Military Heavy

Chapter 101 Dissertation Distress

Chapter 101 Dissertation Distress

Zhang Xiaodong has been under a lot of pressure these days.

This kind of pressure is not on the job, but on the promotion of the title.Just now he received another call from the Human Resources Department, formally informing him that the statistics of papers for the evaluation of senior engineers had begun.

Last week, Zhang Xiaodong submitted an application for promotion to a senior title.According to the regulations of the Donghai Institute, after one year of work and passing the assessment, one will automatically obtain a junior professional title, that is, an assistant engineer.

After working for five years, you can apply for an intermediate title, that is, engineer.After working for ten years, you can apply for senior engineer.

Satisfying the number of years is only one of the conditions. The declaration of senior engineers is relatively strict. The person shall submit a written application to the Human Resources Department, and after filling in the relevant materials and forms, the Human Resources Department will make a unified evaluation.

In addition to the thesis defense, the most important thing is to have published more than two theses in national journals.

This is hard and fast.

And Zhang Xiaodong only published one paper on "Huaxia Ships", and it took a long time to work hard. It was published together with a senior designer in the general design office, and the co-signed one was actually a free ride.

what should we do?

The statistics of the papers will be made soon. If the number of papers is less than two, the first pass of this year's senior professional title review will be rejected.

Zhang Xiaodong felt a little irritable and stressed.

Where does that leave me for another paper?

write now?

It must be too late.After writing it, it needs to be published, which requires a process, ranging from two to three months to more than half a year.

The point is that Zhang Xiaodong didn't have the slightest idea that his paper would be published as soon as it was sent out. What if it didn't get into the eyes of the magazine?

"Well, it seems that we can only wait another year."

Last year, he was eliminated in the first round because the number of papers did not meet the standard, and he did not enter the defense of the professional title review at all. This year is the same.

I am unwilling!
Thinking of some colleagues who joined the work one or two years later than him, who had already been rated as senior engineers, Zhang Xiaodong felt very uncomfortable.

"Brother Zhang, what's the matter, are you still worrying about the job title?"

Xu Zhaokang has been working for exactly ten years. Like Zhang Xiaodong, he has filled out the materials for declaring a senior professional title to the personnel department.

But he was lucky, and there happened to be two papers. Although the first author was not him, but co-authored with others, such papers were also counted.

"Old Xu, you are still smart. You have already prepared for the selection of senior professional titles, and you have given others a ride twice."

Xu Zhaokang smiled happily at first, and then comforted him: "Brother Zhang, if you can't do it this year, come back next year. Write a paper now, once, twice, twice, three times. I believe you will be able to publish one in a year." .”

This is true.

The Donghai Institute conducts a professional title review every year, and it seems that we can only hope for next year.Although Zhang Xiaodong was extremely unwilling, what could he do?

After reading a few design drawings, Zhang Xiaodong felt that he was not in the mood, so he simply took out a pen and paper and started to conceive and write a thesis.

Stopping and writing, scribbling and correcting, it took more than a week, and finally wrote a paper that he was basically satisfied with.

Watched it from beginning to end, and it's pretty much the same.Zhang Xiaodong thought in his heart, to be on the safe side, he needs to find someone to check in and provide guidance.

Who to look for?
One name after another appeared in his mind, and he finally settled on looking for Yang Fan.

On the one hand, the relationship between the two is good, and on the other hand, he thinks that Yang Fan is capable.

After making up his mind, he took this paper out of the office, went to the model office, knocked on the door and entered Yang Fan's office.

"Oh, Brother Zhang is here."

Even though he has two jobs, in informal occasions, Yang Fan still politely calls Zhang Xiaodong "Brother Zhang", which makes Zhang Xiaodong very grateful.

"Director Yang, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Brother Zhang, why are we being polite?" Yang Fan was very enthusiastic, and while calling Zhang Xiaodong to sit down, he picked up a thermos bottle and poured boiling water to make a cup of hot tea.

The two chatted.

Yang Fan is very familiar with and understands Zhang Xiaodong, and the evaluation of professional titles in the institute is the hottest topic now, so Yang Fan asked with concern.

"Brother Zhang, you have been working for more than ten years, and you have applied for the senior professional title evaluation this time."

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaodong felt bitter.

"I have been working for more than 13 years, and the number of years has already met the requirements for declaring a senior professional title, but"

He let out a long sigh.

Desolately said: "It is estimated that there is no hope for this year. We can only rely on the evaluation of professional titles next year. I hope that I will be awarded a senior professional title next year."

What's going on here?
Yang Fan looked at Zhang Xiaodong with concern, and was very surprised, which was a little different from the optimistic and positive Zhang Xiaodong in his impression.

Have you encountered any problems in the evaluation of senior professional titles?Yang Fan asked: "Brother Zhang, what's the matter, is there a problem?"


First he let out a long sigh, and then said very unwillingly: "I'm stuck on papers. There are rigid requirements for the evaluation of senior professional titles. There must be more than two papers published in national journals, and I only have one paper." article, and still hitch a ride with someone else.”

The so-called free ride means that the paper was written by someone else, and Zhang Xiaodong's name was added to it.Generally speaking, the authors of a paper can be one person, two or three.

It turned out that the number of papers was insufficient.

Yang Fan smiled dumbly, thinking it was a big problem.

"Brother Zhang, you scared me." Yang Fan said jokingly, "I thought the sky was falling, it's a trivial matter."

Zhang Xiaodong said bitterly: "It's not a trivial matter. If there are no more than two papers, I will be rejected during the preliminary review of materials."

"Forget it, forget it." Zhang Xiaodong said, "It has been delayed for several years, and I don't care about this year. From now on, I will prepare my thesis carefully, and strive to be awarded a senior title next year."

Although the words are said in this way, people with a discerning eye can hear it as soon as they hear it, and there is a strong sense of unwillingness in the tone.

If you can successfully get a senior professional title this year, then why put your hopes on next year.

It's just that the number of papers is not enough, there is no way, it's just comforting in my heart.

Yang Fan smiled again.

This laughter made Zhang Xiaodong baffled, confused, almost complaining, I am already like this, you still have the mood to laugh.

The kind that smiles so happily!

Of course Yang Fan laughed happily, he didn't expect such a coincidence, what a coincidence, what he did unintentionally at the beginning seems to be Zhang Xiaodong's life-saving straw now.

Looking at Yang Fan who was smiling brightly, Zhang Xiaodong was very puzzled.

Under Zhang Xiaodong's puzzled gaze, Yang Fan walked to the bookshelf in the office and found one of the periodicals from a large stack.

"Take a look."

Zhang Xiaodong took the "Huaxia Ship" with question marks in his head, and found that it was the latest edition. He took it and looked at it, wondering what Yang Fan meant.

This is a sample issue, and it will take ten days and a half months before the official release.

"Turn to page 12, is there any surprise?"

Zhang Xiaodong turned to page 12 as he said.

Starting from page 12, pages 12, 13, and 14, the entire three pages are full of a paper, which is very detailed. The title of the paper is "Application of Modularization in Ship Design".

After seeing the author of the paper, Zhang Xiaodong's face turned red all of a sudden, and the hand holding the paper trembled uncontrollably.

Thanks to "Qingyi Xuefa Jianghu Road" for the 1000 starting coins, "Book Friends 20200327173213981" for the 1000 starting coins, and "Longtianbu" for the 500 starting coins.


thank you all!

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(End of this chapter)

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