadn't passed yet, she was the older sister of Yang Fan before, but she was a stranger to Yang Fan now, it was the first time Yang Fan saw her.

Yang Fang was very happy, very happy, didn't notice Yang Fan's abnormality at all for the time being, trotted all the way to Yang Fan, looked and looked lovingly, afraid that this younger brother would lose weight, or that he would suffer here.

"Well, not thin, but stronger than before."

After looking at it, Yang Fang nodded reassuringly, and handed the things she brought over to Yang Fan, "I know you like the zongzi made by my sister, so I made some for you, enough for you to eat, keep it for later Eat slowly, it won't go bad after a few days."

It was heavy, it was a bag of zongzi that almost still had a trace of warmth, stuffed with red dates, egg yolk, and braised pork stuffing, there were at least thirty or forty of them.

Yang Fang loves and understands this younger brother very well. She has always cared about this younger brother. She started making zongzi yesterday and cooked it all night. She took these zongzi out the door early this morning.

She lives in the countryside of Donghai City.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is an urban-rural fringe area, which belongs to the suburbs. It took about a few miles to walk from home to the nearest station, took a car for more than half an hour to the city, and then transferred to a bus. It took almost a whole morning to finally arrive. The unit where Yang Fan works.

All the hard work was worth it, as soon as she saw Yang Fan, all the tiredness in her heart disappeared, and there was only this brother in her eyes.

Holding Yang Fan's hand, she seemed to have endless words.

"Your brother-in-law originally wanted to come with me, but I didn't ask him to come because there was a lot of work in the field. Your nephew also clamored to come. He was too young, so I didn't let him come."

Listening to Yang Fang's rambling, Yang Fan can fully understand the deep relationship between the two siblings.

The memory in Yang Fan's mind is rather vague, but he can know something.Like the previous Yang Fan whose parents died because of an accident, Yang Fan had just entered junior high school at that time, and Yang Fang, who was three years older, had just graduated from junior high school.

For this younger brother, Yang Fang took care of the family alone. It was very difficult. She didn't think about her own life until Yang Fan was admitted to Tunghai University. She married a simple and honest young man under the introduction of others. It is Yang Fan's current brother-in-law Xie Guoqing.

After talking happily, Yang Fang finally noticed that Yang Fan seemed a little different from usual, and couldn't help asking a little worriedly: "Brother, what's wrong with you, did you encounter any unhappy things?"

Yang Fan said softly: "No."

He looked at the elder sister whom he met for the first time, then looked at the time, and asked, "Do you still have lunch, let's go, I'll take you to dinner first."

"It's okay, I'm not hungry." Yang Fang replied.

Seeing the brand new watch on Yang Fan's wrist, Yang Fang asked happily: "Brother, you bought a watch. You really need to buy a watch when you start working. My sister has been saving money to buy you a watch. I have almost saved up, but I haven't had time to buy it yet."

"Yeah." Yang Fan didn't know what to say, after hesitating for two or three seconds, he said: "Let's go, let's eat first, our unit cafeteria still has food."

Maybe he was really hungry too, Yang Fang said: "Okay then, let's go eat first."

She happily followed behind Yang Fan, feeling very happy in her heart, she loved this younger brother more and more, and from time to time he asked for his relatives, showing incomparable concern.

Yang Fan helped prepare the meals, and during the meal, he stopped asking about her health and began to talk about her situation.

After talking about the recent situation, Yang Fang said: "Brother, come and see my sister when you have time. You still celebrate the Chinese New Year. It will be the Dragon Boat Festival in a blink of an eye. Your brother-in-law and I miss you very much."

Yang Fan responded.

At first, there was a bit of repulsion in my heart, and I hadn't accepted such a sister in my heart, but after realizing the deep love of this sister, the love without any impurities, Yang Fan's heart suddenly softened a lot, and he was not so high. cold.

Perhaps, it is also a good thing to have such a sister and such a relative.Yang Fan thought so in his heart.

After eating, Yang Fang said: "You guys still have to go to work this afternoon, then I'll go back by car."

After a little hesitation, Yang Fan said: "Go and sit in my dormitory, take a rest and go back."

I wanted to call "Sister" at first, but I couldn't say it in the end. Maybe it will take time, and I may call "Sister" smoothly in the future.

"No, I have to go back earlier. There is still a lot of work to be done in the field. Your brother-in-law may not be able to do it alone."

The land is divided into households, and it is no longer a large collective. Yang Fang's family has more than two mu of vegetable fields and more than one mu of paddy fields.Just now Yang Fang briefly talked about her current situation. Life is much better than before, and the economy is also much better. Now the main source of income is to grow vegetables.

Yang Fan's brother-in-law, Xie Guoqing, is strong and hardworking. The two acres of vegetable land is well-managed, and the vegetables in the field are growing very gratifyingly. Every day, he takes a load of vegetables to the city to sell.

Satisfied, Yang Fang finally saw her brother whom she hadn't seen for several months and insisted on going back earlier. Yang Fan took her to the bus station and watched her get on the bus and leave.

After waving goodbye, Yang Fan felt a little more warmth in his heart. This sister is really good, and she will be his real relative in this time and space.

After watching the bus gradually go away, Yang Fan returned to his dormitory with the bag of zongzi, stood at the door of the dormitory room, took out the key, and opened the door.

After putting the things on the table, Yang Fan opened the bag, and there were a total of [-] zongzi inside, which were still warm. In addition, there were ten homegrown eggs that were still warm and cooked.

Picking up one of the zongzi, peeling off the zongzi leaves, and taking a light bite, the memory in my mind was still the familiar taste.

This is a meat dumpling, a piece of fatty braised pork wrapped in glutinous rice, full of meaty aroma, full of rice dumpling leaf aroma, full of glutinous rice aroma.
After eating this zongzi, Yang Fan's heart was touched.

From these rice dumplings and eggs, I can clearly feel the heavy love. In my heart, Yang Fan said softly, don't worry, your sister will be my sister in the future, and I will treat her well and treat her as my dearest people.

These words seem to be said to the previous Yang Fan.

The Dragon Boat Festival is calm for many people, and the Donghai Ship Design Institute seems not to be affected in the slightest, and everyone is devoted to work as always.

For Yang Fan, this is definitely an unusual Dragon Boat Festival. Every zongzi and every egg seems to be full of deep family affection.

Yang Fan ate these eggs and zongzi for several days, but he didn't get tired of eating them at all. He seemed to never get tired of eating them, and he was even reluctant to give any of them to other colleagues, so he only gave a few to each of Han Jiang and Zhang Xiaodong.

Days pass by.

Under the leadership of Pan Jinfu, the technical team of the Donghai Institute started the comprehensive design demonstration of the 052 ship. The overall timeline has been given above, and it is required to complete the design demonstration of the 1984 ship before April 4.

Far away in the capital, the 052 ship's general headquarters began to be established, and the four-story general headquarters building also began to get busy, with figures coming in and out from time to time.

Pan Jinfu was looking at a document at Donghai Naval Design Institute. He was very happy to read it, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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